World Domination

"All your thoughts, feelings and dreams will be recorded 24/7." (1)

“5G can insert thoughts and feelings into everyone. It will be the central nervous system of society.” (2)

“We will see everything
that goes on inside your brain.” (3)
Nita A. Farahany, professor of psychology
"We shape the future of the world"
Each year the world’s richest business people, powerful industrialists, and influential politicians gather at the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland. Together they discuss how they will “improve the state of the world.” The founder and chairman of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, says proudly: "We are shaping the future of the world"4. They don’t consult you, of course, to hear if you are interested at all in their ideas. No, they just tell you what they are doing to radically transform every aspect of your life.

Their officially published goals include recording all your thoughts, emotions, and dreams 24/75, tracking everything you do, buy, wear, and eat6, and inserting thoughts and emotions into your mind7.
Everything must change
The key word in their vocabulary is "crisis". In their view, there are innumerable crises all over the world: health crises, social crises, financial crises, energy crises, climate crises... nothing but crises, everywhere, all the time9. The only way to solve all these crises, they say, is to radically transform every aspect of human existence: food, housing, healthcare, sexuality, agriculture, education, finance, travel, technology,... everything has to be overhauled to "save the planet".

There is, however, something ironic about this situation. The billionaires who claim they want to save the planet, are the very ones who have been destroying it!
It is these wealthy industrialists who have been cutting down all the forests to build highways, cities, and industrial zones; they have built thousands of factories that devastate the soil, water, and air of the earth; they have been stealing all the natural resources of every nation in the world to enrich themselves, while impoverishing the native people10; they have been poisoning the population with highly processed food that is devoid of nutrients, yet full of toxic chemical substances and harmful processed sugars and fats11.

They have pushed the excessive spraying of neurotoxic and carcinogenic herbicides and pesticides12, while genetically modifying all our produce, resulting in health-destroying fruits and vegetables13.
They have created the disastrous agenda of injecting little children with dozens of cocktails of toxic substances, which has been proven to give rise to the epidemic of autism and countless childhood diseases. Since mass vaccinations began decades ago, there has been an explosion of previously non-existent mental and physiological diseases among children and youth that is crippling them for life14. Inventors of true medical revolutions have been found dead all over the world15, while astronomical fees are charged for chemotherapy, which devastates the human body and has been proven to often cause cancer to re-emerge even more aggressively than before16.

Big Pharma has made humanity dependent on chemical drugs that not only have myriad side effects, but never cure anything. They merely suppress symptoms, without addressing the root cause.
The countless chemical drugs from the pharmaceutical industry generally don’t heal sick people, but make them lifelong consumers of drugs that cause a wide variety of other health issues. Hundreds of millions of people have found it necessary to take additional prescriptions to deal with side effects of their original meds. This corrupt system brings trillions of dollars into the pockets of the big pharmaceutical corporations.17

And what about the ongoing weather modification programs, also called geoengineering, that release unfathomable amounts of toxic substances into the atmosphere?18
Then we have the neurotoxic and carcinogenic radiation they have exposed humanity to with 5G, WiFi and Bluetooth19; the massive production of plastics that is wreaking havoc on ocean life20; the highly toxic chemicals they are putting in all household and cosmetic products... and so on, and so on, and so on. The horrors inflicted onto humanity by these super-rich industrialists, who stop at nothing to make even more money, are indescribable. Countless books, studies, reports, and videos have been made, documenting these horrendous crimes against humanity that are being committed all day long, everywhere on Earth.

And now these evil billionaires, who are directly responsible for much of the destruction caused on earth to enrich themselves, are claiming they want to "improve the state of the world?" And "save the planet"?
How they want to "save the planet"
Let's have a look at what these billionaires are proposing to "save the planet" and make life so much "better" for every one of us. This is not a conclusive list, but a selection of officially published and heavily promoted plans, many of which are being executed as we speak. Evidence for this can be found in the references at the end of this report.

Implementation of vaccine passports, which only allow people to participate in society if they continually take new booster injections.21

Social credit
Implementation of social credit scores, forcing people to comply - as resistance lowers their score, resulting in loss of basic rights.22

smart cities
Relocation of most of humanity into Smart Cities, where their thoughts, emotions and dreams are constantly recorded.23

Limited movement
Restriction of the distance that city people are allowed to go from their homes to 10-20 minutes. Permits are required to go farther.24

financial control
Replacement of cash with digital currencies that are strictly controlled by the rulers. Owning and spending money will be limited.25

Only information supporting the agenda of the billionaires will be allowed online. Everything that questions or criticizes their plans will be censored.26

no private possession
Elimination of ownership of private property. Everything must be rented: homes, cars, tools, even clothes.27

blocking the sun
Spraying trillions of gallons of toxic chemicals in the atmosphere every single day, to block sunlight from reaching the earth, in order to prevent "global warming".28

No personal rights
Reduction of personal rights and freedoms of the people. Free speech, for example, must be 'recalibrated'. Individual rights must be surrendered for the "greater good".29

child sexuality
Promote homosexual education in kindergarten and first grade. Teach toddlers to masturbate and have sex. Ensure that little children have sexual partners.30

normalization of pedophilia
Promotion of pedophilia as a 'natural sexual preference' that must be included in society. Decriminalizing sexual child abuse. Labeling opponents as "haters".31

mass transgenderism
Indoctrination of school children to surgically alter their sexual identity without the consent of their parents.32

everyone a cyborg
Conversion of everyone into cyborgs with multiple technological implants connected to the cloud, from where A.I. will constantly monitor and control them.33

superhuman elites
Creation of a class of elite humanoids with superhuman abilities that will rule over humanity.34

A.I. TAKEOVER OF most jobs
Replacement of doctors, lawyers, teachers, ministers, drivers, pilots, and dozens of other occupations with A.I.35

Full A.I. control
Allowing A.I. to control human life by telling people who to marry, what to buy, who to vote for, etc.36

brain transparency
Enabling managers to see what is going on inside the brains of their employees. Complete removal of personal space and privacy.37

mind control
Use of 5G to not only read people's thoughts and emotions, but to also insert thoughts and feelings into the population.38

artificial food
Replacement of grass-fed beef with genetically engineered insects grown in factories, and lab-grown synthetic "meat".39

No elderly
Convincing the elderly to choose euthanasia so they don't burden the global healthcare system. At a certain age everyone should make room for the next generation.40
There is much, much more, but this overview gives a general idea of their "brilliant" ideas that will most definitely "save the planet" and "improve the state of the world". Other concepts are: limiting human contact by making sure that school, gathering, shopping, worship, socializing, etc., happen online, where life must be lived behind a screen; making the use of suffocating face masks permanent as much as possible; pushing humanity to spend their life in fake virtual realms - like the MetaVerse - and convincing them it's so much better than reality. Eliminating the consumption of meat; limiting air travel to one short trip per year; drastically limiting the purchase of clothes; and so on.
Recording your thoughts

The globalists are informing the world about their ultimate goal: "You will own nothing, have no privacy and you will be happy". This situation is promoted as a "utopia" in a post written by Ida Auken, a Young Global Leader from the World Economic Forum. Auken was positioned as the Minister of the Environment in Denmark to promote this agenda. She wrote this article from the position of a Smart City citizen, who exclaims how wonderful it is to own nothing, and what a dream the world has become, now that everybody lives in Smart Cities.

