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Governments Are Murdering Millions of People Through Ultra-Hazardous Weather And Climate Modification Operations

· By David John Sorensen ·


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For the past century, governments around the world have been conducting experimental operations to modify the weather and the climate. One of their methods is spraying immense amounts of toxic chemicals and metal oxides over their nations. Apart from causing lethal illnesses and mental disorders, these programs are causing devastating droughts, destructive storms, agricultural disasters, and other large scale natural catastrophes. 

Illegal gag orders have prevented weather service employees from revealing to the world how the weather is being manipulated, using various methods that are hazardous to humans, animals and the environment. Two organizations, 'Public Employees For Environmental Responsibility' and the 'National Weather Service Employee Organization' have protested these illegal attempts to hide weather modification programs from the public. 🔗 

weather modification gag order

These weather modification operations have been effectively hidden by consistently labeling them 'conspiracy theories'. Google, Wikipedia, science platforms and the news media have closely collaborated on an international level to ensure that chemtrails would never be taken seriously by populations, by constantly publishing false statements that deny their existence.

This report reveals official government documents, scientific reports, a large number of patents, congressional hearings, United Nations general assembly speeches, CIA disclosures, and photographic evidence proving that chemtrails are not a conspiracy theory, but an essential part of weather modification programs and climate engineering operations around the world.

The ultra-hazardous weather and climate modification programs are considered one of the greatest crimes ever to be committed against humanity and our world. 

robert kennedy chemtrails

Recently, US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. publicly confirmed that it is indeed a crime, and that they intend to stop it. 🔗 A post on X contained the testimony of a chemtrail whistleblower, to which Kennedy replied:

'We are going to stop this crime.' 

This public statement from RFK, Jr. stirred a fresh debate online about these carefully concealed government and military operations for artificially manipulating the weather and climate. 

chemtrails lines sky

The word 'chemtrails' is a popular term used by the observant part of the public, who have been noticing large numbers of airplanes simultaneously spraying unknown substances over their nations. In professional literature, the word 'chemtrail' is not used; instead, terms like 'cloud seeding', 'stratospheric aerosol injection' and 'stratospheric aerosol scattering' are maintained - which is exactly what chemtrails are:

injecting unfathomable amounts of chemicals into the atmosphere to block the sunlight from reaching the Earth, and to artificially manipulate the weather and climate.

Chemtrails As Part Of
Weather Modification Programs

One of the main methods of modifying the weather and climate is to spray large amounts of chemicals and metal oxides in the upper atmosphere. This stratospheric injection is visible in the form of long white clouds that do not evaporate, but instead linger and spread out, forming wide veils of chemicals that can cover the entire sky over a vast area of many miles. 

If you search the internet to learn more about these types of weather modification methods, you will find that this information is carefully concealed from the public. 

Instead of honestly explaining what chemtrails are, the only information Google allows people to see is false claims that all these white linear clouds are condensation trails. A contrail is nothing more than condensation created by the exhaust of the airplane. It has nothing to do with weather modification. Contrails can only be seen for a short moment, as the condensation quickly evaporates.

chemtrail veil photo

Chemtrails can easily be distinguished from contrails, because they do not evaporate, but rather spread out until they create a vast cloud cover that can expand over many miles, covering large areas with a thick veil of chemicals. This layer blocks the sunlight and interferes with the natural balance of weather systems.

The following animation shows a sequence of photographs taken by the author to document the dramatic changes happening in the sky, due to the spraying of immense amounts of chemicals and metal oxides in the US state of Colorado, in the year 2024. Take a few moments to look at this animation...

chemtrails sequence

The following infographics explain more about chemtrails. These infographics can be downloaded and are free to share on social media or other websites. Right click your mouse on a desktop computer, or press and hold on your mobile device to download them.  

what are chemtrails
observing chemtrails

Official Government Documents
Prove Chemtrails

government chemtrails

For decades, Google, WikiPedia, YouTube, Facebook, fact checkers, news media and even leading scientific platforms have worked hard to convince the world population that chemtrails are a conspiracy theory with no basis in reality. The official government documents listed below, however, reveal that all these entities have been lying blatantly, as governments have been modifying the weather and climate for almost a century.

