Maybe you have noticed already, but in these posts I am doing a lot more than just informing you about world events. A big part of my mission is to train you to become a world changer.
When you pay attention, you will find many golden nuggets in these emails that are transforming the way you think, opening your mind for greater things. Even in the fundraiser emails you can find insights that break chains around your heart and mind, and will lift your vision higher.
Never forget that the key force of the satanic elites is to always limit you, and prevent you from becoming one who breaks through to greater impact and influence. They need us to think negative, critical, small and limited.
When we think like nasty mean dwarfs, we will never defeat the giants.
Read that again:

When we think like mean, nasty little dwarfs, we will never defeat giants.
God transformed my mind, and keeps doing so, in order for me to be useful for things that will transform this world.
One way my limitations were removed, was by showing me I have to think BIG. Not small.
In my church, where I visited as a young adult, everyone always thought small. People were negative, gossiping, pulling one another down, and they thought that was Godly.
But I was led on a different path. A road to greatness, which brought me from one adventure to another.
One major adventure was when we were called to migrate from Europe to America, without money. This challenged my small mind more than anything else.
Everyone said it was silly, and not wise. But we heard a call, and saw a vision to impact the world. The entire world!
So we embarked on the adventure and as we experienced major setbacks and discouragements and everything was uncertain, I learned to lift my vision higher and dare to dream of big things.
Without this process, I could have never founded Stop World Control, and impact all the nations of the world.
Small thinking results in small impact.
Negative minds do nothing positive. Gossip never builds, but only destroys. Unbelief keeps us earth bound, while supernatural faith lifts us over the mountains that are ahead of us.

When I explained why we are looking for a car for Stop World Control to take us from one state to another, I forgot how radically my own mind has been changed already. For me it has become natural to think BIG. Because we want to have a BIG impact.
The days of small thinking are far behind me. Long gone is the time where I criticized people who dared to dream big. I have become like them now.
I encourage you to also change your mindset.
Too many of us still think like slaves. Exactly as the elites want us to be. Think in terms of poverty. Consider quality as something unnecessary. Remain in the low levels where everything is limited. Defend that mindset and accuse those who want to break through to realms of greater power and impact. We all struggle with it. But I want to encourage you to become aware of it.
If I had remained in the small mindset, my family would never have moved over the ocean from the smallest nation in the world, to the greatest. If I had stayed in that negative, critical stronghold of unbelief, I would never have built one of the world’s best platforms to wake up humanity.
It takes a BIG heart and a BIG mind to do BIG things.
You have to leave a lot behind. Most painfully you have to leave beloved people behind who don’t come with you on the journey to greatness. They don’t believe. They have no vision. They don’t have the passion.

All they can do is judge, criticize and try to tear you down, to their own negative realm.
But if we feel a dream in our hearts for something great, we have to spread our wings and soar, against the storms, through the dark clouds, despite the chilling cold, ignoring the accusing whispers of the winds. With our hearts set on the dream.
Our goal is to have BIG impact. I see a BIG movement starting in America. I envision an ever BIGGER influence worldwide.
My heart and mind have been transformed over the years. That’s why it’s normal for me to think: we need a BIG vehicle to serve our BIG dreams for America. I don’t know if you understand that. All I can do is try to explain it.

When I look into the future I see something so beautiful, I know it’s what I want to go for with all my heart.
I hope you understand this. It’s why we do the fundraiser. Very few people seem to understand the indescribably power, value and effect of having good transportation. We are all slaves with a slave mentality. “A donkey will do.” We are used to suffer. We have been living with the burdens our entire life. Having something that is really GOOD seems outrageous.
But we are all invited to step into the reality of who we truly are: kings and queens. We are not born to be slaves with a poverty mentality. The children of God are the true heirs of this world. Christ said:
“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”
Are you able to inherit the earth? Is your mind able to even conceive that?
I believe we are all invited to shift realms in our mind. Go from small, critical and negative thinking, gossiping and accusation, to the realm of royalty, generosity, greatness and BIG dreams. That’s where the impossible becomes reality.
I still dream that we can have a car that will serve and empower us, instead of break us. A vehicle that will give us WINGS to fly across the USA.
If you see the impact we can make, if you want to lift yourself up to greater heights and share our BIG dreams for America, then I invite you to become part of our great adventure.
Because learning to give big is one of the major keys to breakthrough.
We all know that.
Let’s have a major impact on America.
Please help us get this transportation that will be like a race horse to run the race of revival in this great nation. Turning the people back to God, who is the source of all this world needs, and so much more.
Make a donation here:
Thank you!
David Sorensen