Donald J. Trump was elected for his second term as President of the United States. This marks the start of a new era of healing, deliverance and restoration, not just for the United States, but for the entire world. What will happen in America, will also become reality for the rest of humanity.
Essentially, we are witnessing the removal of the grip of the satanic elites, and a liberation of the people.
What we have to understand is that, for the past decades (two centuries to be exact) a global system of satanism has been poisoning and enslaving the entire human race. We have explained this abundantly in many previous reports. They have perverted, poisoned, twisted and destroyed every single aspect of human existence, from agriculture, to religion, from finance to education, from science to healthcare, from entertainment to politics.
Nothing has escaped this invasion of intense, deeply diabolical influence. The result has been an increase of extreme human suffering, and destruction of the everything that is alive.
This era of satanic destruction of Earth and all its inhabitants - humans, animals and plants alike - is now coming to and end.
We are witnessing the greatest shift in the history of this world. What we are about to witness will blow our minds, over and over and over again. In the coming years and decades humanity will experience a transition from indescribable darkness to brilliant light. Death will make way for life. Deception will be destroyed by truth. Enslavement will change into empowerment. Sickness will end, and health will become the norm. And so on.
In future reports and films I will explain much more about this, and show how this as been described thousands of years ago in books like Enoch and Revelation. The cabal has severely twisted, abused and manipulated these ancient manuscripts to tell people of faith the exact opposite of what they truly mean, but we are now entering an era where their true meaning will become reality: the end of evil, and the sart of a whole new era of goodness.
Below you can read some of the first signs of this shift from darkness to light. We may think president Trump is the Messiah saving the world, but the truth is he is merely a mouthpiece of forces behind him, who serve the Lord Jesus Christ with all their heart. This is not a man’s doing, this is the Creator of all life, changing the course of humanity, once and for all.
What a time to be alive…
As we all know by know (who can still be ignorant concerning this?) the corrupt and evil elements in our world are called ‘Deep State’ or ‘Cabal’. The Cabal is the overarching power worldwide, that controls thousands of so called Deep State actors or puppets. These are the people in governments that obey the cabal. They are positioned to deliver the country into the claws of the cabal. They are responsible for most suffering in our world, as they are the agents executing the evil plans of the cabal, like orchestrating wars, plandemics, food poisoning, medical tyranny, and so on.
President Trump has announced to completely eradicate this influence, and radically clean house. What this encompasses nothing short of an unfathomable deliverance. All the other changes listed below will be the result of this. The end of the Deep State!

What most Americans don’t know, is that we have all been robbed our entire lives, by a British dynasty, called the Rothschilds. Yes, they are the ones who own the IRS, which they used to steal trillions from the American people. We were all told that our taxes were used for the betterment of our nation, but that was just the silly lie for the ignorant masses. The IRS was the greedy claw of the global cabal, reaching into the pockets of the people of America, stealing what everyone worked for so hard.
Trump will end this once and for all, and replace it with a far more honest and lightweight tariff system, that will lift the burden off of our shoulders. What this will do is make the American people powerful again, as they will be able to grow much faster with their businesses, become financially strong, which will allow for quick expansion and the fulfillment of dreams. This is nothing less than the start of a golden age.
We don’t fully appreciate how severe the censorship has been in America, for decades. We only saw some of it, the past years, since the pandemic, but silencing the voice of truth ahs been happening for many, many years. This caused the people to become increasingly blind and brainwashed, unaware of any kind of truth or reality, and totally dependent on the strings of the puppet masters, who determined what we were allowed to know.
The voice of truth and reality was shut down in countless ways, causing the weakening, impoverishing and crippling of the people. Because deception causes confusion, weakening, misdirection, and severe destruction, while truth lifts us up, gives us clear vision, restores our riches, and makes us effective, as we see clearly what the right path forward is towards a glorious world.
Abolishing censorship is one of the most powerful actions that Trump can ever take. It will shatter the shackles and liberate the world to see again and soar to great heights, unhindered by the chains.
Federal agencies were supposedly established for the good of the people, but they have all been infiltrated and captured by the cabal, to use them for the destruction of the people. Trump will stop this and turn them into what they were supposed to be: platforms to help the people become healthier, stronger, richer, happier and safer.

Trump was the first president in decades who didn’t start new wars. On the contrary, he ended wars and made peace with Iran, North Korea, Russia, and other nations. This will happen again and on a greater scale. Wars are mostly started by the elites for nefarious agendas. Trump will bring this insanity to an end.
Reform Food Industries
The decades of extreme poisoning of humanity through toxic food industries will be stopped. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr will be responsible for reforming the US food industry, so the people can increasingly become healthier, happier and stronger.
End Chemtrails and Geoengineering
Toxic chemtrails and dangerous geoengineering will come to an end. Again, something that has been pushed by the satanic elites to disrupt all natural balances and create mass chaos and destruction through ultra-hazardous weather modification. RFK, Jr has promised to end this crime.
Safeguard America from Global Health Agendas
US membership in the World Health Organization will be canceled, effectively sabotaging the plan of the elites to release a second plandemic. The WHO orchestrated the first plandemic in an attempt to use it as the excuse to install world tyranny and a satanic one world government. Trump thwarted that plan with Warpspeed, and now he will finish the job of liberating the USA from the WHO.

