We are about to embark on a mission to bring America back to God, and his truth, love, justice and hope. We invite you to be a part of this historic movement of unprecedented revival and transformation.
I believe with all my heart that we are living in the most important time in all of human history. And I don’t say that lightly. It is my profound conviction that we are experiencing the shift from a world ruled by evil, to a mankind under the reign of goodness.
A transformation from darkness to light.
This is the ultimate shift all of mankind has been longing for, since the dawn of time. A whole new era will emerge, where humanity will no longer be slaves of evil entities, but where the good people will restore everything.
Bringing Light In The Darkness

In 2016 me and my family were called by God to the USA, to join the worldwide battle for a better world. Our first landing place was Colorado, where we started Stop World Control.
The films we made ignited global awareness and resistance, and played a big role in the Great Awakening.
After four years, our course is being adjusted and we are being pointed towards California, one of the darkest, and most devastated states of America.
Hollywood has plunged all of mankind into indescribable wickedness, through the avalanche of extremely perverted movies that destroyed the minds of almost the entire human race.
But an incredible spiritual revolution is about to take place, and we believe there is a divine plan to restore California back to the paradise it once was, and even far better!
As I have explained before, the way to true restoration is when we return to the Giver of all life, the Origin of all that is good, the Wellspring of truth and love. We cannot remain disconnected, roaming about in spiritual confusion, thinking we will be fine.
We need to return to the One who transforms our hearts from selfishness to kindness, from pride to humility, from perversion to purity.
This will be the heart of our mission to California: turning people back to the One who gives us pure hearts, clean minds, honest ways, and healing hands.
We also hope to create beautiful Hollywood movies, that will turn the world back to truth, purity, goodness, and the Creator of all life. For decades the Satanists have occupied Hollywood, and used the film industry to spread perversion, violence, wickedness, witchcraft, satanism, and destruction to the human race.
We believe the time has come where the good people will begin to take over Hollywood, in the coming years.
The Calling To Help A Dying World

My calling to leave everything behind and invest all we have into healing and delivering the world, started thirty years ago. After obtaining a masters degree at the University of Science and Arts, I started my own media company. Companies were lining up, waiting for me to help them. I lifted them from obscurity and even bankruptcy to notoriety and success. For me, this meant a lavish income.
But then something happened…
One night I began to weep over the suffering of humanity. My whole being broke into a billion pieces. I wept for hours, fell asleep crying, woke up and still wept. I thought I was going crazy. What was happening to me?
My heart was being transformed. The love of Christ for a hurting humanity was being poured into me.
In a recurring dream I saw the streets of our city and they looked like graveyards, with corpses everywhere. On the surface everything was shiny, with flashing neon lights and brilliant billboards. But I saw through the veil and observed the true state of mankind: death, devastation and destruction everywhere.
The people walk around, yet on the inside they are dead.
Although I knew nothing back then about the cabal and the satanic elites, I also received a series of dreams about them. I had recurring dreams of huge black skyscrapers, from where several black expensive cars emerged, to spread evil to the world.
I saw demonic rulers controlling politics, finance, media - everything.
It became clear to me that my true mission on Earth was not to use my gifting for myself, but for the deliverance of this beautiful world, with its deeply beloved people, who are suffering under the oppression of evil.
Changing from a commercial business to a donation based ministry, was one of the hardest parts of obeying this calling. Using your gifting, expertise, resources and time for yourself, results in having all you ever need.
But leaving it all behind, to invest all your energy in helping a hurting humanity, raises certain challenges.
Why Am I Always Exhausted After A Long Car Drive?

