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How Operation Warp Speed Saved America From the FEMA Death Camps

trump vaccines warp speed

Many of us are concerned that Trump could be part of the Cabal, because he released the pandemic vaccines with Operation WarpSpeed. That is indeed a valid concern... if we merely look at the surface of things. However, when we have the courage to look a whole lot deeper, to what the true motivation behind this operation was, we find something absolutely astonishing... 

What if I told you that without WarpSpeed, you could have been in one of the many re-education camps that have been built all around the USA and worldwide?

What if I told you the original plan of the Cabal was to keep the world population in lockdown for at least two years, possibly three? They wanted to make sure that the entire world would be in total ruins. Every small business had to be destroyed, the entire middle class had to be wiped out, and every single member of humanity - except for the superrich - had to be plunged into extreme poverty and despair. Then they would have offered the 'glorious salvation' of the Great Reset:

cancellation of all debts that would have resulted from the lockdowns. But in return, everyone would have to surrender all private possessions and become fully dependent on the elites for everything. 

They made this agenda clear with their statement that by 2030, no one would own anything. Let that sink in... how on earth could they make this public statement?

'Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better.'

In their official WEF article about the new world proposed to become reality by 2030, the World Economic Forum declared that everyone would be renting everything: from cars to clothes, to homes, to tools - everything. Nobody would own anything. Shopping would be a thing of the past. Extreme communism: the world population in absolute poverty, completely dependent on the ruling elites, who would own everything. They made it public and official. This was their agenda with the years of lockdowns. To make the world so broken and desperate, that everyone would accept this Great Reset as the only way out. 

Are you aware that this is what Donald Trump saved you from? And not just you, but the entire world.

Both Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci said that it would be at least two years before the vaccines would be ready, and even then it would still be many months until the world would be opened up. Their plan was crystal clear for all to hear and see, in plain view, nothing hidden: 

two to three years of lockdowns, followed by a new world with mankind in total enslavement to the elites.

But they failed miserably. Why? Because Trump released the vaccines one to two years sooner than was planned, which ended the lockdowns way too early for their plan to succeed. Hence, the name WarpSpeed. Do you understand the gravity and impact of this strategic move?

And yet that's not all. Have you heard of the hellish FEMA camps that have been built all across America and worldwide? Almost every country suddenly started building these concentration camps. There are about 800 such camps scattered across America alone. 

Plans were unveiled to round up all Americans who were non-compliant with government tyranny. 

Visualize this: if lockdowns had continued for two years, millions of people would have begun to rebel forcefully, which would have been the perfect excuse for the tyrants to imprison them as ‘national security threats’. That was the plan to - once and for all - get rid of every opponent of the tyranny. did a lot of reporting on this.

Overview of FEMA camps across the USA.
The same goes for most other nations in the world. 

Example of a FEMA camp. Most can house about 20,000 people. Imagine how many Americans could have been locked up - for not obeying criminal orders from a corrupt government? 

Trump prevented that as well, by ending the lockdowns one to two years sooner than the plan. He saved America and the world in more ways than we are aware of.  

Let's keep looking a little further below the surface, shall we? Did Trump really give us the vaccines? Of course not. They would have come anyway! It was never his idea. Read that again:

The vaccines would have come ANYWAY!

If Trump hadn’t released them, the Cabal would have. Only they wanted to wait two to three years. That was essential to their plan. The vaccines were not Trump's idea. On the contrary, for several months, he begged the entire world to please understand how many effective treatments there were for the pandemic. He tweeted about them dozens of times, made several public videos about hydroxychloroquine, and was smeared with the worst dirt by the media for doing so. 

By doing so, he effectively removed the need for a vaccine, because if there is a cure, no vaccine is needed (and by law, cannot be authorized for emergency use).

Below you see all 26 tweets of Trump about hydroxychloroquine. Don't tell me he didn't try his hardest to inform the world!

Trump also made personal videos in which he told the world about powerful therapeutics. 

Finally, after telling humanity for months on end about hydroxychloroquine and other treatments, he had no choice but to release the vaccines - in order to end the lockdowns.

Was there no other way? Could he have ended the plandemic, and re-opened the entire world without the vaccines? Sadly, no. Decades of all-encompassing brainwashing of the entire world population, and mind-controlling every single nurse and physician on the face of the Earth, had too firmly established the false belief that nothing but a vaccine can protect humans against an illness.

The world wouldn't, and didn’t, accept anything other than an injection, to end the lockdowns.

That is the horrible result of over a century of silencing all true scientists and physicians, and imposing diabolical propaganda onto the minds of the entire world. Nobody would have accepted anything else to reopen the world - but a vaccine.

So Trump had to release it. HE HAD NO CHOICE!

Meanwhile, he continually said: 

‘There should be no mandates. Everyone is free to choose. Nobody should be forced.’

The Plan For Long Term

Lockdowns Still Exists

But why does Trump keep defending the vaccines, despite the many adverse events?

Because he knows that the plan to destroy the world through years of lockdowns still exists.

The agenda to wipe out every single small business and plunge the entire world population into extreme poverty still remains.

The strategy to first demolish the economy of every nation and then offer the ‘Great Reset’ as the salvation is as alive as ever.

And there is more going on than meets the eye, with all of the exposés of just how bad the vaccines really are.

Many of the so-called heroes who are exposing the vaccines are actually playing a role in this plan.

What is this plan? Since vaccines were used to end the lockdowns during the first plandemic, the cabal is ensuring that with the next plandemic, vaccines will no longer be able to do that.

This time they want to make sure to lock the world down for several years.

The bioweapons developed in the Ukrainian biolabs, under control of the U.S. Deep State, have a mortality rate of nearly 40%. If they release these weapons on humanity, the disaster will be so severe, that they will have the excuse to lock down all of us for as long as is needed, to ensure success of their agenda.

And this time no vaccine will open the world, because they are making sure that everyone knows how ineffective vaccines are.

Will they give no vaccines for the next pandemic? Of course they will. To kill as many people as they can. The vaccines will be there, for sure. But they will no longer be enough to end lockdowns.

I believe that is why Trump has been defending the vaccines, even after the many adverse events - because he knows their plan. 

Mass Mind Control In
The Truth Movement

Therefore, I humbly ask you to stop being a sheep that listens to the popular voices out there. Even the popular voices in the so-called truth and awakened movement. Because, make no mistake, millions upon millions of people who say ‘I am no longer a sheep’ are still full-blown sheep, only now they follow different shepherds. 

There is mass mind control in the truth movements just as well as in the rest of the world. 

We are just as prone to propaganda as anyone else. Only this time it comes from voices we trust to be ‘truth speakers’ and ‘freedom fighters’. We tend to believe them blindly, because they are exposing the vaccines - without understanding that some of them are pushing us into years of lockdowns. Evil is far more insidious and masterful than we can ever imagine. 

Should we not expose vaccines? Of course we should. But just be aware that not everyone doing so has the right motivation…  some even do it with the sole purpose of attacking Trump. And most ‘awake’ people fall for it, hook, line and sinker. You don't have to agree with me, but at least allow the space for exploration and deep seeking of understanding. Don’t get upset when someone like me challenges your beliefs.

Dare to be challenged. Question your own beliefs.

What is at stake is too grave to be superficial. And it's too serious to let our emotions and opinions rule our mind. We have to be willing to lay aside our pride and have a much deeper look at the facts.

David Sorensen

PS: if you appreciate our mission, then please support us, as we need it more than ever. Without your support, our work comes to an end. Please make a donation now. Thank you! 

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