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Unseen Heroes: How Your Support is Changing the World in Ways You Can’t Imagine

I would like to thank all of you who have recently, or in the past, supported our work.

You haven’t got the slightest clue what you are creating!

If you knew, you would weep tears of joy.

Because what our work is accomplishing worldwide is indescribable. The impact is beyond our wildest dreams.

Here are a few examples…

When we helped Tim Gielen produce the film MONOPOLY, almost no one in the world had heard about Vanguard or BlackRock - who own every single large corporation in the entire world, giving them a literal monopoly to dictate tyranny in every aspect of human society, from healthcare, to travel, insurance, food, finance - everything!

Nobody, with a few exceptions, knew these companies even exist, let alone control the entire world.

Since we released MONOPOLY, there are now hundreds of millions of people in the world who know about Vanguard and BlackRock.


Our film has exposed them to the entire world. All of a sudden you see them mentioned all the time, all over social media. It was only after our film that James O’ Keefe sent undercover journalists to expose how BlackRock buys politicians. 

Millions of people suddenly understand how all the pandemic tyranny was mandated by these two investment corporations - who own all the major hospitals, thus giving them the power to mandate injections, lethal treatments, etc.

Without Monopoly, the world would still be oblivious. Now the world population is being informed, and an absolutely critical foundation being laid for a transformation. In ignorance and blindness, humanity is defenseless.

We also released the very first blockbuster film about the dangers of the vaccines and the agenda of transhumanism with Dr Carrie Madej. Our film, THE BATTLE FOR HUMANITY, exploded all around the world in more languages than I can count, igniting mass resistance against the vaccines. This was further fueled by our Vaccine Death Report, which I created together with the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. This report, to date, is still the most comprehensive overview of the indescribable devastation caused by the pandemic injections. It has been shared by innumerable health professionals around the world, and has laid a foundation for understanding the scale of destruction inflicted on mankind by these toxic cocktails.

The worldwide awakening was further ignited by our earth-shattering report about how pandemics are a tool for installing world tyranny. This in-depth report was our first publication, and it went so viral that we had to move from one webhost to another, because no webhost we found could process such a volume of traffic. This report gives a crystal clear overview of how the entire pandemic was a criminal operation with the purpose of imposing tyranny on mankind.

A shorter version of this report is called 'Proof That the Pandemic is Planned With a Purpose', along with the short docufilm, THE PLAN. This report lists the most profound evidence revealing how the pandemic was indeed planned. This report was republished by a European news platform, FrontNews, where it became their all-time most viewed post, with over one million views of that page alone. The publisher told me this launched them to notoriety.  It was a direct copy of our report. Now FrontNews is a leading alternative news platform in Europe.

This is typical for Stop Word Control: we are an influencer of influencers. We are a resource for the worldwide awakened community. We provide material that anyone worldwide can copy and redistribute on their platforms to further the awakening in their countries.

Last year, I published the shocking evidence report showing how the WHO and UN are instructing tens of thousands of schools in dozens of nations worldwide to teach toddlers to masturbate and have sexual interaction with their friends. It’s a blatant agenda to normalize pedophilia. This report went so viral worldwide that it ignited worldwide initiatives against this agenda. I am now in touch with several organizations who are opposing this.

These are just a few examples of how our work has changed the world. There is so much more. We brought worldwide attention to the Grand Jury of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich by summarizing their most important sessions in a PDF file that has been downloaded countless times in several languages around the world. The significance of this Grand Jury is that for the first time in history, a panel of attorneys and a large group of top experts confirmed to the world the existence of a satanic financial elite who aim for world domination, and who are behind the pandemics and other world crises.

We also highlighted the global operation of child trafficking and child torture, rape and murder by high level officials in government, banking, business, judiciary, military, etc. Our report about this horrific practice spread like wildfire in several countries, and empowered the movement to stop these horrors.

I could keep going. These are just some highlights, but there is so much more.

Our impact goes worldwide. To governments, business leaders, the healthcare industry, the United Nations, and so on.

The World Economic Forum even contacted us, threatening to throw me in jail for ten years because I am exposing their crimes against humanity. I ignore their threat.