This is a direct quote from the article:
"Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. Nowhere I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me. All in all, it is a good life."41

A Smart City is a high-tech environment where citizens are surveilled 24/7 by data harvesting technologies that record every detail of their life. Every conversation, purchase, physical activity, location, thought, emotion and dream will be recorded.
The globalists are pushing hard to build Smart Cities all over the world. In The Netherlands (Europe), for example, the government recently ordered the elimination of 3,000 farms so they can seize the farmland.42 They claim this is needed to "save the planet" from climate change. Apparently, farms and their green grasslands are responsible for destroying the climate. At the same time, official plans have been revealed for building a monstrous Smart City that will turn most of The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium into one massive surveillance state called the Tristate City Network.43

The plan is to turn the beautiful Netherlands into one giant Smart City. This gorgeous country, known for its wide-open landscapes with windmills, tulips, creeks, boats, and grazing cows, will be called "Holland City".
This agenda is being rolled out worldwide, and the goal is to turn every city into a Smart City, be it North or South America, Asia, Europe, or Africa. What is the agenda behind this? Simple: money, power, and control. Data harvesting technologies will be used to gather astronomical amounts of personal data from every resident, which is considered the new wealth of the future. Whereas in the past, land or gold was considered the most precious asset, today it is data. The more personal data the global corporations gather from humanity, the more power they will have. Bill Gates, for example, has invested in the purchase of 24,800 acres of land in Arizona, for building a Smart City that can house 80,000 people. This city will be centered around data centers where all the personal information of residents will be stored.44
This chart shows how major cities in Latin America
are being turned into Smart Cities.

An example: in Rio de Janeiro, 450,000 street lights will be replaced with LED lights that are concealed surveillance and data collection devices, as well as mind control apparatuses that can alter the mood and behavior of people.44A According to the former Chilean president Sebastian Pinera, 5G is not only able to read our thoughts and emotions, but it can also insert thoughts and emotions. He adds that 5G will become the central nervous system of society, and authorities will make sure it reaches every home.45 In other words: everyone living in Smart Cities will not only constantly be monitored - with all their thoughts, emotions and dreams recorded - but they can also be turned into perfectly obedient citizens by the insertion of desired thoughts and feelings. "Most of what we think is vanity anyway", Pinera concludes...
Making life digital

The World Economic Forum promotes the Fourth Industrial Revolution, meaning that all life on earth must be transformed into a digital experience - even the expression of humanity itself. During the yearly conference in Davos, WEF advisor Professor Yuval Noah Harari made the following statement:
"In the near future, humanity will be ruled by entities that are more different from us than we are from chimpanzees."
He goes on to say that the elites will be turned into humanoid robots that will far exceed the capabilities of the rest of humanity, making them like gods that will rule over the entire world. Harari calls them "Homo Deus" or the "God Man". These are his very own words. Although the remainder of humanity may not become as advanced as these supreme elitist humanoids, they will also be merged with technology. This will supposedly make life easier and better, but the real-life consequence is that people will have a physical connection to the cloud, with artificial intelligence having full access to their entire body - including their nervous system and brain. As Yuval Harari says:
"We are entering the era where surveillance will no longer be outside of us, but it will be under our skin."
They envision artificial intelligence becoming the director of our lives, because it will know us better than we know ourselves. People will no longer need to seek wisdom or divine guidance for critical decisions, but A.I. will tell us everything we need to know. I.e., who to marry, where to live, what to buy, who to vote for, and everything else in our lives. It will gain this knowledge through the 24/7 omnipresent surveillance technologies recording even the smallest of details about us.45

In a sense, A.I. will become the new 'God': it will be omnipresent and know everything about everyone.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution will cause "significant job losses", says Klaus Schwab in his book45B, while research shows that no less than 30% of all jobs could be lost to automation45C. Doctors, lawyers, drivers, teachers, ministers, pilots, etc., can all easily be replaced by A.I. It will drive our cars, write our books, create our paintings, compose our music, teach our children, give sermons to our churches, defend us in court, and so on.46 A.I. will be better at everything, they say. And no, that is not a scenario for a science fiction movie. Ads on social media already abound, telling us to let A.I. create our paintings, write our books, and guide our businesses.
Finally, Klaus Schwab makes it clear that humanity will be genetically edited to "enhance" us.47 As any informed person today knows, genetically modified organisms are far less healthy and even pose dangers to human health. Conscious people seek to avoid GMO foods, because the original life forms are so much better. Yet now they plan to genetically modify all of humanity...
Climate change
The magic phrase for forcing humanity into Smart Cities is "climate change".48 The globalists claim that the climate is out of order because people travel too far from their homes and have too many outdoor activities that cause harmful emission of CO2. That's why they want to add trackers in all of our phones and clothes, and eventually inside our bodies - to monitor the amount of carbon we are emitting.49

Never mind the countless factories they have erected and are still erecting, that emit unimaginable amounts of toxic gases. Never mind the mega-cities they want to build to replace green pastures. Never mind that these billionaires all use private jets that emit insane amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.
So apparently, it's not the cutting down of trillions of trees, destruction of rural countryside, or the building of monstrous Smart Cities that is bad for the environment. Oh, no - it's the people who want to visit their families, enjoy a day at the beach, or hike in the mountains. That is what destroys climate! Therefore, they plan to forbid private car ownership.50 Cars should be shared among each other - one car for the whole neighborhood.

But wait... who are these people again, making these statements? Oh, yes, right - they are the same billionaires who each have several private jets and a vast collection of cars.
World domination
The infamous World Economic Forum wheel shows the end goal of the Great Reset, or the radical overhauling of every aspect of human existence: total world domination.

