In recent years, many hopeful discoveries have been made by researchers who long for a better world, with true health and abundant life.
Thus, It was discovered that in the not too distant past, humans knew many important keys to human well-being. Free energy, for example, and the use of frequencies that harmonize and restore the human body. In more recent times, however, these solutions were hidden by big industries, which do not benefit from free energy and a healthy population.
After all, they make their billions by making everyone dependent on their very expensive energy systems and the pharmaceutical industry.
However, an increasing number of people are fed up with these systems, which enslave us for life to these rich industrialists, who determine what is “good” and “healthy” for us. Their only criterion in doing so is whether it fills their pockets. The richer they get from it, the more they impose it on humanity as “the only solution,” suppressing all other solutions.
An Oil Tycoon Reformed
Global Medicine

A revolting example of how wealthy industrialists have poisoned our world, for the sake of money and power, is seen in health care. In the 19th century, oil magnate John David Rockefeller discovered that all kinds of chemical medicines could be manufactured from petroleum. Since he was the largest oil magnate in all of America, he decided to exploit that for his own profit and power. Rockefeller began to label all existing natural healing methods as quackery, systematically banning them from medical care. With his immeasurable financial power, he succeeded in ensuring that existing health care was replaced by toxic chemical drugs based on petroleum. As one of the world's greatest oil magnates, this naturally earned him an awesome fortune and he became the richest man in all of America's history.
Then the Rockefeller Institute infiltrated the universities and began meticulously determining what was taught to the millions of medical students.
This included a focus on prescribing the new petrochemical drugs.
Prior to the Rockefeller era, the focus in medicine was on finding the underlying cause of health problems and then eliminating it so that actual healing could occur. Physicians learned to understand the human body, gained insight into the influence of lifestyle and diet on health, and tried to eliminate the cause of health complaints so that healing could occur. Rockefeller shifted that emphasis to a very different approach, teaching doctors primarily what chemical pills to prescribe to their patients. These pills could suppress symptoms to some degree, but without bringing a cure.
In this way, people stayed sick, becoming lifelong “customers” who had to buy their medication every month.
Students of “medicine” became students of “medicine. Instead of learning how to cure people, they learn what drugs to give. Moreover, these petrochemical drugs cause all kinds of side effects, for which many people have to re-medicate. In this way, millions of people end up in an endless pipeline of constantly swallowing medications “for their health” for the rest of their lives.

Many doctors today are little more than sellers of petrochemical medication. For every box of pills they sell, they receive a financial reward from the pharmaceutical industry.
John D. Rockefeller then founded the World Health Organization to gain a world monopoly over “medical care. Today, the World Health Organization has claimed totalitarian authority to be the absolute autocrat over global medical care. The World Health Organization dictates to all governments worldwide what they can and cannot do in the field of health care.
This is truly absurd: a private organization founded by an oil magnate dictates health care for every country in the world.
The result of this situation is that, for example, during the corona pandemic, the World Health Organization banned all effective treatments for corona, telling the whole world that only an experimental injection of toxic substances can help us. Again, something that makes trillions of dollars to a handful of super rich, without helping people. Our world-famous Vaccine Mortality Report reveals the scientific figures that show that hundreds of millions of people worldwide are permanently severely damaged by these injections and tens of millions have already died from them.
Nearly one and a half million people die every year from the side effects of pharmaceutical industry drugs. In America alone, 40,000 people die every year as a result of these toxic medications. That means three people die every minute because of the petrochemical medications from the pharmaceutical industry.
International health care has literally been taken over by criminals, who do not have human welfare in mind, but are purely out for their own enrichment and the acquisition of totalitarian power over all humanity.

Modern medicine was founded by John D. Rockefeller, who knew nothing about health care. But he owned oil and told the world that all medicine had to be made from petroleum. He made sure that natural treatments were banned and built an international criminal medical empire, which today we call Big Pharma. In addition, he founded the World Health Organization to gain a monopoly on medical care for the entire world.
Looking for Real,
Lasting Health

Millions of people worldwide are fed up with this criminal medical cartel and are seeking the original natural and highly effective healing methods. After all, the vast majority of all diseases in our time did not exist, say, two centuries ago.
Since the takeover of health care by excessively evil criminals, the number of health conditions worldwide has increased dramatically.
This is partly due to the fact that the same criminal entities have taken over the food industry in exactly the same way, poisoning it just as heavily, for their own profit and power. Farmland is sprayed with countless gallons of deadly poisons, on which 'food' for humans is then grown. The madness of this is far beyond any common sense. The result is that people consume highly toxic food, which contains hardly any nutrients but is bursting with neurotoxic and carcinogenic chemicals.
Statistics indicate that meanwhile half the population
gets cancer, and almost everyone falls prey to diabetes or heart disease. Even more and more children already struggle with all kinds of health problems and suffer from a wide range of mental illnesses such as ADHD, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety disorders,... something that used to be unthinkable.
We claim to have advanced with our technology and so-called sustainability, green energy, and all kinds of “health measures” imposed by the government, but the reality is that we have never been in worse shape.
For example, if you look at these pictures of a beach, from the 1960s and 1970s, something strikes you: everyone is slim. Obesity barely existed, just 50-60 years ago.

