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How the truth and freedom movement is controlled by the CIA and Mossad

Do you know why so many of us haven’t read the recently published Chemtrail Report? And do you know why those who did read it, didn’t share it? I know that some of us are just tired and busy, and I understand that. But there is also another reason: we haven’t been told to do so by the CIA, Mossad, MI-6 and other intelligence agencies. They are the ones who determine what is ‘hot’ and ‘important’, and they make sure everyone does exactly what they say.

The past year I have been recovering (and still am) from the dangerous health collapse I had last summer. Standing back and observing the world scene from a distance helped me to learn some key things.

I learned how played the entire world is.

We all know that the Israeli Mossad and CIA, along with other intelligence agencies, collaborate closely to strictly manipulate the flow of information all around the world. They determine the narrative about everything, and manipulate what the world population listens to, believes, feels and does.

They truly are puppet masters, not just to control their puppets in media and government, but even more so to pull the strings to which the entire world population dances.

If they pull one string, everyone shouts ‘UKRAINE!’, they pull another string and everyone shouts ‘PANDEMIC!’ and so on. They are also the ones who determine who we love and who we hate. When they pull the string that says ‘HATE TRUMP’ most people will hate Trump. That’s how it works.

Many of us believe we have escaped that matrix of all encompassing mind control. But I have come to realize that this is sadly not true. I see incredible mind control operations all throughout the patriot, freedom, spiritual and truth movements worldwide. I see everyone dancing to certain tunes, unquestioning, unthinking, and blindly going along with whatever is the popular tune they hear at some point.

It is true that to some degree we dance to different tunes, than people we consider to be ‘sleeping sheep’, but we nevertheless dance. Many of us are just as much controlled, although we hate to admit it.

That’s why our extremely revealing report about the worldwide criminal operations of weather modification, that cause unprecedented poisoning and natural disasters, is being ignored by most of you. I don’t say that as a reproach, but to help you wake up.

chemtrails cloud seeding

If they were talking about this topic in the news, if you heard about it on X or Instagram, if it was ‘the current thing’ you would all jump to read the report and share it far and wide. Because that’s how we are being controlled: we only jump to what is currently ‘hot’. Otherwise we ignore it altogether, no matter how serious or important it is.


Another example is the state of Israel. Because Israel faked a Hamas attack, and killed thousands of their own people, in order to have the excuse to mass slaughter millions in Gaza, all of a sudden the world was listening to truth about Israel. Our highly revealing film 'THE MYSTERY OF ISRAEL exploded like crazy and opened the eyes of countless millions worldwide, about how Israel was financed and founded by the heads of global satanism, the Rothschilds, with the sole purpose of making it the center of their one world government. Watch the film below...

But people only listened because Israel was in the news. Had it not been, and we released the same video, it would have died in the gutter. We only look at what is being put in the spotlights, by the ‘powers that be’. Anything else we usually shove to the side. That's how easily we can be played...

Why do we ignore the normalization of pedophilia?

The same happened when I released our terrifying report about how the WHO and UN are instructing tens of thousands of schools in dozens of nations worldwide to teach toddlers to masturbate and have sexual intercourse with their classmates. Because, says the WHO, sexuality is a basic human right, and therefore we should give newborn babies, toddlers and young kids as many sexual experiences as possible.

This is a horrifying agenda to normalize pedophilia, and turn every child into a potential prey for predators.

But when I initially published this shocking report, there was hardly any interest for it from most of our readers. Why? Because the CIA, Mossad, and other agencies didn’t tell us through their countless channels on social media and in the news, that this topic is hot and important.

They play us like a fiddle, and we all dance to their tune. And yes, I am talking about the truth and freedom movement as well.

I see it massively on X…. 99,99999% of all accounts are hidden by X. Nobody ever sees what the vast majority of X users are posting. X only shows us what a few selected channels are posting. They can post anything, even their latest fart they recorded, and it goes viral like crazy. These accounts post silly pictures of Taylor Swift, and millions get to see it, comment, talk about it, be occupied with Taylor Swift in their mind all day long, and never - ever - look at what is truly important.

I have come to believe that X is a massive mind control operation to determine what the truth movement thinks is important. Only a small number of accounts is constantly being pushed into the face of literally every user.

A small number of accounts has been handpicked to get mass worldwide exposure, while 99% of all accounts are hidden. It is quite shocking to see.

Don’t get me wrong, I am still excited about the worldwide awakening that is going on. But I see incredible, large scale, massive operations being unleashed to divert the awakening, and to seize control over the minds of the people who believe they are ‘free’. Our attention is strictly controlled, so we would only pay attention to certain things, and completely ignore all the rest.

Step away from the mind control, and Read this report

Extract yourself from the strong suction of the mind controlling mass media, even the alternative mass media, and pay attention to a report that can truly shake our world wide awake, and change things for the better.

This blazing report reveals overwhelming and utterly undeniable proof of how indeed our governments have been spraying countless gallons of carcinogenic and neurotoxic substances over all the nations of the world, to modify the weather. The report is so clear, so convincing, the proof is so profoundly solid, there is no denying.


chemtrails city

Because we can all see it above our heads. It exposes how both Big Politics, Big Media, Big Tech, Big Education and Big Science all collaborate in one gigantic mind control operation than spans the entire Earth, to make sure that nobody would believe it. They all sing in perfect unison ???? ‘chemtrails are a conspiracy theory’????.

But when you show people the official government documents, the real world footage, the actual toxins, the speeches at the UN, the statements from the US presidents, the military programs, and much more, there is no more denying.

I genuinely believe that this is one of those topics, that can truly rip the veil of blindness to shreds, worldwide. Because once people understand how they are being sprayed like bugs, how their governments are causing mass flooding, destructive storms, devastating heatwaves, and hellish droughts, and then call it 'climate change', they will once and for all stop trusting these criminal institutions, and finally learn to become independent human beings.

And this is the # 1 fear of the elites:

a population that wakes up to what is going on. Because then they no longer go along with every evil work of the nefarious government.

That’s why I want to ask you to please snap out of the mind control. Snap out of the mold that has been placed on your mind that says: IGNORE THIS, AND LOOK AT THAT! Wake up and start thinking clear and sharp. Begin to become aware of how we are constantly being pulled in one direction, so we would not see what happens in the other directions.

Read our revealing report and start using it to effectively and powerfully open the eyes of the people. We can all do it, if we want. 

Also, break off the fear from your heart, that causes you to shrink back, and not share this report. This world needs warriors. Please stand with us. Don’t hide under your bed. We need you!

Send the report to your county commissioners, law enforcement, school directors, mayors, local news papers, etc. Send it to those people that have any form of influence or authority in your community.

It is because people did that in the past, that several US States are now banning chemtrails.


You can save the life of millions, by stepping up and doing effort to spread this report to those who need to see it.

Do something. Change the world. Be a hero. Humanity needs you.

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