Ronald Bernard was directly working with the highest people of the financial elites, who effectively rule the world. He was very good at moving their massive money flows, in such a way that nobody could discover their criminal practices. At a certain point they invited him to join their Holy Masses in the Church of Satan. Bernard found it amusing to see the naked women, and enjoy the drugs and alcohol. The next step however shook him: he was invited to participate in the sacrificing of children. He discovered that most people who operate at the highest financial levels of our world are all part of a religion called Luciferianism, where children are sacrificed.
Former judge witnesses
child murder by elites
The eye witness account of Ronald Bernard is confirmed by many other whistleblowers from the elites. Below you can hear the testimony of Anne Marie van Bleijenburgh, a former judge from The Netherlands. She was regularly drugged by her husband, who then took her to official meetings with heads of state, commanders of the military, CEO's of news media, and other high profile people. During that gathering children were being raped and murdered, on stage. This was organized by the Dutch Royal Family, and the children came from Youth Care.
Read The Evidence Report
These two eye witness accounts are just a tiny fraction of an entire mountain range of evidence. You can see many more testimonies and proof in our full evidence report about organized chid abuse and murder by the people in our society who occupy the highest seats of power, in every area of society. This is information everyone must be aware of, if we want to build a better world.
support the fight for freedom
Our enemies are multi triljonaires and billionaires, whose unlimited financial resources allow them to buy and deceive the whole world. If you want to see humanity liberated from their grip, then please support Stop World Control, so we can open the eyes of millions worldwide. Together we can do the impossible!