Feel free to download these publications for personal research. Every document can be downloaded as a PDF by clicking the link icon 🔗.

THE National Academy of Sciences

In 1959, the National Academy of Sciences published the ‘Report of THE SKYLINE CONFERENCE - On The Design And Conduct Of Experiments In Weather Modification🔗.  From the introduction: 

skyline conference weather modification
'The program of the Conference focused on... the design and analysis of experiments and tests for various weather modification programs.'

In 1966, the National Academy of Sciences in Washington DC published a book titled ‘WEATHER and CLIMATE MODIFICATION, PROBLEMS and PROSPECTS🔗. This book outlines US government programs to manipulate the climate and the weather. It starts with a letter of the then president of the National Academy of Sciences, Dr. Frederick Seitz, stating that weather modification is an international endeavor.

‘In the research stages, and before meaningful control of the atmosphere might become an accomplished fact, it is important that the foundations be laid for what may be a new dimension of international cooperation.'

us government seal

United States Government

In 1959, the State of California published a 'Report on WEATHER MODIFICATION OPERATIONS IN CALIFORNIA JULY 1952 - JUNE 1956'. 🔗 From the introduction:

california weather modification
The State Legislature, in July 1951, enacted legislation (Chapter 1677, Statutes of 1951) for the regulation and licensing of artificial weather modification operations in California.'

This document shows that laws were enacted as far back as 1951 to allow for artificial weather modification in California. The report shows several maps of the specific areas where these operations have been conducted, entirely beyond the awareness of the public.

In 1978, the US government published an extensive 784-page report titled ‘WEATHER MODIFICATION: PROGRAMS, PROBLEMS, POLICY, AND POTENTIAL’. 🔗 The report was made by the Congressional Research Service, under the direction of Dr. Robert Morrison, Specialist in Earth Sciences of the Science Policy Research Division. It was sent to the members of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, and to the U.S. Senate. The document begins with an alarming statement by Dr. Norman A. Beckman, Acting Director of the Congressional Research Service.

weather modification programs
‘While weather modification projects have been operational for nearly 25 years… I am greatly concerned regarding the lack of a coordinated Federal weather modification policy and a coordinated and comprehensive program for weather modification research and development.’
chemtrail report symbol

Already back in 1978, weather modification had been done by the US government for over 25 years (in fact, it began in 1916), yet there was a complete lack of coordination and research. In simple terms, the government was messing with the weather without knowing what they were doing.

In 1966, the US National Science Foundation published the 'Weather And Climate Modification Report', which shows that silver iodide was used during the first years of weather modification. 🔗

weather climate modification
'Twenty years ago, General Electric Company scientists Irving Langmuir and Vincent Schaefer modified clouds by "seeding" them with dry ice pellets. Not long afterward, Bernard Vonnegut, a co-worker, demonstrated that a smoke of silver iodide crystals would accomplish the same result. This was the beginning of the modern American history of weather and climate modification through cloud seeding.'

Further, this document reveals that weather experiments were already happening in 1916, with disastrous outcomes:

'Even social, political and legal conflicts over weather and climate modification are not new. In 1916, San Diego's employment of a rainmaker, resulting in claims of loss of life and property damage of a million dollars, anticipated by half a century the litigation and State and local legislative action of today.'

When silver iodide was first used to manipulate the weather, newspapers across the country reported extensively on it. A search on the Newspaper Archive shows that the words ‘silver iodide’ combined with the word ‘weather’ have been used over twenty thousand times in American newspapers. Here is an example from the Daily Oklahoman, 01 Jun 1952, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 🔗

newspaper archive silver iodide

Below is a section from this news article. Notice that back in the day newspapers were not all owned by a handful of billionaires, as they are today (6 people own all the news in all of America). Actual journalism was still possible in those days. 

