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Breaking down in the middle of nowhere…

Dear Freedom fighters,

Today I am writing you from the wild, rough desert wastelands from one of the most remote and uninhabitable places on Earth. Here only the wild mustangs and rugged coyotes can survive, among the rattlesnakes, scorpions and lizards that crawl through the burning hot sand of the endless wastelands. No human can survive here, I would think, yet somehow a special kind of man managed to pitch their tents here in a distant past and withstood the scorching winds and biting sand, to establish little towns full of cheap casinos and flashing neons. We are in Winnemucca, a tiny desert town in the middle of literally nowhere.

What on Earth are we doing here? I am asking the same question. There is no meaning to our presence in this wild west hamlet. I was on my way to California, to make a documentary with one of the most incredible human beings I have ever met. A man who knew in 2007 that the pandemic was being planned, and he fled to the mountains in blind panic and total terror… because he knew the true plan.

Millions of Americans would be rounded up by the deep state government, and would be brutally eliminated in the 800 FEMA camps that have been erected across America. All resistance to the satanic tyranny would be crushed by the heavy black boots of the military. Patriots would have two options: shut up and hide deep in the shadows of pitch black censorship, or resist… and end up in one of the hundreds of concentration camps.

That was the true pandemic agenda and he knew all about it. He shook with fear. Because there was no way out. Nobody could stop these all powerful, omnipresent criminals who were seated in the highest positions of government. Nobody threatened them. No power or authority could touch them. There was no hope.

Talking about this was dangerous. Only careful whispers were heard, back in those days. Nobody was awake, all were dead in their coffins of total ignorance. Zombie world. No truth. No movement. Nothing. Just the super powerful overlords who controlled everything.

He knew he was doomed. Alone in the mountains, he had convulsions out of sheer despair. A young man, in his early twenties, strong and muscular. A champion of football, and a brilliant artist. His life full of promise. Yet, all he saw was darkness. The agenda of the criminals was perfect. They controlled everything.

First there would be the pandemic, with years and years of lockdowns. After several years of lockdowns millions of people would begin to resist, but they would simply disappear. Nobody would escape.

It was all planned. In detail. Perfect. They controlled all the news media. All health care. All government agencies. All doctors and nurses. Everything. The tentacles wrapped firmly around every aspect of human society. The monster was ready to squeeze, and kill.

Terrified he wept in agony and cried out to the heavens. Only God could help. All others were blind, bribed or blackmailed. None was there. Nothing and nobody. All he could do was shed tears in anguish. “Please send someone in the highest seat of authority to stop this diabolical plot!”

Nobody would be able to stop it. No power was great enough. Except… if the impossible, unimaginable, absurd would occur… If God would send a man in the highest seat of the world. President of the United States.

But could that be? These Satanists control politics like a spider spins its web around every fly that touches it.

Yet he cried out… “Please send a man in the highest level to stop this. Or we are all doomed.”

The FEMA camps rose from the ground, all across America. Laws were made, programs prepared. Bio weapons created. All was ready.

All was lost. He knew it. There was no hope. He would die in one of those camps. Along with millions of others who would never submit to forced injections.

He knew everything. 13 years before it happened.

But then the miracle came. What he wept and cried for. What he could never dream, yet begged to happen. Donald Trump. The thunder that crushed their plans. The lighting that shattered their structures. His voice like a roaring lion boomed across the airwaves.

He stopped it. He crippled them. He saved everyone.

Nobody went to the FEMA camps during the pandemic. Millions of freedom loving Americans were not rounded up. There were no five years of lockdowns to destroy everything and everyone. Only a lousy 8 months.

Instead of a suffocating dark mist of total tyranny that would cover all and kill everyone, a bright light of awakening started shining over the land.

“FAKE NEWS!!!” thundered the untamed beast. “THEY ARE LIARS!!!” roared his voice across the land. “DON’T BELIEVE THEM!!!”

Decades of unhindered, perfect, all encompassing mind control by the news media, owned and deployed by the deep state, came crushing down. Their mighty machine of manipulation of the masses crumbled before their eyes, as this orange man lifted its pillars from the ground and tipped over their sky high towers of brainwashing.

The grip of madness was loosened and the people began to open their eyes, for the first time. They saw it. The lies. The deception. The crime. The mass murders. The treason. The tyranny. The plan.

Trump exposed it. For all to see. He went about like a loose cannonball, crushing and shattering everything they had carefully built over the past two centuries. And he saved the world from the most diabolical plot this world has ever seen.

My friend could breathe again. He came down from the lonely mountains. Now he could talk. He could walk. He could live again. His intense prayers have been answered. God came down and prevented hell from destroying mankind.

Not on a cloud of glory. Not with chariots of fire. Not with signs in the heavens. No. He came down in the form of a rough diamond, a raw rebel, a wild warrior with a fiery passion for liberty and a restored America.

The man I was going to meet, has witnessed the greatest operation to save humanity in all of history. From looming darkness without hope of escape, to a sudden dawn of deliverance that nobody could have expected.

He is one of the many in this nation whose hearts were lifted with great power, when they saw the impossible happen. And he knows it all. What their original plan for the pandemic was - ten thousand times worse than what actually happened. They failed so miserably, they will never recover. What was supposed to be their mass event to submit mankind once and for all to their claws of terror, turned out to be the most glorious event of worldwide awakening in all of history.

Thanks to this rough man, who cried as a lone wolf in the wilderness, surrounded by traitors, about all the lies and deception. And the people heard.

What a documentary this would be! Interviewing the one who knew it more than a decade beforehand. And hearing him explain that Trump is not GOING TO save us from hell. He already did. We have been saved from something so satanic, we can hardly believe it. And the weirdness of it is… most will never know what they have been saved from.

This man also knows the answers why Trump had to release WarpSpeed and what his strategy is with supposedly supporting Israel. The puzzling questions that confuse many of us will be answered. Deeply strategic military insights will amaze all of us, as we will see how brilliant the operation is to destroy the enemies of mankind.

My bags were packed with video graphic and photographic equipment. On my way to record something that would stun America.

But here I am. Stranded in the desert of Nevada. With a vehicle that couldn’t handle the ride. Transmission busted. Driveshaft twisted. 7,400 dollars repair. No way to go.

Will I be able to reach my friend? Shall I interview him? Can I still accomplish this mission?

I don’t know. Everything is uncertain now.

All I can do is send this note in a bottle, to my friends around the world.

Will you help me? Can you support us so we can pay for the repairs, and leave the wilderness behind?

I am writing this from a smelly motel room, in Winnemucca, Nevada, with a shower that doesn’t work, during a hot sweaty night. We aren’t supposed to be here. We should have been in California. But broken gears changed our course.

Please help us get to our friend. We need to make this film. The world needs to know.

If we can raise 7,400 usd we are on our way again. On our way to make a documentary that will blow everyone’s mind…

Help us get the van fixed please.


Thank you all so much.

David Sorensen

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