Millions Of Hospital Patients Are Murdered For Money
Many millions of unsuspecting people are being murdered in hospitals, around the world, in return for big money. A nurse or physician can earn millions of dollars simply by accepting incentives to use lethal protocols.
This documentary is part of the world famous docuseries "The Fall of of the Cabal" made by Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter. Watch The Fall Of The Cabal here.
Funeral Director Witnesses
Mass Murder By Government
British funeral director John O’Looney observed how thousands of vulnerable people were murdered in care homes, to start the covid pandemic in the United Kingdom. He was contacted by a government official who instructed him to label every natural death as covid.
Download this film, and post it anywhere you want.
Medical whistleblowers reveal mass murder in hospitals
Midazolam and morphine were used to purposefully euthanize many thousands of elderly people in care homes. Hold on to your seat as we prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our world leaders arranged all of this during the lockdowns, so nobody would notice. Hard to believe? Then follow us…