On this wheel we see the following topics:
✔︎ Global Governance
✔︎ Corporate Governance
✔︎ Internet Governance
✔︎ Digital Identity
✔︎ Digital Economy
This officially published and widely promoted World Economic Forum wheel makes it crystal clear what their objective is: to establish full control over the world, including all corporations, all information, all money and all people.51

They also want to connect every person on earth to a "Digital Identity", which will include their vaccination status.
All who are not up to date with their umpteenth booster injection can be excluded from banking, the internet, health care, working, transportation, gathering, and so on.52 We saw test runs for this during the first pandemic - only the vaccinated were allowed to travel; in Israel, the unvaccinated could not enter supermarkets; in Nigeria, unvaccinated people could not access banking services. The same was tested in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, The Netherlands, and other countries. Countless people lost their jobs because they were not fully vaccinated. In Brazil, President Lula has stated that only fully vaccinated people can receive financial child support.
What does it mean to be "fully vaccinated"? It means that several times a year you are required to get any and all new shots being offered by the government. Missing just one shot, even if you've had twenty already, throws you back to the status of being an "unvaccinated" individual with no rights.53

A small group of very wealthy people regularly gather at the World Economic Forum to radically transform every aspect of human existence on earth, outside of any form of democratic process.
This includes promoting pedophilia as a 'natural sexual preference' and making sure that little children have sexual partners at the youngest age possible (see this report); pushing the worldwide transgender movement; removing all private possession; limiting overall movement of the public; recording every little detail of every person's personal life; inserting thoughts and feelings into everyone; replacing healthy food with GMO insects and synthetic lab grown meat; forbidding people from growing their own food; spraying dangerous toxins in the atmosphere to block the sunlight; genetically engineering humanity; turning everyone into a cyborg connected to the cloud and controlled by A.I.; making artificial intelligence the new god of this world who tells everyone what to do; replacing the majority of jobs with robots and A.I.; creating a new breed of superhuman humanoids that will rule over humanity; making shopping, gathering, schooling, etc. happen online; encouraging humanity to spend their life in virtual digital realms; installing social credit scores that punish those who don't blindly obey; making ongoing injections with cocktails of undisclosed toxins the requirement for participation in society; installing financial systems that forbid the gathering of wealth and control how much money people can receive or send; censoring all information that questions any of this, and so on, and so on, and so on.
a world of total insanity
During the pandemic we have seen how utterly insane these billionaires are, by the way they imposed - quite literally - mind-blowing craziness on the world population. Here are a few illustrations of what the world looks like when these lunatics run the show...
Little children, who are at no risk for covid whatsoever (in most nations not a single child died of covid), are forced to wear masks all day long, even when playing outdoors.

Below is a perfect example of what happens when people are forbidden to use common sense, and are told to blindly follow orders.

People entering a restaurant with masks on, taking them off at the table, putting them back on when going to the toilet, taking them back off at the table, putting them back on when leaving, and so on.

People wearing a mask while swimming out in the open ocean, or running all alone in nature, or driving all by themselves in a car...

Meanwhile Anthony Fauci...

Destroying male and female sexuality, while aggressively imposing devastating identity confusion on humanity, under the guise of "inclusion".

The above statue was made for the Gender Museum in Denmark.

This statue was created for the Dutch government in The Hague, The Netherlands, Europe.
Extreme sexualization of little children, who - according to the WHO and UN - should have sexual partners as young as possible, while the same agencies push for the legalization of pedophilia.
See this shocking evidence report

There is much, much, much more that can be shown here, but these examples serve as a basic illustration of the real world execution of the agenda of the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the United Nations and all their allies worldwide. Remember that they present these radical changes in human society as absolutely essential to "save the planet", "improve the state of the world" and "keep everyone safe"...
Who is really behind all this?

When we look at these crazy plans, we have to wonder: who comes up with this kind of insanity? In order to find the answer, we must look behind the curtain of the public world theatre.
We need to understand that public organizations are in reality a storefront for entities who operate behind the scenes.
This was explained during a recent international Grand Jury composed of eleven lawyers and a judge, during which the official agenda of world domination by financial elites was revealed by expert former agents of the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and the US and British military and intelligence agencies. One of the expert witnesses was Alex Thomson, a former officer of Britain’s Signals Intelligence Agency, GCHQ, the partner agency to NSA (National Security Agency, USA). As an intelligence officer, Alex learned about the British strategy for world domination. He testified to the Grand Jury about how the world is run by powerful financial entities who never show themselves to the public, and who control the WEF, WHO, UN, IMF, EU, BIS, etc.
Our question is of course: who are these hidden rulers? In order to answer this inquiry, we have to go back in history...

Throughout human history, there have been psychopaths who lusted for world domination - i.e., Egyptian Pharaohs, Roman Emperors, Russian Tsars, European Kings, and so on.
The lust for world domination is a basic reality throughout all of world history. One world empire has succeeded another: the Greek, Persian, Byzantine, Chinese, Roman, Spanish and British world empires, etc. A popularly held belief today is that this ancient desire to rule the entire world has somehow disappeared - but nothing could be further from the truth. As we have just seen, emerging surveillance and data harvesting technologies allow the installation of worldwide systems of total control that previous tyrants could never dream of.

For thousands of years, freedom never existed on earth, as the entire world was always ruled by tyrants who oppressed the people. In Europe, these rulers lived in luxurious castles, while the peasants worked hard in the fields. Most of what they produced went to the wealthy tyrants.
The tyrants offered some level of comfort to the people to prevent them from revolting. A typical strategy is the "bread and circuses” concept: give the masses entertainment and food and they will be quiet. This was true in ancient Rome, as in any other culture. Today we see this on a massive scale, with the expansion of the sports and entertainment industry. The vast majority of the population has no interest in wisdom, knowledge or understanding, but rather choose to sit in front of their TV all night eating cheap industrial food. They are kept at peace with "bread and circuses".
Over time, the world population grew ever larger, and this posed an increasing threat to the power of the rulers. The more people they must control, the greater the risk of large-scale resistance. So they changed their strategy: instead of operating out in the open, where the masses are fully aware that they are being oppressed by tyrants, they decided to move backstage and give the masses the illusion of being in charge - through elections.

In reality, the rulers never gave up their power; they have simply manipulated elections in order to position their political puppets, who dance on their strings.54
In this way, the same ancient tyrants stay in control, while the people think they are free. This was confirmed by a former top official from the United Nations, Calin Georgescu, who was an executive director at the UN for 18 years. He explained that real elections are basically non-existent in the world. His expert witness testimony before the International Crimes Investigative Committee can be seen in our documentary, "Secrets of the United Nations". Abundant further evidence that elections are rigged can be found in this evidence report.
Hidden world rulers
By moving their operations behind the scenes, the rulers could be protected from the wrath of the public. But they also needed to shield themselves from the prosecution of governments, so they created for themselves so-called “sovereign states”. A sovereign state is a small area that is not submitted to the laws of the land, and is, in essence, untouchable.

An example of such a sovereign state, is the Bank for International Settlements, which oversees more than 50 central banks - making it one of the most powerful financial entities in the world.
The BIS became a sovereign, untouchable entity in 1987 through the Headquarters Agreement which was negotiated with the Swiss Federal Council. This agreement includes the following:55
✔︎ Full inviolability for all buildings of the BIS, and the land beneath and around them, indifferent to who owns them.
✔︎ Full immunity from criminal and civil prosecution and proceedings for the bank as such.
✔︎ No payment of taxes on transactions and salaries of personnel.
✔︎ No disclosure to governments regarding the activities of the BIS.
✔︎ Not subject to any jurisdiction.
The Bank for International Settlements cannot be prosecuted, doesn't need to inform the government of its activities, pays no taxes, and is not submitted to any jurisdiction. It can do whatever it wants.

