Wake up the world with these posters, flyers & memes

A censorship-free way to inform people in your community is by distributing flyers and posters. Print as many as you want, on your own printer, or through an online printing service like VistaPrint. Do you want to order a large number of flyers from us? Send us an email.


✔︎ Click on the download button
✔︎ It will open the flyer in a new window
✔︎ Hit the download icon in the top right, 
or right-click on your mouse and choose "Download".
The flyer will download to your device
✔︎ Post it on social media, send it through email,
and print as many copies as you like
✔︎ Put them up in public places that allow it, place them
on or in mailboxes (where allowed), or hand them out to people.
✔︎ Place them in local newspapers as an advertisement


The criminal elites depend entirely on one single thing: the ignorance of the public. It is our job to inform the people. Once the population knows what is really going on, they will stop complying and start resisting. Then it's game over for the globalists! Therefore we have to be courageous and take action. Use these flyers to inform the world! 

How to use these flyers?

✔︎ Print hundreds or even thousands of copies of these flyers on your printer, or use an online printing service like VistaPrint.

✔︎ Hand them out in your community, put them up on billboards, stick them on store windows, etc.

✔︎ If allowed, put them in people's mailboxes. In Europe this is allowed; in the U.S., some states forbid it. However, you can still attach them to these mailboxes with a piece of tape.

✔︎ Send them to the local newspapers, schools, law enforcement, hospitals, medical centers, family doctors, etc.

✔︎ Contact your local newspaper and check options for adding it to the local newspaper distribution as a commercial attachment. A small investment with massive impact! Then everyone in your city will get it!

✔︎ Send a PDF to a newspaper to have it placed as an ad. Again, it costs a little bit, but what is the freedom of our world worth to you?

Share the flyers all over social media. If you are being censored on current platforms, then open an account on TruthSocial, Telegram, Parler, MeWe, Gab, etc. Post the flyers in groups and pages, and as a comment on large accounts of celebrities and politicians. Use them strategically to open the eyes of the people.

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