In a recent post, we uncovered NATO's plan to start a nuclear war with Russia, which would have catastrophic consequences for the whole Earth. In this post we explain why NATO - the military arm of the international Deep State - is desperately trying to destroy Russia.
For the past twenty years, the global elite have been pushing for a full-scale assault on Russia. This was brought to light by the well-known journalist Udo Ulfkotte, who was the editor-in-chief of Europe’s largest newspaper, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. A few years back, he made a shocking confession to the world, stating that the media and journalists are completely controlled by intelligence agencies, secret societies, American billionaires, and other powerful figures.
Udo Ulfkotte claimed their main goal was to use the media to advocate for war against Russia.
Ulfkotte admitted he had taken a lot of money to “always lie and never tell the truth to the public.” You can see his confession in our documentary “BUSTED - Media Crimes Exposed”.
Not long after he revealed how compromised the news media is, Ulfkotte was found dead. However, his revelations sent shockwaves around the world and sparked a significant awakening. Thanks to his public confessions there is a tremendous movement happening in Germany and Europe, where millions of people are exposing and resisting the crimes of their governments.
Why are the elites pushing for war with Russia?
Why are the elites so eager for a war with Russia? It's because they've lost their grip on it. Remember when Russia was under communist rule? It was completely dominated by these so-called elites who planned to use Russia in their agenda for world domination. But then, in 2011, something changed dramatically.
The real Vladimir Putin was replaced by someone who not only looked entirely different but also had a completely different mindset.
The stark physical contrast of the original Putin vs his substitute, is shown in the following meme:

The original Putin was a puppet of the Deep State, groomed by the World Economic Forum to hand over Russia to the globalists. The new Putin, however, is a staunch opponent of their agenda.
Unlike the previous version, this new Putin has been calling out the global elites for their wickedness. Over the years, he’s revealed their dark secrets, labeling them as Satanists, cannibals, and pedophiles, while urging people to turn back to Jesus Christ. He’s also pushed back against their transgender agenda and proclaimed that their time of control is ending. You can find his bold speeches all over the internet.
The real reason behind Putin's invasion of Ukraine is that it’s a key hub for the global cabal's operations. You can find startling revelations about the true motivation behind the liberation of Ukraine, in this report.
The American Deep State had set up bioweapons labs in Ukraine, aiming to unleash pandemics across the Earth. Putin took action by destroying those labs. Plus, Ukraine was a major base for George Soros and other critical cabal activities. That’s why there’s such a frantic effort to regain control over the region. It also explains why so many countries are sending troops to Ukraine, trying to protect it.
Soros himself has said that losing Ukraine would spell the end of their civilization, which says a lot.
The international Deep State has a strong motive to take down Russia, as it’s become their biggest adversary. This is why NATO is setting up a massive Air Force base in Romania, right near the Ukrainian border. It’s the ideal spot for launching an attack, making Romania a crucial player in their strategy against Russia.
The scary part of this plan is that it could drag in multiple countries from around the globe. If Russia retaliates against a nuclear strike, other nations might jump in, escalating the conflict into a worldwide nuclear war.

This brings up the question of whether this is why Deagel, the military data platform, predicted back in 2016 that by 2025, 80% of the U.S. population would be wiped out.
The same report projected a significant decrease of the population in Germany, France, The Netherlands and other European countries in the year 2025. All of these nations would no doubt be dragged into a potential nuclear war of NATO against Russia.
It seems there’s a clear agenda to drastically reduce the global population, something the cabal has been hinting at for years. They argue that the Earth is overpopulated. The idea of eugenics is central to the elites' philosophy: they want to significantly cut the population to restore what they call "balance with nature." They frame it as a positive change, but the real reason is that a large, empowered population threatens their control.
A rapidly increasing number of people with strong faith, talents, relationships, intelligence, and creativity pose an existential threat to their worldwide control.
That’s why they promote things like transgenderism, pedophilia, LGBTQ agendas, pornography, harmful vaccines, pollution, and dangerous drugs. All of this is aimed at reducing the global population.
Calin Georgescu,
the Peace President

Calin Georgescu is a key figure who could disrupt the sinister schemes of the elites. He emerged victorious in the primaries for Romania's presidential elections, a country that NATO aims to use as a launchpad for a global nuclear disaster. Known as the Peace President, Georgescu stands firmly against the globalists' agenda for nuclear war and seeks to free his nation from their influence. Rising from humble beginnings, he has garnered the unwavering support of the Romanian people.
For the past year, Stop World Control has been backing him, and we are committed to assisting Calin in his mission to avert catastrophe.
Our connection with him is strong; we communicate regularly, and I have had the privilege of praying with him multiple times over the phone, which has allowed me to witness his genuine character. There are many unfounded claims suggesting he has ties to Russia, Nazis, or intelligence agencies, but these are baseless. He is a truly independent leader who places his faith in God above all else. His vision is clear: to restore justice and truth globally.
Calin spent 18 years working at a high level within the United Nations, where he witnessed the malevolent agendas of the elites firsthand. This experience fuels his presidential aspirations. After his electoral success, the Romanian regime annulled the elections, citing absurd claims of Russian interference. Ironically, they are the ones under the influence of foreign powers like Soros and the U.S. State Department, projecting their own guilt onto Calin, accusing him of high treason.
We stand firmly with Calin and urge you to pray for him and help disseminate this message.
It may seem improbable for someone perceived as a 'nobody' to rise to the presidency in such a deeply corrupt system, but with the Almighty, nothing is impossible. We believe Calin Georgescu embodies the global shift from darkness to light.
Thank you for your support as we take a stand against the push for global nuclear destruction and back the Peace President. Your support is making a real difference. The evil traitors are backed by super-rich, sinister elites. With your help, we can shine a light on their actions and change the game globally.
Thank you,
David Sorensen