What if I told you that without WarpSpeed, you could have been in one of the many re-education camps that have been built all around the USA, and worldwide?

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A Deeper Look At Operation Warp Speed Reveals Something Astonishing

Millions have died from these vaccines, hundreds of millions are permanently disabled, there is no safety testing, there is data fraud, etc.

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40+ Critical Facts To Consider Before Getting A Covid Vaccine

Millions lost their job, were refused health care, could not access banking services, could not enter shopping centers, etc. for not being vaccinated.

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How vaccine mandates have destroyed millions of lives around the world

Millions of sincere believers worldwide believe that the C0VID vaccines are the mark of the beast, as described in the Bible. Is that so?

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Are the vaccines the “Mark of the Beast” from the book of Revelation?

The Criminal Death Center (CDC) has unanimously decided to mass murder millions of beautiful, precious, divine and unique children.

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The Criminal Death Center (CDC) unleashes hell upon children

Former Pfizer vice-president and chief scientist Dr. Michael Yeadon warns humanity strongly not to take the vaccine, and explains in depth why the injections are very dangerous.

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Former PFIZER vice-president Dr. Michael Yeadon warns humanity not to take the vaccine

The ‘Physician of Presidents’ Dr. Vladimir Zelenko – nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize – takes a BIG RISK to say it all, before a Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem

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The Physician of Presidents Dr. Zelenko issues grave warning about covid vaccines