The rainmakers today are silent, not looking for publicity, after flood waters covered more than one-fourth of Salt Lake City, and as 130,000 people return to their homes along the Missouri river. For the past two years, the United States has been the cloud-seeders' laboratory. The economic growth and welfare of our country, the distribution of our farms, ranches and industry, even the lives of our people rest in their test tube, awaiting the application of silver-iodide.
What will be the final result of the great experiment? ... To some scientists, and to some laymen who consider themselves as the guinea-pigs injured in this experiment, this tampering with our weather is given credit for one major weather disaster after another. To them, it has become a Frankenstein monster out of control, wreaking havoc across our land.

Incredible Destruction
Caused By Weather Modification 

storm damage cloud seeding

When people start messing around with forces as great and untamable as the weather and the climate, disaster is inevitable. Many of these people aren't even capable of having a healthy marriage or raising their children well, yet they claim to be able to control forces so great that they directly affect billions of people. 

World leading climate scientists and sincere government officials have been sounding the alarm for decades about how weather modification is causing destructive storms, devastating droughts that last many years, lethal illnesses due to severe air pollution, grave financial losses, agricultural disasters, and much more. 

A very grave warning was issued by the US Congressional Research Service concerning the destruction that results from weather modification programs: 

1. Cloud seeding has been responsible for the great 5-year drought in the Northeast United States.
2. Isolated sections in the Northeast have experienced 18 years of drought due to cloud seeding.
3. Weather disturbances in the South Atlantic have been eliminated and has reduced the east coast's rainfall by 30 percent—rain that is needed if agriculture is to be successful.
4. The average dairy farmer on the east coast, living in an area of cloud seeding, has averaged a net financial loss because of cloud seeding.
5. Crop production losses in Franklin County, PA, alone have amounted to $50 million.
6. When effects of seeding wear off, cloudbursts occur, causing floods, destroying crops and buildings, and drowning people as well as livestock.
7. Seeding has been responsible for serious air pollution problems.
8. Mental retardation and insanity are traceable to cloud seeding chemicals.
9. Poisoning of all living matter is directly related to cloud seeding.
10. Emphysema (lung disease) is three times higher in areas of heavy cloud seeding.
11. Cancer is virulently out of proportion.
12. Financial losses to agriculture and related industries run into the billions.
13. Forest trees as well as cultivated orchards are dying from chemical reactions taking place in the air due to the addition of cloud seeding agents.
14. The atmosphere has been rendered completely biologically incompatible with all living matter, which includes animals, plants, and humans. 
- WEATHER MODIFICATION: PROGRAMS, PROBLEMS, POLICY, AND POTENTIAL, U.S. government printing office 34-857 WASHINGTON: 1978, page 402
cloud seeding boeing

Cloud seeding is responsible for long term droughts, deadly flooding, the death of forests and orchards, severe air pollution, the increase of lethal illness, great financial losses, and many more disasters. 

Following in the direct footsteps of weather manipulation is climate engineering or geoengineering, which has an even greater impact on worldwide climate and weather systems. These risks were highlighted by the British Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, who in 2010 presented a document to the British Parliament. The intent of this document was to ensure regulation for geoengineering. A highly alarming statement is found in the introduction of this document:  🔗

... the current low level of understanding of the risks and impacts of geoengineering options and the present early development stage of technologies, means that it would be difficult at the present time to formulate effective or appropriate regulatory regimes for geoengineering research and deployment to cover all possibilities that might receive serious attention. … geoengineering techniques should be graded according to factors such as trans-boundary effect, the dispersal of potentially hazardous materials in the environment and the direct effect on ecosystems.  Government Response to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee 5th Report of Session 2009-10: The Regulation of Geoengineering, pages 1-2

A 2015 Chinese scientific study titled 'Impacts, risks, and governance of climate engineering' concluded that climate engineering can multiply existing climate problems and have far-reaching consequences: 🔗 