An even more powerful sovereign state is the City of London, an area of one square mile in the heart of London city.
The City of London is the financial center of the world and the headquarters of the British elites, where hundreds of banks have their offices. It's not governed by the British government, but on the contrary, reigns supreme over it. The City of London has its own courts and police, is unchallenged in its sovereignty and self-government, and actually rules over most of the Earth.56 It is also the headquarters for worldwide Freemasonry, as well as the headquarters for the worldwide money cartel known as "The Crown". The Crown controls the global financial system and runs the governments of all Commonwealth countries (United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, most of Africa) and many non-Commonwealth ‘Western’ nations as well (i.e., Greece), while their hand of influence even reaches deeply into Latin America and Asia. The Crown traces back to the Vatican.

Surprisingly, the most important sovereign state in the world is the Vatican City State. While to the public the Vatican presents itself as a religious institution, in reality, it is the head of the worldwide financial network.
Most people don't realize that there is not just one pope, but in fact there are three: the White Pope, the Black Pope and the Grey Pope. The only one we ever see is the White Pope, but little do we know that he is the lowest of the three popes. In reality, the highest authority is the Grey Pope, who is never seen in public at all - he operates as a perfectly concealed supreme puppet master.58 While the Vatican presents itself to humanity as the seat of godliness, it is in fact the exact opposite. As the saying goes: "The best place for the devil to hide is in the church." The lower-level people who work in the Vatican are clueless to this, just as low-level government officials are oblivious to who truly controls their nation. The rulers ensure that all who work for them on the lower levels are kept in a state of complete ignorance. Only those that begin to ask questions and seek truth will eventually be confronted with more and more corruption, the higher they climb the ladder.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has exposed sexual abuse and financial corruption in the Vatican. He also warns humanity of their agenda of world domination.
The vast majority of humanity - even most political leaders - have no clue that these sovereign states even exist, let alone rule the world. All we know and see are the public personalities - like politicians and businessmen - who are mere puppets of these concealed puppet masters. Their strength is in obscurity. By remaining hidden from the view of humanity, they are able to operate unchecked, without being held accountable by the people.
A good resource to learn about the agenda for world domination by hidden rulers is the "Grand Jury Evidence". This report contains the expert testimonies of former members of the British Intelligence Service, British Navy, US Marine Corps, World Health Organization, United Nations, and the CDC who testified before an international Grand Jury of 11 lawyers and a judge about the agenda for world domination.
Who are these rulers?
Just who are the people in these sovereign states, and who are the entities that work for them in the nations of the world? This worldwide network is generally referred to as the Deep State, Shadow Government, Cabal, The 1%, the Satanic Bloodlines, Illuminati, Elites, Royals, Black Nobility, Khazarian Mafia and so on. They consist of ancient royal dynasties and bloodlines that go back hundreds and even thousands of years. To learn more about these nefarious families - who they are, where they come from and how they operate - I recommend the classic work by Fritz Springmeier, "Bloodlines of the Illuminati". This highly acclaimed reference work is made available as a download on the website of the CIA. It reveals information about the bloodlines in the United States of America who exert their influence worldwide.
Bloodlines of the Illuminati, volumes 1, 2 & 3, by Fritz Springmeier.
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A second authoritative resource that focuses more on the European families is "The 13 Satanic Bloodlines", by investigative journalist Robin de Ruiter, who in 2008 accurately predicted the covid pandemic. This four volume work was banned in France, but is published in 100 nations and languages.
Some of the criminal families are Rockefeller, Rothschild, Warburg, DuPont, Russell, Onassis, Collins, Morgan, Kennedy, Van Duyn, Li, Astor, Vanderbilt, Bauer, Whitney, Duke, Oppenheimer, Grey, Sinclair, Schiff, Solvay, Sassoon, Wheeler, Todd, Clinton, Taft, Goldschmidt, Wallenberg, Guggenheim, Bush and many others.

There are also the royal families, like the House of Habsburg, one of the most prominent dynasties in European history, who ruled over most of Europe.
Other royal families include the House of Windsor (United Kingdom and the Commonwealth), House of Orange-Nassau (plays a central role in the politics and government of Europe), the House of Schwarzenberg (one of the most prominent European noble houses), etc. Many of these families are genetically connected, as they all hold the belief that they have different genetics than the rest of humanity, and therefore have the right to rule over all of us. It is an established fact that they consider the public their "cattle" or "livestock". To them, humanity is merely a herd of animals that they must manage.
At the helm of all these families is the so-called "head of the snake", the Black Nobility or the Jesuit / Papal bloodlines, whose headquarters are in the Vatican City State. One of the most prominent ones is the House of Orsini, who are descendants from the Julio-Claudian dynasty of ancient Rome. Much more information about all this can be found in the aforementioned reference works, on the Dutch website (translate the pages using Google translate), and on the internet, when using the uncensored search engine Qwant.
The top of the pyramid

Are the concealed families who operate from within the sovereign states the highest level of the pyramid of power that controls the world? No. There is more to reveal. This next level of information can be especially challenging for some readers because it is so out of this world - quite literally. In order to help you understand the reality of what you are about to learn, I will first give some basic historic background. When we look at world history, there is one thing that stands out:
In every culture, everywhere on earth, one thing has always been at the heart of every society: the worship of demonic entities.
Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Rome, and Greece were deeply embedded in spiritual practices which usually involved two things: sexual abuse and human sacrifice. This applies to every part of the world, be it Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe - it is literally worldwide. Christianity and Islam refer to the dark spiritual entity known as Satan (which means opponent or adversary). But there are also other beings. One prominent spiritual entity that has been worshipped throughout the history of humanity is called Moloch. In different cultures around the world, he is known by various names, such as Melech, Mo-lech, Milcom, Melkom, Molek, Malec, Malik, Melek, Malkum, Melqart, Melkart, Milk, Melqarth, Kronos and Cronus. In Islam, for example, Mo-lech is called Malec or Malik.
The many names confirm the worldwide worship of this demonic entity.
Moloch is depicted as a human with the head of a bull. In ceremonies, statues of this demon were heated with fire, and once the outstretched hands were glowing hot, living babies were placed in them. To suppress the terrified cries of the child being burned alive, loud music was played.

This is basic human history that every one of us needs to be aware of. When you travel anywhere in the world, the architectural remains of human sacrifice can often be seen at various locations. In South America, the Aztec pyramids, for example, mark the landscape. At the top of these pyramids, humans were sacrificed to dark spiritual forces. In Europe, this was done by the Druids; in Africa by the shamans; in Egypt by the high priests, and so on. Human sacrifice has been at the heart of most cultures around the world.

With the spread of Christianity, this horrific practice was abolished from the public sphere, but it wasn't eradicated from society. Rather, many servants of the dark realm continued practicing these rituals in secret. And this is where we now come to the top of the pyramid of world power...
In every quality resource about this topic, you will find abundant documentation that, at the supreme level of the power structures, ritual sexual abuse and human sacrifice are still practiced.

