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Truth Is The Greatest Force In The Universe. Why Are We So Afraid Of It?

My commitment to you and to all the world is that I will always be true to what I know - with ALL MY HEART - to be true.

Never will I commit fraud or betrayal - so help me God - in my mission here on Earth to seek and speak TRUTH.Truth is hard. Truth is confronting.

Truth reveals darkness inside our own heart.

Truth exposes the demons in our mind.

Truth shows us the chains on our hands and feet.

Truth is the light that we all fear.

But truth is the ONLY THING - nothing else - that will truly set us free.

Being a messenger of truth is never easy. It comes with great pain, loss of beloved ones, and betrayal by friends.

Speaking truth is a lonely road.

Many misunderstand. Many reject. Many attack. Many try to silence.

But I was not born to be a puppet of opinions and demons.

I was born to expose our false opinions and the lies of demons.

I have made a vow, with every vessel of my being, to always be corrected when I truly recognize the voice of Truth.

Not the voice of the accuser. Not the hiss of the serpent. Not the roar of demons. Not the flattery of traitors. And not the whisper of witchcraft.

I made a vow to always listen and be corrected when I sincerely recognize the clear sound of truth.

Because I serve truth, with all my strength, mind and soul.

This means I will always shock you, confront you, upset you, amaze you, and bewilder you.

Because that is what truth does.

Truth often hurts before it heals.

As long as you are able to keep listening to me, will I reveal things that will be hard to digest.

Like the reality that we cannot save ourselves, no matter how hard we shout that "we don’t need a savior".

The hard truth is, that without Donald Trump most of us would be in a camp by now, or dead due to vaccine mandates, or otherwise crushed under extreme tyranny.

The truth is that no matter how independent, self reliant and strong we believe we are...

...we cannot put an end to high level crime and corruption in governments.

Trump is efectiveley ending it, as we speak! We can never end one single child trafficking operation. We simply don’t have the power to do so.

Trump is ending major child trafficking operations all around the world.

Millions of children have been saved already.We can never end one single war. We may protest against it, but we cannot stop it. Trump has ended several wars and is preventing more wars.

There is nothing we can do to end the tyranny of censorship, and restore free speech worldwide.

Thanks to Trump free speech was restored on Facebook, Twitter (X) and TikTok, he created the free speech platform Truth, and he is ending all censorship imposed by the federal government.

We cannot end the crimes of the USAID, that has been funding every imaginable evil in the world, ranging from terrorism, to bioweapon development, to promotion of LGBTQ, transgenderism, and pedophilia. 

There is nothing anyone on Earth can do, to end this flow of trillions of dollars that finances all evil worldwide.

Trump has just ended all of it... 

Trump is also ending the crimes of the IRS and will end the income tax slavery.

And these are just a few exampes of what Trump is doing... 

He only just got started!

This is for many the hardest truth of them all. 

We do need a savior.

Truth undresses us and leaves us bare naked, with our pride fallen in the dirt.

It’s good to be humbled and wake up in reality.

We cannot do anything at the high levels of our world.

We need a man to be used as a vessel, to sit in the highest position of power, and do the things nobody else can do.

That is the truth, wether we like it or not.

Above Trump is the greater savior: Jesus Christ.

He is the one guiding, inspiring and empowering Trump, and the entire worldwide operation to uproot the satanic elites.

This is what Trump has posted several times:

jesus christ donald trump

Trump kneels before Jesus Christ, and adds the comment: "...and now we go to work".

And this is a prayer posted by the Christian military intelligence operation, that is behind Trump, to save the world:

Strengthen my faith, Lord.

Forgive my sins, so that I may be clean in your righteousness.

Make me brave, so I can stand and fight the spiritual battles in my life and in our world.

Give me your wisdom and discernment so I won't be caught off guard.

Together, Lord, we'll win, because in truth, you already have.

While evil still roams, the power of Your name and Your blood rises up to defeat and bring us victory against every evil planned against us.

While malicious actions may disturb us, we use the armor of God You have given us to stand firm.

You will bring justice in due time for all the harm and needless violence aimed at Your children.

Until then, we remain in Your presence, aligned with Your purposes, and we look to You as our Supreme Commander and Protector.

Help us to avoid temptation, and deliver us from evil, Lord.

You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light.

With You, Jesus, we are safe.


Let it sink in, that this prayer was posted by Q, the worldwide high level military intelligence operation, that is ending all satanic tyranny in our world. They are deeply devoted to Jesus Christ.

We can shout all we want "We don't need a savior!".

But the truth of the matter is we are being saved.

The world is being delivered.

The chains are being broken.

The prison doors are opening.

By God and by a man. The Master and the vessel.

That is the truth.

I will not be manipulated or intimidated to be silent about this.

I honor God with all my heart. And I love Trump with all my heart.

If that causes you to stop supporting our mission, so be it.

But I am not for sale.

I will say what I know - with every atom of my being - to be truth.

The world will breath again.

Nature will be restored.

Humans will live.

We will see a brilliant future.

A new world is emerging right before our eyes,

It is time to start dreaming again. To have great visions. To rise up from the dust and climb the mountains of hope.

We will see things happen that we cannot even imagine.

Lift up your eyes, and see the horizon, aglow with brilliance and hope.

Humanity will be free at last.

Revelation 21.

David Sorensen
Stop World Control

PS: If you appreciate me being radical and uncompromised, then please support us, so we can continue our mission.
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