Climate engineering involves large-scale interventions in complex, dynamically interacting systems that are not adequately understood. In other words, we have no way of accurately predicting the impacts of climate engineering applications: they could easily compound the problems we are already facing because of increased climatic instability (Biofuelwatch and Econexus, 2014). It is not possible to quantify or even identify the relative environmental, social, political, legal, and economic risks at this time, given the current state of our knowledge on our complex global system. Both the uncertainties in modeling climate change and the potentially far-reaching consequences of climate engineering currently make it impossible to provide reliable, quantitative statements about the relative risks, consequences, and benefits of albedo modification, let alone the benefits and risks to specific regions of our planet. - Impacts, risks, and governance of climate engineering, LIU Zhea, CHEN Yingb, Published in 'Advances of Climate Change Research', Volume 6, Issues 3–4, September–December 2015, Pages 197-201
china weather disaster

Since the implementation of large scale weather and climate modification programs, China has been hit by one devastating natural disaster after the other, destroying the lives of thousands, while severely damaging many millions of people who are defenseless against the immense forces being unleashed upon them, as a direct result of the irresponsible activities of their government. The WorldBank reports 🔗:

In the last few decades, almost all types of major hazards except volcanic eruptions have hit China; these include earthquakes, typhoons, floods, droughts and sandstorms, storm surges, landslides and debris flows, hailstorms, cold waves, heat waves, pests and rodent disease, forest and grassland fires, and red tides.

The same goes for every other nation in the world where the military, governments and private entities have been aggressively disturbing the fragile natural balance of the world's weather systems. 

Climate scientists sound the alarm about the grave dangers of weather modification and geoengineering, while governments have been doing it for many decades, with unknown disastrous outcomes.

Climate scientist professor A. Robock from Rutgers University in New Jersey issued a serious warning at the American Association for the Advancement of Science:

Geoengineering to offset the effects of global warming could include scattering sulphur particles in the upper atmosphere to re-direct sunlight back into space, seeding the oceans with iron to encourage the spread of carbon-hungry algae, and creating reflective areas on the Earth's surface. … But the long-term effects of such strategies are largely unknown and many experts fear they may pose grave risks.
cloud seeding fraud deceit

The former Tri-State Natural Weather Association published a report with the revealing title, 'CLOUD SEEDING, The Technology Of Fraud And Deceit'. 🔗  The authors expose how weather modification destroyed the once fruitful Potomac region, a large area including South Central Pennsylvania and adjoining states of Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia.

The successful diversified agriculture of the Potomac region has been the result, first because of the plentiful and reliable precipitation; and, secondly, because of the good quality soil combined with moderate temperatures. The combination of these elements in the past made the agriculture community of the Potomac drainage system one of the most flourishing in the United States.

After weather modification operations started in that region in 1957, the once bountiful paradise was struck with devastating droughts:

After 1957, the previous description of the climate in this area has undergone a dramatic change, with the result that the once prosperous agriculture community has suffered losses that will never be recovered, not to mention water shortages by towns and communities and the dried and burnt lawns of residences. ... Former residents returning for visits or others who are visiting for the first time inquire about the dismal conditions and reflect in expression their dismay and disappointment. The answer to the dilemma is cloud seeding or weather modification. - CLOUD SEEDING, The Technology Of Fraud And Deceit, The Tri-State Natural Weather Association,

Those Responsible Are
Exempt from Liability

With all these horrific effects from weather modification, the question is who is liable? The Congressional Research Service gave a disturbing answer...

If a drought or a severe storm occurs after weather modification attempts have occurred, issues concerning liability for damages may arise. ... In addition, issues concerning air and water pollution could be raised. ... Eight of these statutes specifically provide that the State is immune from liability. - WEATHER MODIFICATION: PROGRAMS, PROBLEMS, POLICY, AND POTENTIAL, U.S. government printing office 34-857 WASHINGTON: 1978, page 453

How do these States protect themselves from being held accountable for the mass destruction they are causing? Very simple: all they do is write a piece of paper that says so. That's it. They make their own laws - first to allow meddling with the weather, and second to say they are not responsible for anything they are doing. Imagine all other criminals worldwide doing the same? They write a piece of paper saying they have the right to destroy the lives of others, and next they write another piece of paper saying they cannot be legally prosecuted. That's exactly what governments are doing. 