As we are being called to California, one of the darkest areas in the world, we find ourselves standing before a vast ocean of impossibilities. How are we going to cross this sea? The first obstacle is that we will need to travel back and forth between Colorado and California a lot. Besides that, we will be traveling to other states as well.
Here we come face to face with a challenge...
As you probably remember from previous posts, our old Chevy Van from 1995 broke down, while we were on our way to California, to make the documentary on how Warpspeed stopped the FEMA camps. Your heroic response made it possible to get it fixed.
But it remains a 30 year old van. Not fit for the mission.
The past months I have felt a nudging to research something: why was I always exhausted, after I had driven several hours? Long road trips always left me crushed, the next day. Why?
I learned something that few people are aware of…
When we drive in a car, our body has to absorb billions of vibrations. The road vibrations and countless bumps enter into our nervous system as innumerable little shocks, that our body is constantly processing. That causes immense fatigue, after long trips.
I knew this was being shown to me for a reason:
“David, you are going to do a whole lot of very long distance driving throughout America for your mission. From Colorado to California it’s a 17 hour drive. You need to get a car that has a smooth and silent ride, so you arrive rested and not crushed.”
As I began researching, I found that this is extremely hard to find. Even many of the top car brands send those billions of vibrations throughout your body, all the time, leaving you utterly exhausted after a long drive.
Eventually I made a hopeful discovery: one American car brand, GMC, has recently developed a brand new technology, called Air Ride, which is a highly sophisticated air suspension technology, that eliminates these innumerable shocks and vibrations, and gives the driver a restful, refreshing drive, instead of draining all energy from your body.
Please Don't Get Offended!

Last summer I had an almost lethal health collapse, due to working on the frontlines of the battle against tyranny, for four years on end. My body is stil recovering from this. I have made a lot of progress, but my energy is very limited, and I need to wisely guard whatever strength I have. That's why this problem with long distance driving was brought to my attention:
"Research why you are always a complete wreck after a day of driving. Find a solution, because you are about to drive many days, and this could deplete you all over again."
We have considered using airplanes all the time, for our regular trips back and forth to other states, but found that this increases the cost even more, if you travel with a family of six.
This is where it becomes sensitive to some readers, and some might feel offense in their heart. We all want a comfortable car that doesn’t wreck us, but gives us rest, and I wish I could give everyone this blessing. But alas, I can’t, so please don’t respond bitter to what you are about to read.
If I had chosen to continue my successful business, thirty years ago, I would have Rolls Royce’s now. And Jaguars. And Bentleys. But I left that behind to fight for humanity. And I do all my work at no cost, whatsoever. My films and reports are top quality and I freely give them to the whole world.
I hope you understand the sacrifice I have made.
But for our mission in America, I know a basic tool is needed. A vehicle that will not break me, but build me, as I go to my next assignment, from state to state. For this I would like to do a fund raiser. Please, don’t be mad and respond in a nasty way, as if this is for my own pleasure.
It is for you guys. For this nation. For the better world.
Investing Wisely For The
Mission To Restore America

I have been looking online what the price is of a full size SUV with room for six people and professional computer and filming equipment, with smooth suspension. After visiting several dealerships, and testing a large number of cars, we found that one specific type of car has been equipped with exactly what we need for our long distance mission throughout the United States of America. But it doesn't come cheap…
My question is: what is the value of one single life?
A whole lot more than all the cars in the world. Not even millions can cover the price for the precious life of one beautiful person. Yet, we will use this to reach countless people who are all priceless. This is how I look at it:
What is the impact of something, on the lives of people?
We are planning on going back to California next month and there are plans for a next film in California, that will be incredible…
This film will document undeniable proof that there is indeed a worldwide Christian military operation ongoing, to prevent the satanic take over of Earth. This operation is ending the tyranny of the satanic elites once and for all, and will usher in a whole new era, in which goodness, truth and justice will reign supreme.
This divine operation has been aggressively slandered and discredited, to discourage, divide and disempower the worldwide army of citizen soldiers.
The goal of this film will be to establish, once and for all, that this operation is real, and it is the very reason why all the wonderfull things are happening, or will be happening soon:
- liberating the world from the satanic elites
- ending the IRS and income tax
- ending news media deception
- ending the new world order
- preventing the central bank digital currency
- ending the WHO grab for world power
- ending the climate change hoax
- ending the poisoning of food, air, water and soil
- ending election fraud
- preventing a one world government,
- ending Big Pharma crimes
- ending government corruption
- and so much more...!
This film will repeat the call to arms, which initially came forth from this military operation, to all citizens:
Get involved! Stand up! Speak out! Spread truth! Expose corruption! Become the greatest army in the world, to end this reign of terror, and do your part in building a better world.
The film will call hundreds of millions of people worldwide, who are awake but not yet fully active, to start getting powerfuly involved.
For this film I will need to travel to different states, to interview insiders of this operation. It will be historic and extremely impactful.
Invest In The Spiritual Transformation Of Our World