One example of this was revealed by Ronald Bernard, a former bankster who worked at a high level of the worldwide financial imperium.59
Bernard moved astronomical amounts of money for the concealed rulers and gained a clear understanding of what happens in these circles. In the video below, he testifies that at the higher levels of the financial elites, most people are members of a religion called Luciferianism. Ronald participated in some of their satanic masses, which involve a lot of alcohol and sex. At some point, he was invited to attend high level meetings in Germany, where children would be sacrificed. He was promised that this would swing wide open the gates to unlimited power and great wealth for him personally. Instead of moving billions for the financial rulers, he would become a billionaire himself. All he had to do was put his conscience in the freezer - at minus 100.
The motivation behind the cruel practice of human sacrifice is that in return for the offering up of humans (especially babies and children) to demonic forces, the elites receive power and wealth from the dark realm.
Ronald Bernard refused to partake of this horror and left the world of the ruling financial elites behind. He was then tortured to death, but had an NDE (near death experience) and miraculously came back to life in the hospital. After serving the dark side, Ronald felt that he had been given a second chance in life, to restore the damage he had caused to humanity. He has now dedicated his life to the creation of an alternative financial system that can help people escape the tyrannical systems of the elites.
The highly revealing eye-witness testimony of Ronald Bernard can be seen in the following video, which has been viewed by about 90 million people worldwide.
The information shared by Ronald Bernard is confirmed by former directors of the CIA, FBI, police, gendarmerie, military, detectives, eye witnesses, judges, and many surviving victims in our evidence report about sexual abuse and murder by high level officials. I also have in my possession several personal letters from women who escaped the cruel circles of the elites, where they have been raped thousands of times.

Nathalie Augustina was a world-famous fashion model who was mind-controlled by the CIA to be a sex slave for the highest level of the elites: royal families, heads of state, commanders of the military, Hollywood celebrities, etc. She describes her story in a Dutch book written by the aforementioned reporter Robin de Ruiter.
Another (anonymous) surviving victim and eye-witness also sent me several letters. These are highly disturbing to read, but I have decided to include a small portion of them in this report, as these eye-witness accounts reveal a hidden reality that humanity urgently needs to be made aware of. Please understand that you may experience cognitive dissonance or Semmelweis effect when seeing this information. These are psychological mechanisms that are subconsciously activated to protect us from new information that challenges our current beliefs.

We hide our head in the sand
because reality is too scary.
I want to encourage you to be conscious about this, and not give in to the reflex of rejecting information that is disturbing. This is what sustains these horrors. The reason I share these sensitive details is because this kind of evil can only exist with the ignorance of humanity. Bringing this into the light is the first step to putting an end to this terror.
"I grew up in Canada. The core of this thing is genetics. These bloodline families believe they are genetically superior. Wherever you see people manipulating genetics.... it's probably them. And wherever you find "royal families" ruling countries.... you'll find them in abundance.
So... these families worship the fallen angels... that would be Satan, Lucifer, Baphomet, Moloch and Baal. So my childhood was one satanic ritual after another. They are done on specific dates throughout the year.... solstices, equinoxes, full moons, etc. The purpose of the rituals is to gather power for themselves. A typical childhood in this horror will find kids raped a few thousand times by the time they're 18. We're talking a satanic cult network that is worldwide. And they make a big chunk of their money trafficking kids. It's brutal.
They start the programming in the womb or at birth. They use astrology and numerology... they're black magic occultists.... they pick your birth date.... they groom you for specific careers. They attempt to put their people at the top of fields around the world. But now they're going for broke. They want a central world government.... in Jerusalem. They want to take down nation states.
Because the torture in the cult is so extreme.... people split and dissociate, so most people are DID... suffering from dissociative identity disorder.... which used to be called multiple personality disorder. Basically you end up with a whole bunch of people or personality fragments inside yourself... because with each torture.... you split.
The result of this is that a lot of people who went through this.... have no memory of it.... and the cult takes advantage of that. They structure the personality so you have personalities that come out at night.... and others that live your day life. People live double lives and don't realize that. It's very clever, so the cult gets all sorts of things done at night. They want unfeeling psychopaths who will have no emotion as they do their dirty work. They strip the feelings right out of kids in the cult. They put you through near death experiences..... this opens up the psychic centers and shoots the IQ through the roof. Makes kids very useful to them.
During world war 2... the Nazis developed sophisticated mind control techniques.... and many medical procedures.... Allen Dulles, who was the first director of the CIA (first called the OSS - office of strategic studies), got funding from the US gov't under Project Paperclip..... he brought a lot of the scientists and doctors over to the US. Russia took a lot of them also. When they got here... they carried on their work.... but that mind control got integrated into the cult network throughout North America. That's how I ended up in it. The fact that my grandfather and great uncle were both Grand Masters in the Scottish Rite of Masonry here.... was also why. I was born into it.
(Not real name)
Nothing this lady wrote to me was totally new, as I have read similar revelations in numerous publications, by established investigators who have been warning humanity for decades. I have also seen several videos with testimonies from other people who escaped this dark network of world rulers. That's how I know this information to be authentic and accurate.
In another personal letter which I received from a different surviving victim, Nathalie Augustina, I read certain details that explain the connection between criminal humans and higher spiritual entities, who use them for an even far more nefarious purpose than just financial corruption and political world power. What Nathalie describes has been revealed in the past by several researchers and whistleblowers, but nevertheless I found it deeply disturbing, as she reveals the substantial reality of evil. It's one thing to know about the abstract concept of evil; it's a whole different experience to discover how real the forces of darkness are. They are very well organized and operate in an extremely strategic way. Here is a segment from Nathalie's letters to me:
"My book is only a fraction of the truth. It is all much worse. I have actually waited until the people are awake enough before telling everything. The people were awakened via the elections in the USA with the illegitimate positioning of pedophile Joe Biden, covid and now Ukraine.
I know the whole world of satanic pedophile head families. I know and have been used and raped by members of the ruling families who are above the Royal Houses. The Dutch fake royal house has as its boss the Habsburg clan and the Vatican. The Rothschilds control all royals financially. Every Royal House must bow before them and give act de presence when summoned.
I was often in Switzerland in DAVOS and Lausanne and Zurich and Geneva. Always during the political meetings of world leaders. There is much more going on on earth than you know or realize.
The Absolute Ruling Families meet 3 times a year in Davos, Switzerland. These gatherings are closed and heavily secured. This is where the Dinosaur Families meet. One specific group only comes out at night. Never during the day. Daylight is harmful to them. They're not normal people either. They live hundreds of years, the oldest I met was 830 years old. They do not eat food like humans do. Their medical need is baby blood, until 25 days after the baby is born. The other group takes baby blood and baby meat, nothing but that."
Nathalie Augustina
Anyone who wants to verify this information can watch the videos in this report, download the PDF documents, read the books, and do your own research on the internet using the uncensored search engine Qwant and the video platform BitChute. If you want to learn more about the reality of cannibalism in the dark realm, I invite you to look into our evidence report about abuse by high level officials.
I will offer something else here that confirms the cannibalistic nature of the elites. In Hollywood, there have recently been exclusive parties organized by Marina Abramovic. Some photographs from these parties leaked out, and you can see them in the linked report below. Because of their graphic nature, I have concealed them. In order to see the images, click the link. But if you are very sensitive, do not open it.
Marina Abramovic organizes parties called "Spirit Cooking" during which celebrities eat human bodies made out of cake. Real naked women are displayed on tables, with a skeleton on top of them.