Disastrous droughts or destructive storms can result from weather modification attempts, destroying the homes and lives of countless people. Most states, however, reject any kind of liability.

The Congressional Research Service has exposed how states are engaging in criminal activity in order to continue harmful weather modification programs.

Pennsylvania has earned a reputation of lawlessness relative to cloud seeding. The past two Secretaries of Agriculture have both stymied all efforts to regulate weather modification. The Pennsylvania State University has engaged in blackmail activities against those who want the law enforced, have conducted research in contempt of the law and lied about the outcome of their own results of cloud seeding. These various agencies have all helped to obstruct law enforcement in the State of Pennsylvania: Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Aviation, Federal Aviation Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Pennsylvania State University, and all branches of the Federal Government who have done or are doing cloud seeding work. A meteorological Watergate! - WEATHER MODIFICATION: PROGRAMS, PROBLEMS, POLICY, AND POTENTIAL, U.S. government printing office 34-857 WASHINGTON: 1978, page 403
chemtrail report symbol

Not only do governments refuse any liability, they also commit crimes, obstruct law enforcement, blackmail people and make false statements, in order to continue their nefarious weather modification programs. 

In Washington State, a law was made in 1973 to enable weather modification. The Revised Code of Washington Title 70A defines the following: 🔗 

Weather modification and control means changing or controlling, or attempting to change or control, by artificial methods, the natural development of any or all atmospheric cloud forms or precipitation forms which occur in the troposphere.

As stated in the aforementioned document, Washington State indeed made sure they cannot be held accountable for whatever mass destruction their irresponsible experiments with weather manipulation are causing. 

washington state liability

Washington State exempts itself from liability for the inducing, increasing, decreasing, or preventing of precipitation or hail. 🔗

The severity of this criminal activity exceeds the understanding of most readers. Perhaps a real world comparison will help to bring home how great of an atrocity this is: many thousands of good citizens are sent to prison every year - for peanuts. They may have forgotten to renew car insurance, didn't pay attention to a traffic sign, or other minor things. The government is very quick to throw people in jail for unimportant reasons that cause no damage to any other individual. Furthermore, the government steals billions of dollars from these well-behaving citizens, if they make one minor mistake, often beyond their awareness. 

The government itself, however, conducts extremely dangerous experiments with the weather, sprays millions of gallons of toxic substances over their populations, causing unspeakable damage to the health of millions of people, while severely poisoning the environment.

They cause devastating droughts and severe storms that kill thousands of people, destroy the livelihood of thousands of other people, and plunge vast areas into years of problems, due to the aggressive disruption of the natural balance of the weather. And these government officials are never held accountable, don't have to pay fines, let alone go to jail, but continue their abominations unchecked. That is how great the level of lawlessness and evil is in our nation. And this goes for most countries in the world.

Isn't it time that the people wake up and start holding their officials responsible for their deliberate acts of mass murder?

Cloud Seeding Materials
Are Highly Toxic

hazardous chemtrails

Hundreds of patents have been registered for inventions to control the weather and the climate. What follows is by no means a comprehensive list, but merely an illustration of the existence of these inventions. A vast body of similar patents can be found here

All materials used for chemtrails, aka cloud seeding, are hazardous to humans, animals and the environment. Here are some examples:

Silver iodide

Under the guidelines of the Clean Water Act by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), silver iodide is considered a hazardous substance, a priority pollutant, and a toxic pollutant. 🔗


Although barium carbonate is relatively insoluble in water, it is toxic to humans because it is soluble in the gastrointestinal tract. (...) The predominant effect is hypokalemia, which can result in ventricular tachycardia, hypertension and/or hypotension, muscle weakness, and paralysis. 🔗

graphene oxide

Graphene oxide induces cell toxicity through plasma membrane damage, generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and DNA damage. 🔗

Spraying large amounts of graphene-family nanomaterials (GFN) is especially dangerous, as the toxicity changes according to its environment. A scientific study warns: 🔗

After that, the released GFNs undergo various transformations in the air, terrestrial and aquatic environments. More importantly, the transformed particles have different toxicity characteristics from the pristine particles. Alterations in morphology, microstructure and surface properties, interaction with natural environmental molecules, as well as binding with environmental pollutants are all possible mechanisms for the toxicity changes of GFNs after transformation.

