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Why the Wicked Reign and How the Righteous Can Rise

"Why are the wicked reigning over the Earth?"
"Because the righteous aren’t!"
"But I never appointed the wicked to reign."
"I appointed the righteous!"

That’s what the Almighty told me, at the beginning of the 2020 plandemic: there is only one reason why evil people rule the world: because the good people don't. But the wicked haven’t been appointed by God. They don’t have a royal scepter, nor do they have a divine mandate, or a heavenly blessing.

They have nothing.

It’s the children of the Most High who have the crown on their head, the royal mantle over their shoulder, the scepter of authority in their hand and the glorious blessing on their life.

Yet, it’s the devils who reign on Earth.


Because they have one thing: deception. They infiltrated the Church with deception:

“Don’t reign as kings on Earth. Instead, hide in your churches. Wait for a rapture. Look for Christ to return and He will fix it all. Just wait and see.”

Billions of believers fell for the bait. Easy peasy: just wait for Jesus to save you.

That’s how the wicked reign: they deceive the kings.

The rats robbed the royals.

But it’s about to change.

This is the time where the righteous will rise to reign.

Christ said:

"If you hear my voice and turn from your evil ways, then you will sit with Me on the throne and reign, just as I sit on the throne with My Father and reign with Him."

Did you get that?

Our mission to America and the world is more than bringing the people back to the Giver of life. It’s also about destroying the mind control on the Church, so the greatest army in the world will wake up and take their position.

When man was created, Genesis describes that the Eternal One said: 

“I give you dominion over all that I have created.”

The children of God were appointed over all of creation!

When evil invaded the world, and demonic hybrids - the nephilim - inhabited Earth, demanding child sacrifice, while eating humans, God instructed Joshua to kill these demons in human form, the giants who devoured mankind.

Did God say: “Sit and wait until I come and do it”?

Did He say: “Sing hymns and read verses until I save you from these monsters”?

No. He said: “Go and kill these demons. Deliver humanity from this great evil.”

The instruction was to go to war. Face the fallen angels head on. Take them down.

Like David who ran to Goliath, a descendent of the nephilim, a satanic giant who inflicted terror on all the people. But the little boy who knew his God, ran to him and took him out.

How different is the Church. How horribly different are the millions of church-goers. They rather sing “Maranata” - “Lord come and save us” - instead of sling their rocks into the skulls of Satans demons.

But Christ commanded:

"Go and heal the sick. Go and drive out the demons. Go and care for the poor. Go and establish justice."

When the children of the Almighty were created, we were given dominion over all God created. 

But we let the rats from hell take it from us. We rather betray creation through a selfish, egocentric rapture deception, then to lift up our scepter and reign with the King.

“Why are the wicked reigning?”
“Because the righteous aren’t”.
“But I never appointed the wicked to reign.”
“I appointed the righteous.”

It’s time to shake off the lies from hell and accept the mandate from heaven.

Let the kings arise and take their place to restore all of creation to its original purpose. 

That’s our message to the compromised Church.

Stop waiting for a rapture or for Christ to come and fix it for you.

Christ dwells inside of you. You are His army. He is in our midst. We don’t need to wait for Him to come. He is right here. We are His temple. We are His arms and legs, His hands and feet, His body.

He is waiting for us to finally wake up.

The Great Return

Please support our mission to America, to bring the people back to God and the Church back to Christ. This will be The Great Return! 

Return to your Creator, the Giver of all life. 

Return to Christ, the King of all life.

Return to your mandate to restore all life.

There will be a GREAT RETURN.

Not the return of Christ to Earth, for He is here, in us, with us, around us, in our midst. There will not be a great return OF Christ. There will be a great return TO Christ. A return to His presence. A return to His power. A return to His plan.

When the righteous return, they will rise and reign, and creation will be restored.

May it be so.

Please support our mission.
We need to raise 100k to launch THE GREAT RETURN.

Support us here

Together we can make history!

Thank you,
David Sorensen

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