Every cure was suppressed, millions of physicians were bribed, scientists were censored, data was manipulated, governments lied, studies were fraudulent, massive fear mongering, and more.

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A clear overview of why the pandemic was a worldwide criminal operation

Health care workers reveal how patients are being murdered in hospitals, and are labeled as covid deaths, in return for big money.

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Millions are Murdered for Money in Hospitals – Must See Documentaries

Among them are tens of thousands of scientists, physicians, lawyers, and academics, who are rising to protect humanity from the greatest threat our world has ever faced.

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Hundreds of millions know the pandemic is an organized crime against humanity

John O’Looney saw how thousands of people were murdered in care homes, to start the covid pandemic. He speaks out to warn the world.

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MASS MURDER by government, witnessed by funeral director John O’Looney

World famous trial lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich says he, and dozens of lawyers worldwide, have all the evidence that the pandemic is a crime against humanity.

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Scientific evidence that covid is a crime – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

This amazing solution saved the lives of millions, but the scientist who developed it, is heavily censored. Why? Read all about it now…

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CDS: The most powerful cure in the world, kills all pathogens