Cloud seeding consists of spraying large amounts of toxic substances over human populations and natural areas. Dry ice, silver iodide, barium, liquid carbon dioxide, chemicals, metal oxides, graphene oxide etc. are all toxic to humans, animals, and the environment. Especially in the enormous amounts and in the frequency in which they are being sprayed, and have been for decades on end. 

The insane excuse for using toxic materials for weather and climate modification is that the toxic clouds dissipate, and the amounts people ingest are too small to pose real risks. It is truly infuriating to hear these kinds of absurd justifications, because not only are the amounts sprayed over our nations absolutely enormous, but the frequency and duration of these programs cause disastrous compounding of the toxic substances.

We are not talking days or weeks, not even years, but these programs have been going on for a full century! 

And they are not planning on stopping them - on the contrary, more and more extremely dangerous climate engineering programs are being developed as we speak. The insanity of these people is truly beyond belief...

toxic substances

The basic common sense rule should be: if you cannot drink it, don't spray it. Every person responsible for cloud seeding should be forced to drink a full glass of what they are about to spray over human populations. If it makes them ill, it should not be used. Period.

Modifying The Weather
For Warfare Applications

weather warfare


It soon became clear that controlling the weather could be useful for military purposes, and in 1996 the US Defense Technical Information Center published a research paper 'Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025'. 🔗

In 2025, US aerospace forces can own the weather by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war fighting applications. Such a capability offers the war fighter tools to shape the battlespace in ways never before possible. It provides opportunities to impact operations across the full spectrum of conflict and is pertinent to all possible futures. The purpose of this paper is to outline a strategy for the use of a future weather modification system to achieve military objectives rather than to provide a detailed technical road map.

An april 2009 report from the US Air Command And Staff College University titled 'Operational Defenses through Weather Control in 2030' describes the use of weather modification for warfare objectives. 🔗 

Advances in technology are beginning to bring weather phenomena under our control. Greatly increased computing power and micronized delivery systems will allow us to create specific perturbations in local atmospheric conditions. These perturbations allow for the immediate and lasting ability to create localized fog or stratus cloud formations shielding critical assets against attack from energy based weapons.

Aggressive weather modification has been used for many military missions, already. One of them was Operation Popeye (Project Controlled Weather Popeye / Motorpool / Intermediary-Compatriot), a military cloud-seeding project carried out by the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam War in 1967–1972. The highly classified program attempted to extend the monsoon season over specific areas of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, to disrupt North Vietnamese military supplies by softening road surfaces and causing landslides. 🔗


Weather warfare conducted by the US military, is carefully concealed from the public, as they know how much protest it would create. Scientists have no idea about the long‐term effect of these operations on the ecology of a region.

In 1997 the US School for Advanced Airpower Studies published a report by Major Barry B. Coble from the US Air Force, in which he promotes the use of weather modification for military purposes. For some reason, this officer starts with a blatant lie, that today weather modification is virtually non-existent. Is this Major truly that ignorant? Or is this a malicious statement to further hide this worldwide reality, even from his military peers? The fact is that it is disturbing to find such glaring lies at the beginning of a military thesis. 🔗

benign weather modification
'Weather modification is a technology once embraced by the United States (US)military as a tool to help both wartime and peacetime missions. However, interest in the ability to modify weather has waned over recent years and is now nearly nonexistent. This study examines one aspect of weather modification, benign weather modification (BWM), for possible use in assisting military operations.'