During these public parties they of course don't eat real humans, but testimonies from surviving eye-witnesses all agree that what happens during the secret gatherings, is even worse than actual cannibalism. These public parties are intended to introduce the concept to low level members of their circles.

Below are a few photos of Marina Abramovic, one of the most popular artists among the financial elites. She uses a lot of symbols from satanism, or Luciferianism.

As child abuse and sacrifice is common practice in the high levels of the elites, it is telling that Abramovic creates this kind of "art".

In the following photos Abramovic is pictured with Queen Beatrix from The Netherlands, and Jacob Rothshild, one of the heads of the City of London. They pose in front of a painting called "Satan summons his demons from hell".

Next you see photos taken during a party of the Rothschilds. On December 12, 1972, Marie-Hélène de Rothschild organized a Surrealist Ball at Château de Ferrières, one of their castles. Notice how dolls of broken babies are used to decorate the dinner tables, as well as corpses of naked women.

What you see in these images is just the superficial low-level stuff shown to the public. We cannot even imagine what they are doing in secret. The eye-witness testimonies also only briefly lift the veil of this dark realm. Once you know how evil these entities are, it becomes clear why they have no problem imposing inhumane tyranny upon humanity. It is absolutely critical that we have the courage to share this information with the world.
Humanity is not merely suffering from corrupt politicians and bankers, but is under attack by pure evil. At the very top, there are dark spiritual entities that are simply a continuation of ancient practices of demon worship and human sacrifice.
Disconnecting humanity

What we must understand however, is that aside from these dark forces, there is also a Creator who is the giver and origin of all that is good, who is on the side of humanity, to deliver us from evil.
In the past decades, there has been a worldwide, strategic mind control operation against the people of this world, to steer the vast majority away from the Source of all life. When people are disconnected from God, who alone is greater than the realm of evil, they are easier to control and enslave. Spiritually ignorant people are powerless. It is imperative that we wake up from this brainwashed state of induced spiritual blindness and return to the Giver of all life, who can empower and guide us to deliver humanity from the forces of darkness. This has nothing to do with religion, but is as basic to our existence as 1+1=2. We all know there is good and evil. It is, however, not just some vague "energy", but there exist personal entities, just as we are personal beings. It is absurd to recognize the existence of intense evil, while denying the reality of the realm of life, love, goodness and truth.
Pyramid of power
The following diagram shows a basic overview of the worldwide power structure of evil and corruption, which has penetrated every aspect of human society. I reveal this in the hope that it will assist in the worldwide downfall of these nefarious networks, since their #1 strength is the ignorance of the population. As long as they can operate beyond the awareness of the public, they can continue unchecked. That's why I implore all who read this report to please not hesitate to share it, but have the courage to spread it far and wide, as that is what will eventually shatter these networks' stronghold over humanity. As long as they can operate in total darkness, meaning no one can see them, they can continue their operations unchecked. Once this evil is brought into the light, meaning the world becomes aware of it, they can no longer hide and will be held accountable for their innumerable crimes against humanity and all of creation.

The lowest level

The lowest level of the worldwide criminal power structure is law enforcement, who are used to keep the public in check under the false premise of "enforcing the law".
Whenever necessary, law enforcement will break any and all existing laws in order to keep the public in total submission. We saw this in every nation of the world during the lockdowns. Law enforcement worldwide broke multiple laws by violently assaulting children, the elderly and people of all ages who did nothing wrong - they merely lawfully expressed their desire for truth, justice and the upholding of their constitutional rights.
During a protest in Germany in 2020, law enforcement arrested every protester who was waving a booklet of the German constitution. This demonstrates a reality of grave concern: at any given time, law enforcement will violently war against the law if they are ordered to. They are trained to be unquestioning extensions of their supervisors. Whatever they are ordered to do - no matter how unlawful - they must do.

Thousands of peaceful, innocent citizens ended up in the hospital, many died, and others ran for their life because of the extremely violent assaults by law enforcement.

The above image shows a 71 year old man being attacked from behind by a police officer, who hit him on the head, breaking his skull.

During a peaceful protest in Germany, an elderly lady was dragged over the ground by law enforcement and died as a result of the police violence.60
This kind of criminal behavior by law enforcement is rampant all around the world. In The Netherlands, dozens of good police officers resigned because they could no longer cope with the criminal orders given by their supervisors, which they were forced to unquestioningly obey. They testified before the Extra-Parliamentary Research Committee about what is going on behind the scenes in the law enforcement offices.61 In Africa, more people died from police violence during the lockdowns than from covid! The president of the Philippines ordered the police to kill everyone who resisted the tyranny. See video below for evidence.
See footage of outrageous police violence around the world, and learn how you can stand up against this criminal behavior of corrupted "public servants" if you know your God-given rights.
In order to give themselves a firm grip on law enforcement, the rulers make sure to either position or control the chiefs of police. Gaining control over them happens in several ways, but making them complicit in child abuse and human trafficking is the preferred method. Our aforementioned evidence report on sexual abuse by high level officials reveals how many chiefs of police are involved in child abuse and human trafficking. Michel Nihoul, a member of the notorious Dutroux gang in Europe, who organized child trafficking for the government and royal family, said in an interview with Der Spiegel in 2001:
"I have control of the government. Everyone has compromising files on each other, which can be used as leverage at the right time."62
This explains why truly important investigations into high level operations of human trafficking are always cancelled once the investigation begins to uncover the true culprits.

Above law enforcement we have criminal judges, who crack down on good people while protecting top criminals.
Those who pay attention to the judicial system will notice how the top level criminal leaders are never prosecuted, and only their lower-end puppets end up in jail. This is called the "two tier justice system".63 As the saying goes: "Laws for thee, but not for me". The vast majority of judges protect the criminal leaders at the top, either because they have been positioned by them, or they are bribed, blackmailed or threatened.
Naturally, there are also good judges and law enforcement officers, but all of them will at some point be confronted with high level corruption, once they start asking difficult questions, doing sensitive investigations, or opposing criminal orders. It is hard to be an impartial judge or police officer in a criminal world. Nevertheless, we need far more righteous warriors of truth and justice to expose this corruption. I am in touch with Blue Truth, a group of retired police officers and detectives who are working to expose the vast system of child trafficking by government officials. Another group is Police for Freedom, a worldwide organization of officers who stand up against the criminal practices of their supervisors. These are promising developments.
The world is a theatre

The conclusion of this report is that we must wake up to the reality of how the world truly works. Since ancient times, there have been powers that desire total world domination. They once operated out in the open, but as humanity increased in numbers, they were forced backstage, where they have since ruled the world through covert operations.
This means that the world is essentially a theatre stage, with actors that perform for the public, while the controllers pull the strings backstage.
With the emergence of incredibly powerful surveillance and control technologies and the deployment of these systems worldwide, the rulers are aiming for a new era where they will no longer need to remain in hiding. Their strategy is to completely enslave every soul on earth through all-encompassing, omnipresent control systems like digital IDs, digital currencies, vaccine passports, social credit scores, 5G mind control, carbon tracking, A.I., and so on. These will make life in any society impossible for anyone who revolts, thereby ensuring a smooth reign for the tyrants.

