“We buy politicians. A senator is f*** cheap. You can buy them for 10k.”

BlackRock recruiter Serge Varlay relays to an undercover journalist from O'Keefe Media Group how they buy politicians, profit from the Ukraine war, and control the world, all while the population doesn't even know they exist. This is a stunning confirmation of what we revealed in our documentary "MONOPOLY - Who Owns The World?" (watch below)

MONOPOLY confirms what is revealed by the BlackRock employee: the world is under attack by a very small group of astronomically wealthy people, who collaborate to seize complete control over everything on earth that’s not fully in their hands yet.

Can I tell you a secret?

We are revealing a lot more than just this video. For example, how one single corporation virtually owns the entire world, who the obscured entities are that control most governments, how our elections are being rigged to position puppets of criminals, how our weather is being manipulated to create "climate change", and even how pandemics are orchestrated to impose tyranny on humanity. Everything is 100% evidence based, and can be extensively fact- checked through hundreds of references. 

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