the united nations agenda for world domination
A top official from the United Nations reveals how they are a criminal organization controlled by nefarious oligarchs, who use the UN to dominate the world and impose tyranny on humanity.
Israel Is Set To Be The Center Of A One World Government
evidence report
The United Nations and WHO push pedophilia in primary schools
The World Health Organization and the United Nations are instructing primary schools worldwide to make sure that every child has a sexual partner, regardless of age. This shocking report reveals the official agenda for the normalization of pedophilia.
the cabal: A network of evil that terrorizes humanity
"The Fall of the Cabal" reveals the entities who operate on an international level to spread evil and inflict suffering onto humanity. They are, however, being exposed, and our world is entering a new era...
Operation Warpspeed
Stopped The FEMA Camps
Millions of Hospital patients are murdered for money
Physicians and nurses receive astronomical financial incentives when they use certain protocols that are known to kill patients. This heart-wrenching documentary reveals one of the worst crimes in our world, and it happens on a massive scale, worldwide.
a cure for all diseases
Chlorine dioxide or CDS is called "The Universal Antidote" by NASA, because it destroys all pathogens. It cured 100% of covid patients during the pandemic, in Bolivia. It's the ultimate substance to keep you healthy. Why is this hidden from you?
Governments Sacrifice Children to satan, says eye-witness
Government officials and elites sacrifice children to Satan, in order to receive unlimited power and wealth, say multiple eye-witnesses and members of the CIA, FBI and military.
a beautiful vision for the future
What does the world look like, once the overarching force of evil is removed and goodness is allowed to flourish? Imagine hospitals that are like paradise, cities full of fruit bearing trees and songbirds, food so healthy it heals everybody. See the future...

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Stop World Control is on a mission to end the rule of evil over humanity and open the way to a BETTER WORLD, WHERE ALL PEOPLE LIVE IN ABUNDANCE, PEACE AND HAPPINESS. For this purpose we expose hidden criminal operations by corrupt governments and financial elites. We also reveal the agenda for world domination by the United Nations and World Economic Forum, who pose as saviors of the world, but in reality enslave mankind. Please support our mission and share this website. Follow us on X, by clicking the icon.