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Are You Willing To Choose Truth Over Your Opinion?

Long ago, as a child, I made one of the most important decisions of my life: I made up my mind to never, ever place my opinion over truth.

I knew someone close by who caused a lot of damage to his loved ones by being narrow-minded, prideful, refusing to listen to truth or to ever be corrected, and always going with his own belief. It destroyed others around him.

I observed how this mentality is directly destructive - both to ourselves and to others.

So I made up my mind to always have an open mind. To allow correction. Listen to feedback. Be a lifelong student. Never think that I know it all.

The interesting thing about this attitude is that it results in profound insights, powerful understanding, and a solid foundation in actual truth versus perceived truth.

Perceived truth is believing that we know the truth, based on our limited selection of preferred facts that align with our preconceived opinions. We believe what we want to believe, because it’s how we prefer the truth to be, based on our background, culture, experience, trauma, personality, etc.

Most people live in a lie. A nice, comfortable, pleasant lie. A lie that they create themselves, but which they convince themselves to be the truth. It’s a bubble of deception, a hub of twisted realities, that we build around our minds in order to feel safe and reassured.

When this bubble is challenged, we respond with fierce emotions, because it is terrifying to the deepest core of our existence. What if our bubble is wrong? Impossible. Never! The very thought is just too nightmarish.

So we defend our beliefs at all costs. We sacrifice relationships. Love. Profit. Opportunities. Success. Hope. Breakthrough. Satisfaction. Fruitfulness. Joy. Dreams. We sacrifice all that and a great deal more on the altar of fear. The fear that what we believe could, potentially, be wrong.

This is what keeps the human race in perpetual deception and darkness. Because we find our security, our identity and our strength in the lies we choose to believe, while telling ourselves and everybody else that it’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Millions of books are written, billions of webpages are created, trillions of social media posts are made, and even more comments are posted to defend our false realities. Because everyone is terrified to be wrong. So we fight all day long, every minute of every hour of every day. Not necessarily consciously, but at the deep hidden levels of our inner being, where we continually make up arguments in our soul to defend our lies.

Because… what if we would be wrong?

We would be worthless! We'd lose our value and identity! People would mock us. We would feel insecure. And so on.

Yet, having the ability to be corrected in our beliefs is what liberates us. Strengthens us. Empowers us.

It lifts us out of the shallow depths of the misty realms of this world, where billions of people struggle to find meaning in the swamps of confusion.

When we are willing to be educated, enlightened, changed and directed, we will receive wings to soar to heights far above the confusing clouds, and we will see clearly for the first time in our life.

The truth sets us free. Free from fake truths. Free from pride that defends our deceived state. Free from wrong directions. And so on.Freedom to become stronger, happier and healthier, and to find levels of abundance in our soul that we never even thought existed.But we have to be willing to let go of our deepest fears. And find our security in the Creator of all life.

I've found that when I accept how loved I was, even before I was born, then it doesn’t matter what I believe…. it won’t change how deeply I am loved. God loves me intensely, even if I am deceived and blind.

But in his great love, the Father of all wisdom will guide us to opportunities to change our perspective, to learn more truths and to be delivered from the chains of darkness - so we can discover a whole new reality of life.

Because deception always robs us, while truth enriches us.

I would like to invite all of you to apply this to Donald Trump. We have all heard the lies. He is this and that, horrible here and wrong there, an evil such and such, a monster, a traitor, and so much more.

But if we have the courage to allow the light of truth to shine into our mind, by listening to someone who has gone immeasurably deeper than we all did, and who by doing so has found an entirely different world of hope, deliverance, strength and vision for the future - then we can be lifted out of that dark hole of negativity and see there is a bright new world welcoming us.

I invite you to watch the film that some of you resent to watch. Please don’t be like this person I knew as a child, who robbed himself and others from essential blessings, hope, joy and strength, because he refused to listen to truths that were different from his own beliefs.

We can never know the truth about anything if we refuse to at least honestly look at what challenges our beliefs.

That’s how I woke up in the first place. I listened to people who explained to me that the theory of evolution is a lie, and our world is not the result of absurd events and blind chance. I had the humility, honesty and courage to listen. And it liberated my heart and soul.

The same was true for vaccines, news media, government, religion, God, everything. I was always willing to listen and learn. Even though I struggled at times. But in the end, I always saw the truth.

This is my life's attitude now: always be a student. Always be humble. Always realize how little I know.

Not to throw out key truths that I've learned, because when you truly listen and learn, you become extremely strong in the truths you learn at a very deep level. Then you become like a giant, with roots that go miles and miles deep, because you have gone so deeply. Then when lies try to throw you off balance, you stand solid as a rock in the truth. Because you've researched it thoroughly. Way more seriously than those attacking you. So you know that you know that you know what is true, and nobody can change your mind anymore. You become a mountain of strength in actual truth, instead of a massive balloon of illusions.

I invite you to apply this to everything. Seek the truth with all your heart. Yearn for wisdom. Pray with all your heart for discernment. Seek the Source and Giver of all Truth more than anything. Don’t let pride blind you. Be a humble servant, an eager student, and an avid listener.

It will make you rich and strong. And a true beacon of light in this deeply dark world.

Please watch this film about Trump >>


The film has been watched 1.5 million times already on our own channels on X, so it's touching people big time. Don't miss out. 

Watch it and share it far and wide, please.

Thank you for being honest ????

David Sorensen

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