Then compare that to pictures from our time....

Clearly, something has gone very wrong in recent decades. That is why millions of people worldwide have gone in search of how previous generations lived, when most of the health ailments of our time were largely non-existent. The result of this search is the rediscovery of many extraordinary riches.
In this article, we would like to bring one such lost resource back to your attention.... living water.
The secret of living water For human health
One of the most extraordinary secrets to human well-being that is being rediscovered is so-called naturally structured or “living” water. Our bodies are mostly composed of water and so is the earth. Water is life. Especially when water is made “alive. This is done by a certain movement of naturally flowing water, which structures water molecules in such a way that the water acquires powerful properties that are particularly healing for the human body.

Water is made alive by a certain movement of naturally flowing water. Thus, water molecules are structured giving it remarkable beneficial qualities.
About a century and a half ago, people used water in a very effective way to keep people healthy. All over the world we find countless spas, where water, for example, was led down stairs, or set in motion by fountains and led along miles of channels, to harmonize, activate, structure and alkalize the water molecules, giving this water properties that are remarkably beneficial to the human body.

A typical example of water routed rhythmically over a large number of steps to activate and structure it.

Again, we see how water is directed from top to bottom, over a series of steps, to achieve the same activating effect.

It was intended to make water active, alive and healing in the same way that running mountain water does.
During the Spanish flu epidemic in 1920, some doctors still partially possessed this knowledge. Doctors who treated the sick with water had a very high cure rate. They did not vaccinate their patients. Medical scientist Eleanor McBean, PhD, N.D. was an eyewitness to this epidemic and wrote in her book:
'While the medics and medical hospitals lost 33% of their flu cases, the non-medical hospitals got almost 100% cures with their water cures, baths, enemas, etc., fasting and certain other simple cures, followed by carefully devised diets of natural foods. One health doctor did not lose a patient in eight years.' (source)
Note that this scientist distinguishes between a “medical” doctor and a “health doctor. A medical doctor works with drugs, while a health doctor restores people's health naturally. Water historically always played a big role in this. Logical, since the human body is 73% water.

The medicinal use of water was part of the treatment of hospitals a century ago, which had a high healing potential. A page from a medical magazine explaining the healing effects of water treatments.
Below are some quotes from medical readings that discuss the health benefits of water treatments.
“I took in a few men to try the hydropathic remedies, which proved successful. As many more people applied for these treatments, I made room for free board, lodging and baths for a certain number of men and women. Hundreds have since found restoration of health and body (...). We made our home a free hospital, until we found that we were running out of space. I then bought a small house in Matlock Bank for six patients, board, lodging and treatments for 3 shillings a day. Soon we had to turn down applicants again”. - Smedler's Practical Hydropathy: 15th ed. (source)
“The water is said to be particularly valuable as a curative remedy for rheumatism, digestion, gout and lung and nerve disorders. - Jewill: "Nooks & Corners of Derbrshire" (source)
Water treatments were used in conjunction with healthy food and relaxation for the human spirit.

A sketch of the Matlock Hydropathic Establishment (water treatment hospital) by physician C. Smedley, in the 19th century. Note that it is not a square block of concrete, as hospitals are today, but located in a beautiful park and stunning natural setting, contributing to recovery.
A technical engineer friend pointed out to me that scientific studies have shown that there is almost nothing as healing for the human body as water bubbling directly from a spring from the ground. This is why wild animals are so fit and rarely sick: they drink only from natural water sources or the babbling brooks that spring directly from springs.

Animals in the wild drink primarily from natural water sources. This plays a role in why these animals are so strong and fit.
In the past, there were also many public bathing establishments where people went to heal. So-called spas always made use of the healing properties of water. In the Roman Empire, people already had this knowledge, if we look at their bathhouses, which served not only for beauty, but also for health. There were also the world-famous Russian and Turkish baths. In the past, people had public fountains in many squares in towns and villages, where people could drink pure spring water. One of the most healing elements for humans, was just available everywhere.