Unleash Medical Breakthroughs
Powerful medical breakthrough discoveries and technologies will be released that will restore millions of people who suffered vaccine injuries and other harms caused by the elites. After a long era of devastation caused by Big Pharma, a new era of great healing will finally begin.
Protect Children’s Health
The diabolical mass injections on newborns will be stopped. Children will no longer be subjected to toxic and debilitating injections, and will be allowed to grow up healthy and strong again, with powerful immune systems.
End Vaccine Mandates
All vaccine mandates for all ages will be stopped. Injecting ones self with cocktails of unknown toxic substances will become a voluntary choice, and will no longer be mandatory. In our future, this toxic, harmful approach to wellness will come to an end and natural immunity will become the norm again.
Remove Barriers to Achieve Dreams
Many opportunities will be created for the people to flourish and achieve their dreams. For centuries, the elites have oppressed the people, implementing countless roadblocks to success, in order to ensure that only they can be rich and powerful, and everybody else remains weak and poor. These roadblocks will increasingly be removed and the people will be able to achieve their wildest dreams.
Eliminate Government Corruption
Government corruption will increasingly be removed. Infiltration of the government with agents of the elites and the resulting compromise of all existing officials will be stopped.

Reform the Judicial System
The judicial system will be reformed, restoring true justice to the land. For a very long time, justice hasn’t existed for the rich and powerful, as all judges have been either bribed, blackmailed or positioned to serve the interests of the elites. This will come to an end and actual justice will be restored.
Eradicate Human Trafficking
Human trafficking, and especially child trafficking, will be eradicated. Children have been used, abused and murdered for centuries by the rich and powerful. This will come to an end.
End Blackmail Operations
The sexual blackmailing operations of the Israeli Mossad will be stopped. For decades, politicians and influential people have been lured into sexual activities with minors by the Mossad. These encounters were recorded on video and used to blackmail them. This will come to an end.
Preserve National Sovereignty
The Israeli agenda for a one world government will be stopped, and individual nations will again have the freedom to be unique, colorful, authentic and diverse, each with their own strengths. Collaboration in diversity will flourish, instead of destruction of the nations in favor of a one world state.
Promote Peace
The artificially created violence between Israel and Palestine will be ended, and a beautiful Palestinian State will be created, allowing Israeli and other people to once again live peacefully together.

Restore Faith
The Bible and Jesus Christ will be brought back into the schools and society.
Advance Humanity
Technological breakthroughs will be released that will advance the well-being of the human race.
End Energy Monopolies
The wicked monopoly of the energy companies will come to an end and free energy will be released to the world.
Reduce Government Control
The influence of governments on the people will be reduced and the people will increasingly be empowered to govern themselves.

Not all of this may be accomplished by Trump directly in the coming four years, but these are things he and his allies have been discussing and announcing. All of it and a great deal more (!) will happen in the coming years and decades.
Trump will lay the groundwork for coming generations to start experiencing a world without the suffocating grip of the wicked elites. A world where goodness and truth can reign supreme, and where evil is increasingly removed.
In essence, this means that Christ will return to our world. Not on a cloud in the sky, but by being welcomed again into our hearts, our schools, our government, our healthcare, our families, our culture and our lives. Not as a religion, but as the source of all life, the basis of our existence, the foundation of our society. There will be a shift from nations being governed by satanists, to nations being governed by God’s children.
This is exactly the shift that America is now witnessing with the re-election of Donald Trump.
Good people around the world will play a key role in the coming reformation of our nations. From the very beginning, the message of Trump was:

This is the beginning of the greatest transformation of all time: evil tyrants will be replaced by the righteous servants of the people. Wicked rulers will make way for righteous ones.
And it's not about us sitting back and applauding the things Trump does. It's all about us shaking off the chains of enslavement and rising up in our full potential to become the healers of the land.
We have the responsibility to rise up and begin the restoration of our land.
What happens in America will spread to the rest of the world. Just wait and see
Let’s celebrate and DREAM BIG ABOUT THE FUTURE!
Read that again: HAVE DREAMS! Dream big and wild. Think the impossible. Dig up those dead dreams of yours and revive them. Lift up your head to the future that is buzzing with new life and possibilities. Deserts will become rivers and wastelands will become paradise. But not just because of Trump. It will be because he ended the reign of evil at the highest level - and now you can start doing the work of restoration and rebuilding.
In the coming years and decades, we will experience what we never thought possible.
Keep praying, keep doing good, keep speaking truth, keep shining your light!
The moment is here - for the good people to arise and take back our world!
David Sorensen
Stop World Control