In China, this is already happening, and many Chinese people don't seem to even be aware of how they are being enslaved.
They are born into this massive open air prison, and have no clue what freedom even means. As long as they have food and some fun, they feel fine. A total mind slave has lost the ability to think beyond the bars of his cage. The rulers have been testing this system in China and now plan to export it worldwide. But they made a miscalculation... in the past several years, hundreds of millions of people worldwide have awakened to this nefarious agenda and are beginning to rise up against it.
Humanity is waking up

This brings me to the end of this report, with good news for the future. This is not an isolated publication, as there are countless similar revelations being made around the world. It is clear that the tide is turning, and humanity is beginning to open its eyes to what has been happening in the world for centuries. The development of communication technologies is proving to be an incomparable tool for empowering the people. Social media was created by the rulers as a system of espionage and control of the people, but it has also put the best tool of all time into the hands of the public for sharing information.
This has ignited an incredible mass wakening worldwide, in which hundreds of millions of intelligent, conscious and caring people are discovering how the world really works.
The tyrants realized this too late and are now desperately trying to censor all truth. But there is no stopping the mass tsunami of awakening that has been unleashed and has flooded the world the past few years. Our World Freedom Directory only shows a small portion of what is happening worldwide, and yet it already contains over 800 organizations revealing truth to humanity. And this is just the first wave. Much more will happen in the near future.

A critical number of people worldwide have been awakened, and from now on every new attempt by the hidden rulers to silence humanity will only increasingly work against them.
The shadow rulers have been exposed. Millions of brave warriors around the world are rising up against their worldwide system of tyranny, abuse, torture, and deception. A new day is dawning, and a better world is on the horizon. My request to all who read this is to please not be guilty of sustaining the old system of evil by being afraid to share this revealing report. This is what has kept them in power for so long: the refusal of people to expose this evil to humanity. We must be courageous and compassionate humans who will do whatever it takes to put an end to the rule of this cruel, corrupt system. Below you will find a list of things you can do to be part of the solution to the horrors you have just read about.
How can we stop this?