An example of a “source of living water” (see inscription on this drinking fountain) where everyone in the village could drink living, structured, alkaline water daily.
The Central Role Of Water In The Functioning Of Our Bodies

We rarely dwell on the fact that our bodies are 73% water. Our brain is 83% water, muscles and kidneys are 79% water, skin is 64% water and bones are around 31% water. Water is also critical to our eyes, which are as much as 95% water!
SOME functions of water in OUR BODY:
✔︎ Water is critical for proper brain function.
✔︎ Water is the main building block of our cells.
✔︎ Water transports oxygen to the cells.
✔︎ Water transports minerals, vitamins and nutrients to the body's cells.
✔︎ Water is crucial for supple joints.
✔︎ Water flushes waste products from the body.
✔︎ Water regulates energy.
✔︎ Water is critical for functioning of the heart.
✔︎ Water ensures healthy, supple skin.
✔︎ Water is very important for weight loss.
✔︎ Water is important for digestion.
✔︎ Water determines how well muscles work.
And much more...
Every function of the human body depends on water. Therefore, drinking pure, living water is the biggest key to better health.
Can We Experience the Healing Power of Living Water?

The question is how in our time can we experience back the amazing natural richness of pure and living water? This turns out not to be so easy, because all our drinking water is piped through water pipes, leaving little life in it. Moreover, tap water is known to contain alarming amounts of residues of drugs, hormones, vaccines, and other toxins.
In many ways, tap water is the opposite of living water from nature.
Bottled spring water also loses many of its living qualities, because it sits still for months in the bottle, and goes through all sorts of industrial processes before it reaches the bottles. Moreover, it is very expensive to have to buy several bottles of spring water every day. Therefore, it is not so easy in our time to have access to living water that is pure, structured, active and alkaline.
Yet there is hope, as several researchers have been looking into this problem in recent years to find a solution.
Work has been going on for decades to develop devices, which can match the effect of flowing mountain water and make water alive and healing again. In this way, a lost wealth, which has been hidden from us by the criminal monopoly of big industries, can once again come within our reach.
Physical Therapist
Gets Her Life Back

However, the question is which of these devices is the best? How do you separate the wheat from the chaff? The answer to that question came my way recently. I was approached by Johanna, a former naturopathic therapist in the Netherlands who struggled throughout her life with insomnia, chronic fatigue and intestinal complaints. Hospitals could not help her any further and from a severe depression she decided to become a naturopathic therapist, hoping to gain insights that could help her get healthy. She recovered, but despite all the physical and medical knowledge she accumulated, and all the solutions she tried, there always remained a missing link for her and her balance remained tremendously unstable.
After she suffered a concussion, she had to close her practice and ended up mainly lying flat.
One day Johanna came across structured, live water and decided to purchase a device. After all, she had nothing to lose. To her surprise, after a few months she was able to ride a bicycle again and now she is living life to the fullest. By drinking living water, Johanna finally found recovery, after decades of illness and weakness. She literally got her life back.
Before, she did not have the strength to even sit on a bicycle, whereas now she makes bicycle trips of 70 - 80 kilometers a day!
It turned out that Johanna's health problems were due to her body not absorbing nutrients adequately. This is a well-known problem with tap and bottled water: its molecular structure makes it difficult for our bodies to absorb the minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. We drink and eat, but it does not sufficiently penetrate our cells. As a result, we chronically lack oxygen and nutrients, preventing our bodies from functioning properly.
A Revolutionary Medical Device Used By Thousands of Doctors

This revolutionary medical device was introduced in hundreds of hospitals in Japan in 1974. Because people recovered so dramatically from it, it was called "Miracle Water". It could not be called anything but a miracle.
Over 6,500 doctors in Japan today use this “miracle water” to support their patients in regaining their health.
In 1990, they decided to use this water not only in hospitals to cure the sick, but they also wanted to use it preventively outside the medical circuit, to make the population healthier. After all, prevention is better than cure. Thanks to that decision to make this device available to everyone, I can now write this article to bring this breakthrough for our health to your attention.
We would love to tell you the name of this revolutionary medical device, but the criminal medical industry has had laws drafted that prohibit mentioning the health benefits of physical solutions. They themselves are allowed to make all sorts of claims with their heavily toxic petrochemical pills, but anything that actually brings healing is not allowed to be disclosed. That's how far-reaching the crime is in the medical cartel! However, we can tell you in person, as well as the price for this device.
Contact us to know more about this medical device so that you can purchase it and dramatically improve your life with it.
Since we are not allowed to mention its name, we will use the original name it had when it was first used: 'WONDERWATER'.
This is not a filter, but a Sophisticated Medical Device

