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What Happens In Europe Impacts The Entire World

"Who cares about Europe? I don’t!"

There are degrees of stupidity and the person who sent me this message, has hit the highest level.

After publishing our message about Calin Georgescu, a brave freedom fighter leading the presidential race in Romania, I got a flood of comments. The one above hit the ceiling. It highlights a troubling ignorance that many people have: the belief that events happening far away don’t impact us. How foolish!

When an earthquake strikes one part of the ocean, it can trigger a tsunami on the other side.

The downfall of
the European Union

One of Calin's goals is to pull Romania out of the EU. So, what exactly is the EU, and why does it matter to the world?

The European Union stands as a major stronghold for a one-world government. It’s one of the most ambitious projects ever, where the elite have managed to exert control over multiple nations simultaneously.

With empty promises of greater prosperity, they’ve lured millions into a dangerous trap. The moment the Euro was introduced, prices skyrocketed. Poverty descended like a shadow over Europe. Wages stayed the same, but costs doubled overnight. People who were doing well suddenly found themselves struggling. Families that once thrived were plunged into hardship.

This is a prime example of the cruel nature of the elites: they thrive on causing suffering. They take pleasure in seeing humanity in distress, all while they accumulate wealth beyond imagination. They rose to new heights while the masses fell.

The creation of the European Union is one of the largest criminal schemes ever carried out in our history.

Across Europe, nations now find themselves under the grip of unaccountable rulers, as the leaders of the European Union are not elected by the populace but rather appointed by a select elite. In an instant, democracy has vanished from the continent, replaced by a regime of dictators. It hardly matters if citizens elect their own national representatives; they are compelled to follow the dictates of the EU without question.

The European Union is orchestrating a level of tyranny unprecedented in history. With vaccine mandates and societal exclusion for the unvaccinated, financial bondage, and rampant censorship, the landscape is shifting dramatically.

The EU serves as a harbinger for the rest of the globe, illustrating the potential reality of a one-world government: the widespread endorsement of pedophilia, the relentless promotion of LGBTQ and transgender ideologies, the imposition of crushing poverty, the silencing of dissent, and the obliteration of democracy.

They are destroying the identity of individual nations, by importing millions of immigrants into every country, so that Italy is no longer Italy, but becomes a cocktail of countless cultures. 

The unique identity, flavor and beauty of individual nations is being eradicated, by making them all the same: a cocktail of different colors, so the end result is a dull grey. And the same goes for Greece, Spain, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, etc.

The EU is destroying the individual nations and making them into one massive soup, ready to be part of a even greater soup of a one world state, where everyone is the same. Bye bye beautiful colors, songs, cultures of beautifully diverse nations. They want the world to be one massive grey cocktail of everything thrown together.

This is the agenda behind the mass migration programs: create a colorless one world population.

And all these people will live in Smart Cities, where the very thoughts and feelings of everyone are being recorded day and night. Limiting movement to a maximum radius of a few miles from your home, forcing everyone to eat GMO bugs bred in factories, and so on.

This agenda is advancing at an alarming pace across Europe. Who will stand in their way? Once Europe succumbs, the rest of the globe is likely to follow suit. That is the blueprint.

So, how does this affect the rest of the world? Get your brain to work please...

America consists of mostly Europeans! The vast majority of our ancestors came from Europe. What do you mean, I don’t care about Europe? America IS Europe! Most of our forefathers came from Europe! All they did is hop the pond, that’s all.

In fact, America is entirely ruled by overseas forces, as from its inception the United States were infiltrated and manipulated, to be a slave colony of the British elites. These forces have maintained their grip on the nation from within Washington DC, a foreign entity that is not even a true part of the United States. Washington DC operates merely as a tool for overseas elites to exert control over America.

Citizens were led to believe they lived in a free nation, yet the reality is that the USA has always functioned as a franchise for British elites, who orchestrate their influence from the City of London—a sovereign enclave of just one square mile, serving as the financial epicenter for global elites.

In essence, America has never been a truly independent nation.

It has always been a colony of British elites, who wield the Federal government in Washington DC as a means to enforce compliance among the American populace. These elites have utilized the US military to instill fear worldwide and perpetrate heinous acts against humanity. Nations around the globe have condemned the actions of "America," but it has always been the British elites in Washington DC who have directed the US military's actions.

That’s why Trump announced to abolish Washington DC. He intends to liberate America for real, once and for all, transforming it into a true nation rather than a mere extension of British interests.

The world is one big village. What happens here, affects the rest. 

The tyranny we have been experiencing during the pandemic, was first tested and developed in China, then exported to the rest of the world.

Did you ever imagine we would all be mandated to wear face masks, just as we had observed in China for years? No! What do you think will transpire if Europe fully embraces a hyper-communist regime akin to China?

It will affect the entire world.

That’s why it is crucial for a brave champion of truth and human rights to emerge in the presidential elections of a European nation; it matters deeply to all of us.

If Calin gets elected, it will change the course of history in Europe… and the world. Once he removes Romania from the EU, other nations may follow. 

If the European Union falls apart, one of the main strongholds for a one world government will come crumbling down.

For the past year, Stop World Control has been fully committed to supporting Calin in every way possible. We’ve orchestrated interviews, forged connections, and secured endorsements across the globe. Now, we’ve captured the attention of President Trump, who is sending his campaign chief to meet with Calin. We are on the brink of making history!

Our dedication to Calin Georgescu stems from the urgent need for leaders who can shift the course of our world.

The corrupt government accused him of election fraud, but the constitutional court cleared Calin of all charges, putting the spotlights of the entire nation on him, as never before. 

Everyone has now seen how the government is corrupt and Calin is the good guy. What a promotion for his campaign!

Please pray powerfully for Calin. Because praying for Calin, means praying for the future of the entire world.

We are pouring our hearts into the fight against global tyranny and striving to create a better world. If you appreciate our efforts, we urge you to support us generously. We are not backed by shadowy figures but depend solely on the goodwill of individuals who believe in our cause. Together, we can transform the world, make history, and pave the way for a beautiful future. Your support is invaluable to us. Visit:

Thank you!
David Sorensen

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