Please understand that I am here for you, for this nation, for this world, not for myself. Otherwise I would have stayed in the big bucks business where I earned all I wanted. But I was profoundly transformed by the love of Christ for a hurting, broken and oppressed world, so I left al that behind to become a missionary to help the people. That’s why I present this need to you.
Will you please help us get this vehicle, that allows us to move freely and effortlessly between the states of the America, for our mission?
We have all been so oppressed by the super-wealthy satanic elites, who kept mankind in poverty, while they owned all the high quality equipment, tools and solutions... while the good people always had to struggle with less then ideal stuff.
I believe we are entering an era where we will be renewed in our minds, as we realize it is the children of God who are called royal, not the rats from hell!
Please keep that in mind, as I mention the cost for the vehicle we found, that has the brand new Air Ride supension and self driving technology that removes all exhaustion from long distance driving, and brings you to your next mission, rested and energized. Plus it has the required space for our family of six, with room for our computer and filming equipment. The price for this vehicle is 105k. Now, before you jump from your chair, screaming in utter indignation, please understand the following:
The satanists who are murdering and poisoning humanity, like Bill Gates, George Soros, Rothschild and Rockefeller, fill the holes in their teeth with these vehicles. They spend billions on private jets! To them this is pennies.
But somehow many people have this weird mindset that the good people should always mess around with cheap, old, broken equipment, ending up crushed and broken. While we all agree that the wicked, who torture humanity and destroy nature, have the very best of the best, for everything they do, and sail on smooth waters.
It’s a strange idea we have.
"The demons have the best of the best, while the angels struggle with the cheapest of the cheapest."
If you understand our mission to America and the world, and want to help us fulfill this calling, then I ask you: please help us with this mission. America is an enormously vast country, which is the very reason why GMC has developed this vehicle, to make interstate travel less crushing and more energizing.
We will be driving a lot between Colorado and California, a 17 hour trip one way!
Our mission is to further empower the Great Awakening, activate milions of people to get involved, and calling people to reconnect with Christ, the One who can heal and transform us to become bright beacons of healing light.
I am also writing a book that will remove the satanic veil of mind control from the two billion Christians in our world, who have been brainwashed to wait for a rapture, instead of being the heroes who heal humanity. This book will cause a revolution in the Church, and shift their mindset from: "Help, we need to get the hell outta here!" to: "Hurray, we are kicking hell outta here!"
Be Part Of This Historic Movement

I present this to you as an opportunity to be part of something that will have a profound impact on the future of our world.
You will literally be investing in what I believe will become the greatest revival, reformation and restoration of this nation, back to God, in all of time.
Because that is the time we are in. We are about to move from deep darkness to brilliant light. This is not the time for short lived revivals, that die as quickly as they began. We are in for something humanity hasn’t seen before, and it will open the gates of the future in ways we can’t even imagine.
I mean: who would have thought four years ago that Robert F. Kennedy jr would be the head of the HHS, after promising to end chemtrails, and declaring to end the poisoning of our food, while Trump announces the end of income tax?
And those are just the first glimpses of a future so dazzling, you would call me crazy, if I told you more…
We are part of the greatest shift from darkness to light, in all of time. Please stand with us, as we play a key role in this movement. Because, most of all, the world needs to return to Christ, who is truly behind this mass deliverance of our world.
Please make a heroic donation, so we can embark on our mission to restore California, and shine a bright light into America and the world.