Do you know this inner turmoil, where you swing from excited hope for a beautiful future, to a terrible sense of dread as you see what is happening in our world?
On the one hand, we have full assurance that the Creator of all life, the Source of all that is good, the Giver of victory and breakthrough is using the current world crisis to turn humanity around from darkness to light, so He can realize a brand new creation in us and through us. That is thrilling, inspiring, and exhilarating.
Can you imagine a world where the overarching force of all evil, the ancient dragon and the serpent of old has been removed from Earth, and humanity can finally breathe freely, no longer oppressed by the all-encompassing cloud of perversion, wickedness, death and suffering that is now hovering over humanity? How unspeakably wonderful will that be!

At last everything good and wonderful will be able to sprout unhindered and flourish abundantly, bearing healing fruits for all of humanity, without evil criminals uprooting it before it has ever begun to grow.
What a paradise the world will become, once this worldwide system of intense evil is removed and good can finally begin to restore everything broken on Earth - bringing about a future for mankind that nobody has ever dared to dream of.
That is the bright and brilliant hope we have, as we understand the times we are in, where evil is finally being exposed and signs are increasing that a new world is about to emerge.
Extreme manifestation of evil
Yet, on the other hand, we see how this same ugly force of destruction and tyranny, the dark demons of the dungeons, are crawling out of the depths of the abyss and manifesting massively all around the world, in ways we never thought possible. If they get their way, Earth will become worse than hell itself.
Can you imagine a world where you are not allowed to do, say, or even think ANYTHING that is not in line with what the governments demand you think, say, feel and do?
The moment you divert from their sick insanity - such as the promotion of LGBTQA+, normalization of pedophilia, forcing toddlers to have sex, destruction of all healthy food and forcing everyone to eat GMO bugs from a factory, imposing lethal injections on everyone several times a year - they will come after you. Every time you are caught by the omnipresent cloud of AI that will be monitoring even your very thoughts and feelings, you can be treated as a domestic terrorist or a threat to national security.
That is literally - without a hint of exaggeration - the society the globalists are currently establishing worldwide. Recording of all thoughts and feelings, and anyone who doesn’t think the way they want is in deep trouble.
Don’t think they won’t be able to do it, as they are already doing it massively worldwide. The mind-controlling technologies are being rolled out in cities around the world, as you can see in the documentary ‘THE END OF HUMANITY’. Watch this film below...
Already in recent years we have seen many people being arrested for posting something on social media that was not in line with government tyranny. Countless medical doctors lost their license or were fined and fired from their positions, simply because they successfully treated pandemic patients. That was not allowed, as the world population had to be fooled into believing there were no treatments, so everyone would line up to get a dangerous and potentially lethal experimental injection. That is the society these devils are building all around us as we speak.
The World Health Organization is being restructured to effectively become a world dictatorship whenever it proclaims the next plandemic, and assumes full authority over every nation of the world, to mandate censorship, arrests, forced quarantines, forced injections, and so on.
This is reality. It is happening now. And the most shocking part of it is that when you express an honest and justified concern about these developments, the police could be at your door. People in Canada, The Netherlands, Australia, Germany, and other countries have been arrested for posting their sincere concerns on social media. This confirms that the world these demons are preparing is worse than the worst movies you have ever seen. And no, I am not kidding, nor am I exaggerating.
Technologies are being developed as I speak, that will turn every human into a living battery where our very heartbeat and breath creates energy to power the worldwide AI surveillance and control grid. This is possible thanks to the mass dispersal of graphene oxide in recent years, which has been introduced into the bodies of billions of people through vaccines, chemtrails, water, food, supplements, diapers, women’s products, chocolates, and so much more.

Imagine that you yourself are the power source to sustain the very system that is enslaving you, and there is nothing you can do about it, as it happens deep inside every cell of your body that is drenched with graphene oxide…
What is being rolled out at this very moment around the world is diabolical beyond comparison. In many nations, millions of people have already been forced into quarantine, where they were forcefully injected against their will. Millions were banned from their own bank accounts because they wouldn’t obey the devastating mandates. We know the devilish tyranny that erupted during the first plandemic. Millions were beaten until they bled, and many were transported to the hospital with life-threatening injuries inflicted by the police, because they peacefully walked on the streets, expressing their desire for justice. See our overview of pandemic tyranny.

When hell reigns, the police become the work force for the worst demons in hell, and will blindly and unquestioningly obey the most inhumane orders, because that’s what they signed up for: to be unquestioning servants of anyone who is higher in rank. If that happens to be a vicious criminal, every police officer becomes the extension of this criminal.
We will bring about a better world
The omnipresence of evil can be overwhelming, sucking all courage and hope out of us. But we must understand that this is the globalists' strategy: put all your focus on the problem and away from the solution. Because, what is the solution?
You and me! We are the ones who will turn things around in this world.
That may sound strange for some, since religion tells us otherwise: we must wait for heaven to fix everything, and just hang in there. But that is a false mindset that is actually the very reason there is so much evil in the world. It shuts the good people down into a perpetual waiting mode, which gives the wicked free reign.

Understand that Earth was given to man. The Creator gave this creation to you and me - so we have the responsibility and blessing to protect and save it from destruction.
Thinking that we simply must wait for God, Christ, the Messiah or some World Teacher to do do this for us is a sure road to total destruction (see this post about the Return of Christ). We are the ones created to be rulers and guardians of this beautiful world. The crown is on our head. The scepter is in our hand. We have the responsibility.
It’s because good people have given the world into the claws of hell, thinking ‘it’s not our job to protect the world’, that the wicked have been able to seize it.
Once the good people understand their mission and identity: to be guardians and warriors who establish love, justice, goodness and peace on earth - led by the Christ who dwells within us - then it is game over for the wicked.
Those who serve evil are terrified of good people rising up. Because they know that they have zero mandate, blessing, or authority from the Creator. Everything the wicked do is illegitimate and based on deception and theft. All they do is lie and steal. That’s how they have achieved power and control over the entire world.
Once we expose their lies and thievery, they are lost.
We are the ones with the scepter. We carry the crown. We have the blessing from on high. We have the armies of trillions of angels on our side. But they are waiting for us to rise up and pick up our swords. To speak truth. Expose corruption. Do good. Be brave. To lay the foundations for a beautiful new world.
PS: We have been censored severely several times in the past years, and are still struggling to recover and rebuild from the attacks that tried to silence us. Please support our mission, so we can continue our important work worldwide. Go here to support us. Thank you so much!