Every aspect of human society is dictated by the same people. They use their unlimited financial resources to dictate every detail of your life.

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These people dictate education, healthcare, science, religion, politics and everything else

Joe Biden is not Joe Biden. It’s an actor playing the role of Biden to fool the ignorant public. What has happened to the real Biden, is a mystery.

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Something really strange is going on with Biden… Did you notice?

Argentinian President Milei said that he wants to see the reconstruction of the Third Temple, to fulfill prophecy that brings the Jewish Messiah to Earth.

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Argentinian president to build third temple so Messiah can rule the world

Many are wondering if there is any hope for the future. What if these evil entities win?

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Are we all going to die?

I believe we will see a severe storm hit our world soon, where gas, food, electricity and all supply lines in different parts of the world will be shut down.

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How to survive the coming storm that will transform the world

According to eye witnesses, surviving victims, CIA, FBI, police and investigators countless children are systematically abused by the elite.

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“Politicians abuse and murder children”, say FBI chief and witnesses

This amazing solution saved the lives of millions, but the scientist who developed it, is heavily censored. Why? Read all about it now…

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CDS: The most powerful cure in the world, kills all pathogens