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The Miracle That Led to a Groundbreaking Interview

Dear Friends,

Do you believe in miracles? You will, after reading this post.

As you know, I was on my way to interview an incredibly fascinating person who knew back in 2007 about the coming plandemic, followed by the installment of worldwide tyranny. This man was fully aware of the true plan, which was a lot worse than what they were actually able to pull off. Somehow their agenda was completely crippled and they failed miserably. How? Why? Who? This man reveals it all.

What was their real plan? What have we been saved from? How did that happen?

On my way to interview him in California, our van broke down in the middle of the Nevada desert. We were stuck with no way out. I told my wife and kids I would find a way to come home and abandon this project. The attacks and opposition to this trip had been too much. I was exhausted and discouraged. I texted the man I was about to interview that I couldn’t make it.

How was I going to get out of that hole in the desert? The intense stress and fatigue caused my heart to malfunction again, and so I gave up.

Yet, the very next day I found myself in California, on my way to the interview. I could not believe it. How did that happen? From hitting rock bottom, I went soaring, in less than a day.

The answer is: prayer and support from you guys. The miracle happened.

We were able to lay our hands on the only U-Haul truck in the entire desert village, and in that massive old, loud and bumpy vehicle we hollered out of the coyotes den, toward a city where we rented a shiny GMC that lifted us onto higher ground towards the sunshine state.

The interview has been done, and it’s more powerful than I had even thought. The man was asked by Donald Trump to meet him, the day before. After a security clearance he was welcomed backstage for a private meeting with the true president of the United States. I am not allowed to reveal what conspired there, but it is very encouraging! Wow… If only I could tell you…

The next day I met my friend, and we recorded what this hero has to say… Although I knew a lot already, it still blew me away. This is phenomenal! Truly phenomenal.

What the cabal, or deep state, had planned was pure satanic hell on earth, starting in 2020. Lockdowns for many years. Total devastation of all of mankind, complete wipe out of the global economy, mass murder of billions of people to dramatically reduce the world population, followed by a totalitarian regime that would cause all dissidents to disappear. Face masks forever. Lifelong vaccine mandates. Removal of all freedoms and rights. A full and all encompassing China style on steroids tyrannical hell on earth, with no way out. That - and much more - was their goal.

Why did they fail? What thwarted their true agenda? How come we are still alive and not locked up in camps, as the plan was?

Wait for the truth to be revealed, which will blow you away. I need a few days to edit and publish.

It will be mind blowing to find out what we have all been saved from. Very few people know… but now it will be revealed.

Thank you all for standing with us in this battle. Your support makes miracles happen. We can continue our mission worldwide and reveal truth that causes major waves around the world.

The impact will be everlasting.

David Sorensen

PS: Support our worldwide mission to expose the plans of the wicked and bring hope to the good people, for a better world. Together we can do what is unimaginable. Go here to support our work:

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