The water was developed by scientists in Japan, who wanted to give humanity back the healing power of real living water. These researchers used a unique process in which tap water is first filtered of harmful substances. Then the water is passed along ionization plates and the electrolysis process restructures the molecules (like flowing mountain water) so that the water can better penetrate our cells. By splitting the water, it creates an acidic and an alkaline water stream. The alkaline water causes our bodies to deacidify and detoxify, which is a requirement for health and well-being. The electrolysis process also gives the water an exceptionally strong antioxidant effect (due to the molecular hydrogen created), protecting against disease (inflammation) and aging.
The device has already been used in hundreds of hospitals since 1974, by some 6,500 doctors. There are thousands of medical professionals and therapists worldwide who use it.
Please note that this device is not a water filter, but an advanced medical device. Some people confuse it with an ordinary water filter, but that is a serious misconception.
What Does This Living Water Do In Your Body?

Our intestines are the most important organ of our body, with an area the size of a soccer field, if they were completely spread out. That sounds mind-boggling, but it's true. Therefore, the intestines are the foundation of our health. Not only is our food processed in the gut, but also our immune system is formed there. Moreover, many important hormones and neurotransmitters are produced in the intestines, which take care of our mental and physical well-being.
If something is not right with our gut, or if the gut flora is out of balance, it directly affects our entire body and mind.
World-renowned Russian surgeon Dr. Natasha Campbell has shown that most mental problems have their origin in the gut. Schizophrenia, ADHD, depression, autism, and many other mental problems recover in many cases, once the gut is repaired. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that our gut is in good condition. Healthy gut and gut flora are also vital to our energy, joy of life, brain clarity, and much more.
The importance of healthy gut and optimal gut flora cannot be overstated. That is where the key to health lies, in most people.
Unfortunately, in our time, bitterly few people have ideal gut health. Our gut suffers from the harmful influence of stress, radiation, a busy life, toxins in food and environment, antibiotics, vaccines, medications, sugars, eating grains, and so on. Most of the time we don't notice it, but it shows in a multitude of symptoms. Because we do not immediately link these symptoms to our gut, we do not realize that that is where the cause of many problems we struggle with lies.
Most health issues can be solved, by addressing the gut.
This is where this special water comes in, like a real superhero who can bring salvation. This is because the water cleanses the intestines very thoroughly, making the whole body (all organs, blood, brain, nervous system, etc.) work better. The photo below shows intestines before and after drinking this living water.

blood becomes healthy
The living water also has a powerful effect on the blood. Below is a microscopic photograph of the blood of a diabetic patient. On the left you see the blood before using the water, and on the right is the result after using the water. The red blood cells are no longer clumped together, have a nicer round shape and can perform their function much better. Healthy blood is absolutely essential to our health.

antioxidant effect
One of the most important substances in our bodies, which ensure a long life in good health, are antioxidants. These fight excess free radicals in your body. Free radicals can do great damage to cells and tissues, promoting all kinds of diseases. The damage done by free radicals is called oxidative stress. The brain is especially susceptible to it, but so are the eyes and all organs. Oxidative stress is a major cause of our body's physical aging. Antioxidants help you fight this aging.
Antioxidants protect you from oxidative stress and, in the long run, help prevent diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.
In addition, antioxidants support your immune system and protect your body from harmful external influences, such as viruses and bacteria. Antioxidants play a key role in your health, even in later life.
The image below shows the antioxidant effect of a glass of this miracle water, relative to food.

A glass of this living water has the same antioxidant effect as 30 glasses of green tea, 64 apples, 16 tablets of vitamin C, 5 kg of broccoli, 5 bundles of spinach, 38 carrots, 94 bananas or a kilo of blueberries. This was demonstrated by research by Professor Hiromi Shinya, clinical professor of surgery and head of the endoscopy center at Beth Israel Medical Center, and vice president of the Japanese Medical Association in the United States.
hydration of body cells

Our body is 74% water. Every cell needs water and every organ consists mostly of water. Water is the single most important element for the proper functioning of our body.
This “miracle water” water brings much more water into the cells of our body, making the cells alive, powerful and dynamic.
Most people are chronically dehydrated (dehydrated), without knowing it. When we are dehydrated, our organs work like an engine without oil: everything creaks and squeaks and does not run properly. This is why many people struggle with a lack of energy.
I myself was dehydrated for years, although I drank a lot. However, the water could not optimally penetrate my cells. That causes very serious and even life-threatening health problems. Because if water does not penetrate our body cells properly, we cannot absorb enough nutrients and oxygen, because these are brought into our cells through the water in the blood.
By lacking the right amount of minerals and vitamins, our body will have serious problems.
In conventional medical care, which is driven by the heavily criminal pharmaceutical industry, this is usually ignored. Because this industry is focused on making a lot of profit, they benefit most from people taking medications throughout their lives. This is why doctors and hospitals do not pay enough attention to the level of hydration and the degree to which oxygen and nutrients are absorbed. Instead, they stick all kinds of disease names on people, who are then sent home with a list of pills that only suppress certain symptoms without solving the problem.
Moreover, the toxic drugs cause all sorts of side effects, sending countless people into a downward spiral of increasingly poor health.
However, many people can easily recover by optimally hydrating the cells, so that oxygen and nutrients are supplied much better, while toxic substances can be disposed of effectively.