Stop World Control has changed the world in more ways than I can say. Our recent film, THE END OF HUMANITY, is the first full documentary of its kind to warn mankind about the agenda to end our race and replace us by GMO and technological alternatives that will be slaves of an omnipresent control grid.

When I made the film, THE MYSTERY OF ISRAEL, it caused an uproar around the world, as I lifted the dark veil over this so-called ‘Holy Land’ and showed irrefutable evidence that this modern military state is diametrically the radical opposite of the biblical Israel.  On the contrary, it was erected by the heads of global satanism with the sole purpose of becoming the headquarters of a one world government. Scripture has been wildly twisted and abused to hoodwink billions of believers into supporting the most nefarious of all operations in human history, by making them believe this is ‘God’s doing’. It is insane beyond any ability of comprehension, that the #1 operation of Satan has been promoted as the #1 operation of God, and billions of people fell for it hook, line and sinker.

THE MYSTERY OF ISRAEL was a loud shot heard around the world, that is still shaking millions awake to what is truly going on in the most antichrist state of the entire world, from where most global mind control and blackmailing operations are run by the Mossad. Now it is coming to light how Jeffrey Epstein was an Israeli Mossad agent, used to trap thousands of high level people, whose sexual abuse of little children was recorded on film so they could be blackmailed for the rest of their life.

Let this sink in: Israel controls thousands of high-level, influential people through their massive blackmailing operations. Can you believe it? This is how they control governments worldwide, and leaders of every industry.

Our next film will be the most powerful of them all. MASTERPLAN will be the world’s most compelling presentation of evidence, backed up by government officials and leading experts worldwide, of how pandemics are used to establish world domination.

An incredible future awaits us

We are preparing much more for the future. But I also still need to recover from my severe adrenal fatigue, which is causing heart rhythm irregularities. This is mostly due to stress. And one major element of stress is the lack of support for our work. It baffles me how many organizations with far less worldwide impact  are funded with astronomical donations, while we - who are causing world changing waves all over the Earth - always find ourselves struggling. It shows me that a LOT (!) of organizations are actually controlled opposition, who never lack support, as they are funded by the elites to gather truth loving people under their wings, and then misguide and control them, so their resistance will become futile.

We are not controlled by anyone, apart from the Creator of all life, whose call we obeyed when He asked us to do this work.

But your support is of unbelievable importance. Our influence worldwide is so much greater than anyone understands. Releasing a film in twenty languages, which can be downloaded freely, enables it to fly to areas you have no view of.

We are currently in touch with Calin Georgescu, the presidential candidate in Romania, and we will try to help him get elected, so Romania can become a nation that breaks away from the elites and sets an example for the world.

And there is so much more. We became friends with a member of the royal family in Qatar and Kuwait and she has been spreading our reports to government officials in the Middle East. Soon we will have our most important material available in Arabic.

And so on. And so on. And so on.

Our heartfelt thanks go out to all who have stood and are standing with us. The attempts to silence us and the attempt to kill me have failed. But the battle is still on.

Please keep supporting us in a radical way.

Last year, we distributed TWO MILLION informative flyers in Europe, and I would love to do more than that. I dream of distributing ten million flyers in The Netherlands and Europe. But we need funds.

I want to put up billboards around the world, to warn millions of people driving on highways. There is so much we can do, once there is enough funding.

But right now, we need to have a breakthrough, after hitting rock bottom.

We cannot continue like this. It is too stressful for me, and the lack of support is just too heavy to bear.

If you are able to, then please make a generous donation. Do something that will help lift us out of the pit and establish us on solid ground for the next waves of worldwide awakening.

Together we are effectively changing the world.

You are a superhero in disguise, and together we are saving the world. And not just us, but the hundreds of millions of people worldwide who don’t just stand there criticizing, judging and complaining, but who make every effort in their ability to turn the tide.

There is a movement worldwide that will explode in the future, and will wash over humanity like a massive ocean wave of truth.

And we are a part of that!

May the Creator of all life, who is the force behind all of this, be with us every step of the way, so we can shine a light that will expose and expel darkness once and for all.

A light that brings a beautiful, much better world that we cannot even imagine at this point.

To the heroes of humanity worldwide!

David Sorensen

PS: Please make a powerful donation, to help us break through the situation we are in, so we can continue our work unhindered. Thank you, and God bless you.

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