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Is This The True Secret To Saving Our World?

There is a popular motto within the freedom movement that says: 

‘Nobody is coming to save you. You have to save yourself’. 

Another version of this statement says:

‘There is no external God who can help you. You must manifest your own divinity.'

Different versions of these sayings circulate, but they all express the same belief, that saving the world is up to us. We have to stand up in our own strength and do what it takes to build a better world.

This philosophy is also used to denounce the need for a strong political or military intervention, and even to reject the notion that humanity needs God to help us. We are enough. It’s all up to us. We will save the world.

No God, Jesus Christ, Trump or any other type of savior needed. Thank you very much.

Although it is of course true that the key to transformation of our world is that we all stand up and do our part in the mass awakening and deliverance of humanity, there is also a fundamental flaw in believing that we can do everything ourselves.

Here are some examples of what we cannot do:

✔︎ End the worldwide child trafficking operations

✔︎ End the worldwide adrenochrome industry

✔︎ End the corruption in federal agencies (CIA, FBI, DOJ, DOD, CDC, FDA,...) 

✔︎ End the federal reserve and central banking system

✔︎ End global chemtrails, geoengineering and weather manipulation

✔︎ End vaccine mandates and the crimes of Big Pharma

✔︎ End worldwide wars

✔︎ End political corruption

✔︎ End MK Ultra mind control programs

✔︎ End satanic gatherings where world leaders perform human sacrifice, and receive direct instructions from the demonic realm

✔︎ End worldwide drug operations, money laundering, and other international criminal activities

✔︎ End biolabs around the world where dangerous pathogens are created for the purpose of biological warfare on populations

✔︎ End the monopoly of Big Tech that is suppressing truth and imposing tyranny on the people

And I can go on, and on, and on, and on, and on… This is just the tiniest tip of an iceberg of high level evil that none of us can change. For all these evil operations we need help. Help from outside and help from above. 

What We Really Need To Save And Transform Our World

This image is available on canvas print

First of all, we need the powerful help from above, from our Almighty Creator of all life, the Source of true love, the Giver of all good, who alone has the power to intervene at the highest level in our world. Without the Almighty's help, we are doomed, and that is a fact. This is not religion, but sober reality. Man purely in himself does not have the power to utterly destroy the very powerful demonic rulers. We need God's help. More than we realize. Use the link below to learn more about who God is.

Second, we need people in the highest positions in government who are instruments of the Creator, to stop evil and establish good as the basis in society. We can think and shout all we want, it is an indisputable fact that without righteous political leaders essentially nothing can change in a country. After all, every country works with a government, which is ultimately the highest authority in our society. We need powerful, upright and trustworthy politicians instead of the corrupt criminals. Use the link below to learn more about political leaders who are liberating the world.

Third, we need the power of the military, under the direct command of a righteous government, to bring down the incredibly powerful global satanic operations. Our job is to expose the terrible crimes at a high level, but ultimately ordinary citizens do not have the resources to stop it. It takes a God-fearing government that deploys the military to take down the heavily armed criminal networks worldwide. Use the link below to learn more about such a military operation.

We can beat our own chest all we want, there is ultimately nothing we can do about the bigger crimes and dark operations in our world. We do need our Creator and Jesus Christ, we do need their servants who have been appointed in politics to serve that which is good, we do need the military to yield power against the wicked, and we do need one another.

But can political leaders and the military save the world alone? No, they need us as much as we need them. Because just as there are things only they can do, there are many things only we can do.

✔︎ Only we can make our voices heard in schools, on our city council, in meetings of our local community, at protests, and so on.

✔︎ Only we can refuse to comply with insane tyranny, and set an example to others around us of courageous resistance to government crimes.

✔︎ Only we can awaken our local communities to the truth, by distributing information, handing out flyers, organizing speaking engagements, and so on.

✔︎ Only we can stop giving our money to the systems of evil, such as the perverse movie industry, toxic pharmaceuticals, harmful industrial food, and so on. If we return to what is authentic, pure, good and natural, they will lose their hold on us.

✔︎ Only we can create small local communities where criminal corporations do not poison everything and where we grow our own healthy food for our communities. Think food forests, community gardens, and so on.

✔︎ Only we can establish new alternatives to all systems of evil and create solutions for a better world.

✔︎ Only we can establish hospitals and healing centers where people can find true recovery instead of being poisoned by the petrochemical drug industry.

✔︎ And so on...

Righteous politicians and just military can deal with the extreme crimes at high levels, and we are responsible for the changes in our own lives, and our immediate environment. 

We all need each other. We all play a role. We can all do something. But none of us is sovereign and almighty. Don’t fall in the trap of pride that blinds you in arrogance. Be honest and humble and understand that without the right political authorities, nothing we can do will have lasting effect. That’s why Scripture calls us to pray fervently for our governments. That’s why we must raise our voice against government corruption. That’s why we must all be involved to make sure that every government on Earth truly becomes a SERVANT OF THE PEOPLE, instead of a tyrant who abuses the people. That’s why we must all do our part in fighting against election fraud, so that truly the servants of the people get into office and the criminal puppets of the elites can no longer be positioned.

Most of all we must have the humble heart of a child who knows that we need our Creator. 

We can be proud and strong, smart and intelligent, educated and rich, spiritual and enlightened all we want. Ultimately we are all very weak and limited human beings who can drop dead at any second. So let's ditch our pride and admit that we are orphans who desperately need to return to our loving Father, who created us to be beloved, valued, protected and guided sons and daughters of the Creator of all life.

This image is available on canvas print

He is always here and always near. But He waits for us to return home. To accept His embrace and learn to live with His love and wisdom to guide us.

The forces of evil thrive on disconnected, independent, lost and prideful people. But they lose when we reconnect, find true direction, become empowered and receive divine wisdom.

Are we divine? Yes! But only because we were created by the Divine. Without our Maker we are nothing but a hump of clay.

Let’s be humble.

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