be courageous
Don't be silent in order to protect yourself. Watching a man rape a child and standing by doing nothing is complicity. You have refused to stop it, which is the same as allowing it to happen. That goes for every form of crime. When we stand by and do nothing, we are part of the criminal act.
The key to the success of these criminal operations is the ignorance of the public. Once the people become aware of what is really going on, they start resisting, and the plans of the corrupt leaders fail. Therefore, our main focus must be the use of every means possible to inform the people around us.
distribute flyers
You can download flyers, posters, banners and memes here to point people to We need to place ads in local newspapers, rent billboards, and pay for radio commercials, all of which point people to or any other website you want people to visit.
Inform the people in your community that are unknowingly the minions of the criminal entities: local government officials, law enforcement, school directors and teachers, hospital staff, local media, judges, pastors, lawyers, etc. Send short letters inviting them to watch key documentaries and interviews. Monopoly and Secrets of the United Nations are great to open their eyes. Also send them the Grand Jury Evidence and Vaccine Death Report. Keep your letters short and polite.
Get involved in local politics, industries, school boards, public meetings, local media, etc. Let your voice be heard in your community. Show official documents and talk about the agenda of the elites. Explain how the World Economic Forum is an undemocratic organization that is attempting to control the entire world. Point out how the World Health Organization is set up to be a one world government through their pandemic treaty.
Do not comply with mandates that forbid human interaction and force you to inject yourself and your loved ones with DNA-altering toxins. Don’t play their game - resist. They can never arrest the whole population. If enough of us don’t go along, there is nothing they can do. No government can arrest millions of people!
Step away from being dependent on their services and start creating alternative solutions. This goes for shopping, health care, media, finances, etc.
Connect with like-minded people, so you can learn from them and help one another. Make sure, however, to never allow anyone to control you. We are here to help & support others, not to lord over one another. Build healthy communities - not little cults.
Prepare for orchestrated crises like food shortages, power blackouts, cyber pandemics, natural disasters and financial collapse. Inform yourself about how to prepare for times of crisis. Prepare mentally and practically. Create backups for food, water, energy and medicines.
know the law
Educate yourself about the laws of the land. These criminals are violating every imaginable law. They are lawlessness embodied. They trample every constitution, international agreement and medical code - they don’t care about anything. If you get to know the laws of your land, you can resist their tyranny and point out how they are committing acts of terrorism, murder, abuse, treason and so on.
Pray with passion and authority. Pray for justice to be done on the earth and deliverance to come to humanity. Use your spiritual authority as a child of the Most High to rebuke and destroy demonic strongholds. When we say “NO!” to these evil powers, they are rendered powerless. Pray for the spiritual enemies of humanity to be bound, and for creation to be released from their grip. Sign up at our World Freedom Prayer page to learn how to pray effectively against these dark spiritual forces.
Support those who fight for the future of our world. Here at Stop World Control, for example, we are not funded by criminal billionaires, as are all the corrupt governments, health agencies and news media. We depend on the goodness of the people to continue our work.
Together we can end this nightmare and build a better world. The future is bright if we all do our part.
All the evidence for the statements in this report can be found by opening the toggled container below. If any link has been scrubbed from the internet, you can relocate it using
1 “Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better” - Ida Auken, WEF
2 Sebastian Pinera, as seen in the documentary “Cry for Freedom”
3 “Brain Transparency”, Nita A. Farahany, World Economic Forum
"The WEF wants to hack your brain" - Epoch Times
4 Klaus Schwab, as seen in the documentary "Cry for Freedom" - Stop World Control
5 “Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better” - Ida Auken, WEF
6 Michael J. Evans, as seen in the documentary “Cry for Freedom”
7 Sebastian Pinera, as seen in the documentary “Cry for Freedom”
8 “The Fourth Industrial Revolution" - Klaus Schwab
9 "Global risks report with an overview of today’s crises" - World Economic Forum
10 “STEALING AFRICA: Why is Africa so rich in resources yet so poor?” - The Mindful Word
11 “How processed foods affect your health” - Very Well Fit
“20 Benefits of Ditching Processed Foods” - Eat This, Not That
12 “Pesticide-Induced Diseases: Brain and Nervous System Disorders” - Beyond Pesticides
13 “8 Reasons GMOs are Bad for You” - Organic Authority
14 “Vaccine documentaries that can save your life and that of your loved ones” - SWC
15 “Holistic Doctors who Mysteriously Died Knew this 'Hidden Cure' for Cancer and Autism” - All Health Works
“Holistic Doctors Found Dead After Summit For Cancer Cure Breakthrough” - Humans Are Free
“The Lineup Of Mysteriously Dead Doctors, Scientists And Microbiologists, Stretching Over Many Years” - NutriTruth
“Medical researcher found dead” - Daily News
“List of over 100 Dead Microbiologists” - Prepare for Change
16 “Chemo Spreads and Makes Cancer More Aggressive” - CA Care
17 “Creating Disease: Big Pharma and Disease Mongering” - Huffpost
“The Evils of Big Pharma Exposed” - GlobalResearch
“American Big Pharma: The Bad, The Ugly & The Even Worse” - Jetset Times
18 “Climate change is in reality weather warfare by the governments” - SWC
19 "5G - Microwave as a weapon” ICIC
20 “Multiple impacts of microplastics can threaten marine habitat-forming species” - Nature
21 "How vaccine mandates destroy millions of lives around the world" - SWC
22 “The horrors of social credit score” by Dr. Vernon Coleman
23 “Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better” - Ida Auken, WEF
24 "The 15-Minute City: A Climate Solution? Or Just an ‘Excuse for More Control’?" - The Defender
25 “A Central Bank Digital Currency creates unprecedented possibilities for tyranny” - Stop World Control
26 "Google Has Programmed ‘Woke’ AI to Censor the Internet: Whistleblower" - The Epoch Times
27 “Welcome To 2030 I Own Nothing Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better" - World Economic Forum
“Can you rent everything you need in life?” - World Economic Forum
28 “This 'Space Bubble' shield could counter the effects of climate change by reflecting the sun's rays” - World Economic Forum
“MIT researchers propose using Space Bubble shield to reflect the sun” - DeZeen
29 “World Economic Forum: Australia’s eSafety Commissioner Calls for ‘Recalibration’ of Human Rights, Free Speech” - Breitbart
30 “UN’s radical agenda pushes sex, LGBT education starting in kindergarten” - Life Site News
“Primary school disruption over LGBT teaching/relationships education” - British Government
“LGBTQ-inclusive education: everything you need to know“ - Stonewall
“Washington Democrats Push Mandatory LGBTQ-Focused Sex Ed for Kindergartners” - Breitbart
“Teaching Your Young Child about Homosexuality and Transgenderism” - Psychology Today
31 “WEF and Pedophilia Connection EXPOSED?!” - The Kwak Brothers
“Do pedophiles deserve sympathy?” - CNN
“The young pedophiles who say they don’t abuse children” - BBC
“The world is run by pedophiles” - NewsPunch
Twitter Thread: “Child sex trafficking by elites is a horrible reality” - - Captain Obvious (Co-Founder of WikiPedia)
“We need impartial LGBT+ news to advance human rights” - - World Economic Forum
32 “Should students be allowed to begin gender transition without parental consent? Two Virginia mothers weigh in” - Fox News
“WA laws now allow teen gender reassignment surgery without parental consent” - 770KTTH
“Minors May Get Sex Changes Without Parental Consent, if California’s Teachers Union Has Its Way” - Brenda4Kids
“Mother: teachers manipulated child to change gender identity” - AP News
“Some parents object as Canadian schools quietly aid students’ gender transition” - National Post
“Teachers push California student to undergo sexual transitioning” - Why Evolution is True
“Public School Teachers Told to Indoctrinate Kids as Young as 3 in Radical LGBT Theory” - The Daily Signal
“Sex education in public schools” - Family Research Council
“In Portland, the Sexual Revolution Starts in Kindergarten” - City Journal
33 “KLAUS SCHWAB: Revolution will lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity”
“When humans become cyborgs” World Economic Forum
“The Fourth Industrial Revolution, by Klaus Schwab” - World Economic Forum
“The Great Human Reset: Merging Man And Machine“ - Technocracy
“Highlights: The Dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution“ - World Government Summit
“This robot really blurs the lines between man and machine” - World Economic Forum
34 Yuval Noah Harari, as seen in the documentary “Cry for Freedom”
35 “AI Will Replace Doctors” - Yuval Noah Harari
Biophysicist Andreas Kalcker in "Forbidden Cures" - SWC
36 Yuval Noah Harari, as seen in the documentary “Cry for Freedom”
37 “Brain Transparency”, Nita A. Farahany, World Economic Forum
38 Sebastian Pinera, as seen in the documentary “Cry for Freedom”
39 “Will you eat engineered insects and synthetic meat – to “save the planet”? - Stop World Control
40 “I have lived a good life“ - Agenda 21
41 Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better - World Economic Forum
42 Professor over regeringsplannen om 3000 boerderijen te sluiten: ‘Dit is een oorlog tegen de mensheid’
“Veehouders kritisch op uitgelekt plan: 'We moeten het niet mooier maken dan het is’”
43 TriState City Network
44 Bill Gates invests in Arizona smart city built around data centers - Data Center Dynamics
44A 5G Streetlights – New Weaponized Technology that is Making People Sick
45 Sebastian Pinera, as seen in the documentary “Cry for Freedom"
45B The Fourth Industrial Revolution will cause a significant loss of jobs (Page 45 of The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Klaus Schwab)
45C One third of all jobs will be lost to automation
46 Yuval Noah Harari, as seen in the documentary “Cry for Freedom”
47 “Over 40% of jobs could be lost to AI” - Tahawul Tech
"Will Your Job Still Exist In 2030?" - NPR
"Machines Will Do More Tasks Than Humans by 2025" - WEF
"AI will displace 40 percent of world's workers as soon as 2035, leading expert warns" - Fox News
48 "Klaus Schwab Wants To Change You"
49 ‘SMART CITIES’ Worldwide Being Converted Into ‘Open Concentration Camps,’ Says Ex-Silicon Valley Engineer Turned Whistleblower - Gateway Pundit
"The surprising stickiness of the “15-minute city”
50 "World Economic Forum: Smartphones Will Be In Your Body By 2030" - The Pulse
51 "Goodbye car ownership, hello clean air: welcome to the future of transport" - World Economic Forum
52 World Economic Forum Intelligence
53 "How digital identity can improve lives in a post-COVID-19 world" - World Economic Forum
"Digital IDs Are More Dangerous Than You Think" - Wired
"Why is a digital ID so dangerous?" - The Counter Signal
54 See the documentary “Secrets of the United Nations”
See our evidence report on the stealing of the 2020 US Presidential elections
55 1987 Headquarters Agreement
56 See the Grand Jury Evidence
57 Three Corporations run the world: City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City
58 Wie is de Cabal? – herziene versie
59 “They sacrifice children”, says financial elite insider Ronald Bernard
"We worship Moloch right now" - CNS News
60 "Oude vrouw sterft door politiegeweld" - Frontnieuws
61 "Speciaal rapport politieverhoren" - BPOC
62 “Im Netz der Dossiers” - Der Spiegel
63 "The definition of a "two-tiered justice system" - Social