We can choose real life or a fake existence.
Nature and the outdoors is real life.
There everything grows, blooms, vibrates and flows.
You have adventures there, and enjoy them to the fullest.
You are surrounded by pure LIFE all around you.

The birds, butterflies, bees, beetles, the animals, the water, the plants and flowers, trees and fruits....
An incredible wealth and abundance of beauty, and just about everything is good, healing, strengthening and beneficial to your body and mind.

There we come alive, there we find healing, there we become as we are meant to be.
The forces of evil want to rob that from us and lock us in concrete prisons, which they call “houses".
They take real life away from us, and instead give movies and video games to fulfill the need for adventure, beauty and life.
The World Economic Forum, along with Meta, wants to teach people to “enjoy” “nature” only on their couches through virtual headsets.
They also want to close off 40% of all wilderness areas to humanity.
Increasingly, they want to keep humans out of nature and turn us into zombies who only see virtual fakes.
Choose to return to the paradise for which you were created.

Discover the joy of the singing birds around you, and the brightly colored butterflies.
Enjoy trees that sparkle in the sunlight.
Plant original heritage seeds, not genetically manipulated by the elites, and taste how extraordinarily healing and strengthening those vegetables, herbs, plants and fruits are.
Rediscover real life.
Get outside. Bike. Walk. Sit and rest.
Play like a child.
Nature is God's greatest gift to us.