As the illustration above shows, water molecules of tap water are linked together in clusters of 15 to 20 molecules, making it difficult to penetrate the cell wall.
The water is structured just like living spring water, meaning the water molecules are in clusters of only 6 molecules, with a hexagonal structure that penetrates the cells very well. Therefore, this water hydrates the human body extremely well.
As a result, people who drink this water soon need fewer supplements. Many people experience a constant feeling of hunger because their bodies do not absorb the substances sufficiently, so the body constantly asks for more food. As a result, many people become overweight. The water ensures that your body is finally fed next, which in the long run requires you to eat less (which in turn saves a lot of money in the long run). In this way, this water also contributes to losing excess weight.
detoxification of toxic substances
The biggest problem with humans in our time, is that we have many toxins in our bodies. These toxins come from cleaning products, cosmetic products, supermarket industrial foods that contain countless toxic substances, herbicides and pesticides on fruits and vegetables, pollution of tap water, heavy metals spread in the air for weather manipulation, and so on.
The increasing presence of toxic substances, constitutes an ongoing burden on our bodies, which is also a major cause of many ailments, fatigue and imbalance.
The miracle water allows toxins to be drained much better, purifying the body and allowing it to function much better again.
In addition, the device offers numerous possibilities for skin and hair care, home and business cleaning, degreasing, disinfecting and pesticide freeing of fruits and vegetables. And all this without chemicals! It would be too much to describe all of this in one article, but I would like to mention that the device can provide an enormous reduction in the use of chemicals in the home and business.
alkalizing the body
Due to the modern lifestyle, with stress, radiation and lots of pollution around us, plus a diet high in grains and sugar, our bodies are severely acidified. A large number of scientific studies have shown that an acidic environment is ideal for cancer, parasites, bad bacteria, viruses and therefore plays a major role in the development of many health conditions.
Water is highly alkaline and helps to alkalize your body.
This means that your body is no longer a suitable environment for fungi, cancers, and all kinds of diseases. Maintaining an alkaline body is an important key to good health.
Contact us to
purchase this medical device

Upon request, we will be happy to send you more specific information about this medical device. As I said, it is forbidden by the criminal medical industry to mention the name of the device along with information about how it can help you. That shows you how extraordinarily criminal that whole industry is. Toxic, harmful pills are allowed to list what it is supposedly good for, but safe, natural healing solutions are not. This is how they maintain their criminal monopoly.
If you want to know the name and price of this device, send me a message.
I do inform you in advance that it is not cheap. But... you're not cheap either! You are worth everything. We can safely learn to value ourselves and then invest in our well-being. We all spend a lot of money on a car, television, phones, computer and other things. We also allocate a hefty budget for vacations. Unfortunately, we have not learned to invest in the most important of all: our health, and the health of our loved ones.
Buying this device is literally one of the best investments you can ever make, for a better life.
Even if you are healthy, it is something that will extraordinarily help you stay healthy. Please do not wait until it is too late, but build a better foundation for the future already now.

It is also a great gift for your children or grandchildren, or for a wedding. If you really want to give someone a piece of happiness and well-being as a gift, then nothing is more valuable than this device.
You can become a distributor of this device, which will allow you to build up a nice income, so you will soon have the purchase of the device out of your pocket. Contact us if you want to know more about this. Especially if you are a doctor or therapist, this water is a key to bringing health back to people.
Don't let this pass you by. Make the decision to give yourself and your loved ones a better life and future.

If you are a business leader, doctor or therapist, place this device in your business, store or practice and let others drink plenty of it every day. Business leaders in particular will see how their employees' performance will improve!
We would love to tell you even more about this extraordinary breakthrough for the well-being of humanity.
If you would like to attend a zoom video presentation in which Johanna Koopman can explain much more to you, please send us an email. Or if you would like to take the bull by the horns right away and purchase this life-changing medical device, send us an email as well.
Address your emails to
Here's to a better future for all of us!