Dear Friends of Freedom,
Not everyone likes the truth because the truth is confronting, shocking, and painful. It exposes the true causes of humanity's suffering and shows us that we, too, bear responsibility.
Yet it is essential to make the truth known. Without truth, there is no freedom. Without truth, there is no change. Without truth, everything stays the same—and no one wants that.
Our calling is to speak the truth in a world utterly dominated by lies, deception, confusion, and distortion.
This is not an easy task, as many people prefer lies. Lies are often easier to believe. For example, if we accept the lie that vaccines are always good for us, we avoid the effort of using common sense, intelligent discernment, and divine insight. We can blindly offer our arm for injection, believing it is for our benefit.
Choosing truth requires bravery and sacrifices. It means protecting ourselves and standing strong.
As soon as we choose truth, we risk losing people—those who prefer the comfort of lies, which provide a false sense of security.
What if it is true that governments are excessively evil networks of child abusers collaborating with satanic elites?
That idea is too shocking for many to accept. "It can't be true," they think. "Where's the evidence? It doesn't make sense."
Truth can be unbearable...
It seems impossible to many people that the heads of state, heads of the military, the heads of the judiciary, etc. are all deeply involved in organized systems of child abuse, and even ritual child sacrifice (see this shocking evidence report).
"No, you can't say that," they insist. "You must be crazy to believe this."
For some, the government is sacred, infallible, and always has the people's best interests at heart. Coming to the realization that it are in fact our trusted governments that are committing the worst atrocities, especially against the children, can be extremely disturbing.
However, after the pain subsides and you recover from the shock, you wake up. You grow stronger. You grow braver. Truth purifies the soul, strengthens the spirit, and builds character.
When you choose to stop closing your eyes and embrace the pain of seeing what is truly happening in the world, only then do you become fully human.
You find comfort from heaven. You connect with others who have also faced the pain of acknowledging reality. You realize you were born with a purpose—to bring change.
Political leaders are
Immoral child molesters

I cried for weeks, my whole body shaking with grief. I felt shattered into a thousand pieces. Why? Because I came to the alarming conclusion that the political leaders in our country are perpetrators of child abuse and murder.
Eyewitness accounts and testimonies from survivors reveal that these politicians gather large groups of children in various venues, subjecting them to horrific acts of sexual violence. (See this revealing report.)
Furthermore, I have recognized that Satanism is not merely the domain of a fringe group of extremists; rather, it appears to be a widespread belief system embraced by influential figures across the globe.
In Satanism, the torture, rape, and ritual murder of children are central practices. These horrors feed the invisible forces of evil. The suffering of innocent children sustains their dark power.
Satanism lies at the heart of many governments, militaries, and justice systems. Only those who participate in these practices ascend to the highest positions of power.
That's why Satanism can proliferate in every community without any governmental intervention. This is evident in the abundance of video stores filled with gruesome films that showcase demonic torment, bloodshed, horror, and terror.
It is also why you see satanic rituals being performed at the Eurovision Song Contest, the Olympics, the Super Bowl Halftime, and all other major events, in front of the eyes of humanity, cheering like a bunch of fools and dancing like madmen (see this shocking overview).

Several performances of the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest were blatant manifestations of pure Satanism.
That is why you see pornography promoted so massively, strangling almost every man or woman until no one understands true love and precious intimacy.
That's why you see the entire movie industry is so perverted, bestial and sick.
That's why you see intelligence services like the CIA, FBI, Mossad and MI6 working to facilitate international child trafficking instead of stopping it.
That's why you see the news media do nothing but lie, cheat, mislead and distort, without ever speaking a word of truth.
That's why you see that the entire justice system never prosecutes the big criminals, but does prosecute the innocent good people who are working for a better world. Like Tina Peters who is in prison in Colorado, because she exposed election fraud. Or like Reiner Fuellmich who is in prison in Germany because he exposed government crimes.
That's why you see that the entire food industry is riddled with deadly poisons, causing cancer, nervous diseases, heart disease and mental disorders, without the government ever doing anything about it.
This is why you see that the entire scientific world is based on the most insane, radically anti-scientific lie that man is the product of absurd chance.
This is why the World Health Organization and the United Nations instruct elementary school all over the world to make sure preschoolers have sex with each other, to prepare them to be abused by pedophiles (see this evidence report).
There is so much evil in the world. So much deception. So much perversion. So much darkness. But it is no accident. It is because the top of humanity has chosen Satanism.
Those in power serve the deepest darkness in exchange for unlimited power, wealth and extravagant sexual pleasure. Without love. Without heart. Without compassion. Pure pleasure, without soul. Selfishly devouring desire, stalking everything and everyone like prey.
That's what they choose to do.
But there is an end to it....
A new era of light and
goodness is dawning

There is a reason why everything is coming to light now. It serves a purpose: to bring an end to it once and for all.
The tears we shed upon uncovering the undeniable truth are not in vain. Our shattered hearts will not remain in disarray. The profound sorrow reflected in our eyes will eventually transform into joy and gratitude.
Those who possess the honesty and courage, the love and sincerity, the heart and integrity to confront the realities of our world will be rewarded. We will experience a joy so immense that it transcends words and sounds.
The monsters have been revealed, allowing us to hold them accountable. The demons are now visible, enabling their expulsion. The crimes have been exposed so that justice can prevail.
They may attempt to escape, but they cannot hide. They may deny their actions, but they have already been uncovered. They may resist, but they have already lost.
This is the moment when the radiant light of the Eternal shines forth, dispelling the darkness once and for all.
The heroes who sacrificed their lives, like Janet Oxbeard, will dance in eternity, rejoicing with the angels and celebrating with the Most High. She recognizes that a new era is on the horizon.
Do not be a liar, coward, or hypocrite. Do not betray humanity or become an accomplice to monsters. Choose to embrace the truth.
Choose to be part of the greatest liberation of humanity in history. Choose to be the solution for a world that has endured so much suffering, especially for the children. Those who turn a blind eye to the cries of countless children will ultimately pay the price.

But those who choose to allow the sorrow and pain of truth will taste the joy of liberation.
Let us stand together for a world in justice and truth, where every child is safe. Where every abuser receives the death penalty. Where every wolf is banished. And where the innocent can grow and prosper.
A new time is dawning. No one can stop it. Nothing can stop it. The sun is already rising, and we will see the new day.
Have hope, for the world will change.
David Sorensen
PS: we have been fighting extreme evil in our world for years. Please support us so we can break through with the light of truth. With your support we can work miracles. Please support our work here. Thank you!