Scientists Around The World Oppose Solar Geoengineering

solar geoengineering

One of the ways the climate is being manipulated is called solar geoengineering. This simply means blocking the sunlight from reaching the Earth. The rationale for this dangerous disruption of the natural harmony of our environment is said to be 'climate change'. But this is increasingly proving to be a hoax, created for the very purpose of having an excuse to justify a wide variety of nefarious interventions in our world, pushed by criminal entities with astronomical financial resources. 

climate declaration

The World Climate Declaration is an international publication of the Global Climate Intelligence Group, signed by 1,944 scientists who state that there is no climate emergency🔗 Click the link icon or the image to download this document.

DECLARATION OF 2,000 scientists

Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. In particular, scientists should emphasize that their modeling output is not the result of magic: computer models are human-made. What comes out is fully dependent on what theoreticians and programmers have put in: hypotheses, assumptions, relationships, parameterizations, stability constraints, etc. Unfortunately, in mainstream climate science, most of this input is undeclared.

To believe the outcome of a climate model is to believe what the model makers have put in.

This is precisely the problem of today’s climate discussion to which climate models are central. Climate science has degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on sound, self-critical science. We should free ourselves from the naïve belief in immature climate models. In the future, climate research must give significantly more emphasis to empirical science.

There is no climate emergency

A global network of over 2,000 scientists and professionals has prepared this urgent message. Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.

Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming

The geological archive reveals that Earth’s climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850. Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming.

Warming is far slower than predicted

The world has warmed significantly less than predicted by IPCC on the basis of modeled anthropogenic forcing. The gap between the real world and the modeled world tells us that we are far from understanding climate change.

Climate policy relies on inadequate models

Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as global policy tools. They blow up the effect of greenhouse gases such as CO2. In addition, they ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial.

CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth

CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature and greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.

Global warming has not increased natural disasters

There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent. However, there is ample evidence that CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly.

Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities

There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. If better approaches emerge, and they certainly will, we have ample time to reflect and re-adapt. The aim of global policy should be ‘prosperity for all’ by providing reliable and affordable energy at all times. In a prosperous society, men and women are well educated, birthrates are low and people care about their environment.


On 17 January 2022, more than 60 senior climate scientists and governance scholars from around the world launched a global initiative calling for an International Non-Use Agreement on Solar Geoengineering. More than five hundred scholars now support the call for a Non-Use Agreement. From their website: 🔗

Solar geoengineering deployment cannot be fairly governed globally and poses unacceptable risk if implemented as a future climate policy option. 
We call on fellow academics, civil society organizations and concerned individuals to sign our open letter to governments, the United Nations and other actors to stop development and potential use of planetary-scale solar geoengineering technologies.
Our initiative mobilizes especially against the most widely debated speculative technology: the massive spraying of aerosols in the stratosphere to block a part of incoming sunlight to cool the planet. Such dangerous planetary-scale interventions cannot be governed in a globally inclusive, fair and effective manner and must be banned.
Therefore, we call for an International Non-use Agreement on Solar Geoengineering.


The Effects Of Climate Engineering are Blamed on Climate Change

rain flood storm

DISCLAIMER: all official logos are merely used for the purpose of illustration and journalism.

Under the guise of ‘combatting climate change’ large scale aggressive climate engineering operations have been launched around the world, resulting in a tsunami of unprecedented natural disasters in almost every country. 

Entire neighborhoods are washed away, beautiful natural forests are burnt to the ground, harvests are totally wiped out, millions of people lose their homes while thousands are brutally killed, and much more. All hell has broken loose on Earth.

Instead of honestly admitting to the public that these worldwide disasters are the direct result of governments meddling like madmen with the weather, these catastrophes are blamed on climate change, giving these ultra dangerous lunatics even more justification to increase their mad experiments.

It is high time that people with a sound mind stand up, in governments, scientific communities, education, news media, and in all local communities. 

