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What nobody knows about the 4th of July

My heart cringes when I see America celebrate 4th of July. It shows the incredible ignorance of the masses. How easy the public is being played. Even major freedom organizations like Americas Frontline Doctors (which I deeply love and respect) celebrate Independence Day.

It is so disturbing. Why? Because there is no such thing as independence, freedom or deliverance for the American people.

It was the true intention of the Founding Fathers, who broke away from the tyranny of the British elites, and founded a new nation on the principles of liberty for all. But as soon as they declared the United States a free country, it was infiltrated and subverted again by the British elites, who established Washington DC as a foreign entity to enslave the people of America.

These are some of the men who truly own the United States, through Washington DC: the Rothschilds.

Independence Day is a joke, to fool the masses who have no clue about what is truly going on. There is no freedom for the American people. Every American is literally a subject to foreign elites who operate from within Washington DC, which is a foreign entity OUTSIDE (!) of the United States. The US government is a theatre play for oblivious people, who don’t know that all these governors and senators are controlled (wether they know it or not) by foreign entities, who truly govern the USA.

Let me say it again: just as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, many African nations and even some European nations, the United States is a franchise of foreign elites.

These elites have a blast every 4th of July, laughing their eyes out, because all of America is celebrating liberty from tyranny, while nobody knows how they are literally slaves bound by chains of taxation, control and suppression, held by a foreign entity.

But it will not stay like this. It’s significant that president Trump celebrated his last 4th of July not in Washington DC, but at Mount Rushmore, where the Founding Fathers are carved in the rocks. What a statement! He has been making it clear in many different ways that he is part of an incredible operation to truly liberate America once and for all from the tyrannical elites, who, until now, have always held the American people hostage (while nobody even is aware of it!).

Think what you will. Have all the opinions of the world, if you wish. Be mad at me all you want. I will say the truth and nothing but the truth: once the most hated, slandered, rejected, betrayed and misrepresented man in history is back in office, we will see a true 4th of July.

In several posts I have presented evidence that Trump is the frontman of the US military who are busy abolishing the center of the cabal in Washington DC and they will truly liberate this nation from the satanic elites. The White House will be relocated. A new republic will be born.

America has never been a free country. It has always been infiltrated, hijacked, controlled and enslaved by the elites, who sucked the blood of every child born in America. They have been stealing everything from us. Everything.

You wanna have a home? They tax the heck out of you. You wanna have land? They tax you. You wanna have a car? They tax you. You wanna have a trailer to move stuff? They tax you. You wanna sell something? They tax you. You receive an inheritance? They tax you. You want to bless somebody with a gift? They tax you. You wanna farm? They tax you. You want to have a business? They tax you. They tax everything you do, buy, own, give, and so much more. And all this tax money goes into the pockets of these foreign entities. Only peanuts goes back to the nation, for the bare essentials.

Why do you think this nation has such incredible debt? While they steal trillions every year from the people? What a joke! Meanwhile the ignorant people celebrated 4th of July for centuries, oblivious to what a joke it always was.

But no more. A new day is dawning for the USA. Don’t believe me. Feel free to mock me and spit at me. But you just wait and see what happens in the coming years.

If you want to know what I am talking about, then do some homework and read up on this page. It contains the answers you are looking for.

America is enslaved by tyrants who have been preying on us from birth. They tax every step we take, every move we make. They rob us blind and bind us on all sides. Those who oppose it end up in jail. Or they have been murdered.

But the end is near.

Prepare for a true 4th of July. A new era. A true liberation of the people of America… and the world.

It is coming. Count on it.

Go here to see what I am talking about.

Happy REAL 4th of July to the entire world!

David Sorensen
Stop World Control

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