Something unprecedented is happening in our world, that will forever change the course of history and lay the foundation for a better world. 

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Have you heard about the greatest movement in all of human history?

In this interview researcher David Sorensen explains how the WHO is grooming little children worldwide for pedophiles, through public schools

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How the WHO grooms children for pedophiles in public schools worldwide

If we know that Alex Jones is an agent of the Israeli Mossad, to control the truth movement, then why is he being promoted by the white hats?

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What is going on with Alex Jones?

I am always grateful and thankful for the absolute destruction of my previous life, as my new life in Truth is well worth the inconceivable pain and suffering I survived.

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This destroyed my life, and I am forever thankful…

Something unprecedented is happening in our world, that will forever change the course of history and lay the foundation for a better world, where everyone can live in more abundance, peace, and well-being. 

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Have you heard about the greatest movement in all of human history?