Dear Friends For Freedom,
there is unimaginably good news, for the international movement of truth, freedom and a better world.
A few days ago, Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of META (Facebook and Instagram), announced worldwide that they will stop censoring posts. They will no longer cooperate with the corrupt fact checkers, and will instead use the much fairer system of “Community Notes".
Instead of simply, without pardon, labeling posts as incorrect, and hiding or deleting them, everyone will now have the chance to participate in the online conversations, by adding a community note.
The post will then simply remain, but people who opt in will be able to add a note to a post for verification if they wish. Actual censorship will cease with this, on Facebook and Instagram.

From now on, hundreds of millions of people will once again be able to spread the truth unhindered on any desirable subject. This will give an unprecedented boost to the global movement of truth and freedom.
During the corona pandemic, many thousands of prominent doctors, scientists, lawyers, politicians, and even President Trump were censored by social media. Trump's account was disabled to prevent the American people from hearing what the president had to say. Unheard of forms of extreme censorship.
Donald Trump then announced that he will crack down on the criminal powers behind the scenes who have these crimes on their conscience. Clearly he has been effective, as Mark Zuckerberg is apparently no longer in the grip of the criminal elites. A few weeks ago, Donald Trump had a private conversation with Marck Zuckerberg, and it resulted in this historic upheaval of social media!
In the next planned pandemic (of bird flu and possibly other artificially manufactured pathogens), truth will now be able to be spread unhindered by all doctors, scientists and researchers worldwide.

Humanity is on the verge of waking up more than ever before, to what is really going on in the world. The awakening will increase exponentially.
I have been working for two years on an impressive film that shows how pandemics are being used to install world tyranny. This film will sum up all the evidence for this, and bring about an unprecedented unmasking. The prospect of being able to spread this film unhindered on Facebook and X is dizzying.
Will you please help us finish this fantastic film? With your support, we can translate it into dozens of languages so that the world will be more awakened than ever.
Make a donation here, for the great awakening of humanity >>
For a better world,
David Sorensen