We must realize that the entities pushing this deadly insanity are astronomically rich, and that they have been buying the main information platforms worldwide, in order to strictly control the narrative. That’s why Google, Wikipedia, BBC, science platforms, etc., still say that chemtrails are a conspiracy theory.

conspiracy theorists

Recently, several US States have started making the right decisions (at last!) to ban chemtrails. The Tennessee Amend Senate Bill No. 2691 reads: 🔗

It is documented that the federal government or other entities acting on the federal government's behalf or at the federal government's request may conduct geoengineering experiments by intentionally dispersing chemicals into the atmosphere, and those activities may occur within the State of Tennessee.
The risk to human health and environmental welfare from broad scale geoengineering is currently not well understood.
The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited.

Hiding the reality of the most large-scale ultra-hazardous operation in human history goes so far that news stations like NBC even make statements like: 🔗

Tennessee lawmakers vote to ban geoengineering, with allusions to 'chemtrails' conspiracy theory.

Why do these nefarious news stations insist on continuing to lie to the public about chemtrails? Who is paying them to do this? And why are the powers who control the news media so terrified of the truth being revealed to the people?

If there is nothing to hide, they have nothing to fear. If what they are doing can safely stand in the light, there is no need to conceal it in the shadows of darkness. But if their acts are even far more evil than anything we have revealed in this report, then it must be brought into the light by all means. Because there is a worldwide criminal operation ongoing that is inflicting suffering on all of humanity as never before.


A false narrative of a so-called climate crisis is being pushed, which has been proven untrue by leading scientists, as explained in the World Climate Declaration.


The false climate narrative is used as the excuse to conduct extremely hazardous experiments on the entire human race and the Earth's precious environment.


Governments forbid weather service employees from disclosing these hazardous operations to the public. There is a collaboration between information platforms and science institutions to falsely label these official operations as conspiracy theories, to keep the public in the dark.

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It is our hope that this report will be spread widely, to inform the world population about what is truly going on. The terrorizing heatwaves, lethal floods, terrifying tornadoes, hellish droughts, horrifying wildfires and devastating earthquakes are not the result of climate change. It is all the direct result of lawless people who have no clue what they are doing, playing with forces they don’t understand.

In fact, the situation is even worse, for as we dig deeper into this we find that many natural disasters are even caused deliberately in order to constantly convince populations 'how bad climate change is', so the public would accept the diabolical 'solutions' like recording everyones thoughts, emotions and dreams 24/7, preventing people from leaving their neighborhood in 15 Minute Smart Cities, mandating experimental injections on the entire world population, removing all private property from all people, and many more atrocities. 

What these people are preparing for humanity goes way beyond anything a sound mind can comprehend, yet with their unphantomable financial resources they are able to 'buy' all governments, news media, science platforms, education institutions, and strictly control the world.

It must stop. Please share this report with all your contacts and networks, and post it on social media. Send it to your local authorities, school directors, local news media and so on. 

I will end with a cartoon I drew, exposing how incredibly wicked and hypocritical these entities are, who push for the destruction of our world, while claiming to 'save the planet'.

This cartoon figure is Klaus Schwab from the World Economic Forum, one of the most criminal organizations in the world. They claim to 'improve the state of the world' while their true agenda is to suffocate all of Creation, enslave the people of our world, and install an unprecedented level of inhumane tyranny on every soul on Earth.

Here you can read about their official agenda for world domination. 

Ending The Human Race To
'Save The Planet From Climate Change'

Our world famous film, THE END OF HUMANITY, reveals the official agenda of the World Economic Forum to use the false climate narrative to end the original human race and replace people with humanoid robots. They want to lock up all remaining humans in open air prisons called '15 Minute Smart Cities', where even the thoughts, emotions and dreams of everyone will be monitored 24/7 to 'save the planet from climate change'. 

A must see for every person on Earth!

Download this film and post it anywhere you want, on your website or blog, on social media accounts, in online groups, etc. 

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Please do not hesitate to share this critical report. It is the silence of the majority that keeps these crimes ongoing.

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