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A New Day Is Dawning—Are You Ready?

future freedom

Dear Friend for Freedom,

In the war for freedom, hope and a bright future I see a trend that we should all be aware of.

There is a dangerous attitude to label and all positive sounds as ‘false’, ‘dishonest’, ‘controlled opposition’ and so on.

Some people are determined to steal any and all hope, and cast a dark spell of despair on everyone, telling them there is no way out of this darkness.

Listen to me very carefully:

this is the exact same spirit, or dark energy, of the deepest wicked on the earth.

What do I mean?

The ultimate strategy of the evil ones is to tell us we can’t do anything and there is no solution.

Any and all activities, persons, movements that give hope, are discredited, slandered, ‘debunked’ and so on.

That is not the spirit of freedom, hope and truth.

I see this power at work in many who say they fight for freedom. But if all we do is cast a dark cloud over people’s lives, we are not helping.

We may even be guilty of their suïcide. For real. Because if we steal hope, we cast people into the abyss of despair, where death is the only way out.

So be careful.

We are not here to depress and frighten people into an endless realm of despair.

We are here to show there is a way forward, there is hope, there is victory.

I can also overwhelm you with countless bits of information to tell you the day of doom is upon us.

I don ’t.

My goal is to raise up people who see beyond the dark mountains and who behold a bright new day dawning.

That’s what empowers you.

I have received several messages from people who accuse me of being ‘controlled opposition’ or just a downright fraud, or whatever.

That’s sad, because it shows that some of you are so deep into the realm of darkness, that you have become unable to welcome any light.

Please step out of this negative mindset.

I have become very careful with all the articles that for example ‘debunk Q’, or ‘expose Trump’, or that say this or that person is ‘controlled opposition’.

Let me say this:

For the past decades I have risked my everything, and often lost a lot, because I stood for truth, freedom and hope. I waged war for people who didn’t even know there is a war for their life, future, world and beloved ones.
I have counted the cost, laid it all down, lost many friends, endured severe hatred, false accusations, betrayal, and I am still standing.

The fight is real, the betrayal is painful, the rejection is horrible, the struggle is tough.

But I have a purpose for my life, I know this is my job:

give HOPE, show the future, lift spirits and empower people to become the royal persons they are destined to be.

Please, be very, very, very careful with those who only spread negativity and steal all hope. It’s the same spirit of the wicked.

It’s from the realm of doom, darkness, and death.

The spirit of LIFE, FREEDOM, HOPE is so different.

This is what I use spread. The reality of the realm of deliverance and breakthrough, that heals, empowers and raises up humanity.

So please, protect your heart and mind.

If somebody is offering NO HOPE, don’t listen to them.

It’s EASY to show all the evil in the world. If that’s all somebody does, they know nothing.

They are just as deceived as the sleeping sheep.

A sheep that sees there is darkness, is still a slave. A person who rises up into the LIGHT and who breaks the chains of despair, and who shows the WAY OUT of the oppression, into the kingdom of freedom, and hope… that person is truly awake.

Did you get that?

The voices that bring HOPE, FREEDOM, STRENGTH and VISION are the ones where we mist get to.

The level ABOVE the dark clouds, where the true eagles soar.

Cast off negativity. It steals life and strength.

Be discerning and critical, seek for truth and reality, but don’t be negative and dark in your mind.

My prayer every day is: 

‘God show me YOUR perspective of everything, show me what YOU are doing, show me YOUR thoughts, show me the HOPE for the future,….’ 

Because I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that LIGHT WINS.

So I need to get on that higher level, to see BEYOND the dark clouds and see the HORIZON, that his coming closer every day.

I need to see this in order to overcome wickedness.

If we live UNDER the dark cloud, we cannot win. We have to live ON TOP of the darkness, to overcome it.

So please, guard your hearts, protect your mind, be selective in the voices you listen to.

There IS hope. There IS freedom. The wicked ARE losing.

What they are planing is their own downfall.

The concentration camps, the mandated vaccines, the imposed testing, everything,… they are so foolish, so incredibly foolish.

They believe they are untouchable, with their money and manipulation and their demonic occult powers.

But they are falling deep.

So warriors of freedom, know there IS light.

Also, be careful not to judge me too quickly if you disagree with something I write. We are ALL (!) on a journey, we are ALL learning every day, we are all blind in so many ways,… let’s give each other some space to discover as we are going along.

I have prayed long and hard for a bright light to penetrate my mind concerning all this and I can only say: The Lord spoke to me very clear, very strong and repeatedly that he is indeed using Trump as a major warrior against the plans of the wicked.

You may disagree and that’s fine.

But allow me some time to show you hope, victory and freedom.

Allow me to share more with you in the coming months. Don’t step away just yet.

Give it some time and listen.

We will all see there is a future for the world.

We are all on a journey and basically we know NOTHING.

We need help. We need a greater wisdom, a deeper knowledge, a stronger light to break truth our stubborn, silly, closed up minds, to lift us up.

I know that I am utterly foolish and unable to find truth.

There is way too much delusion, deception and darkness all around.

That’s why I humble myself every day, before the only One who sees all, knows all and who can guide all.

I have laid down my silly, dumb and utterly useless pride a long time ago, because I know: I, David Sorensen, have NOTHING to say to these tens of thousands of people whom I have to speak to.

We are born into this world as ignorant babies, who are then raised in an environment full of deception, lies and twisting of reality.

Even if we come to the Light, we are still very ignorant and unable to see clearly.

So I know how much we need need help.

That’s why I pray and submit all my thoughts, opinions and preferences, and say:


It’s the cry of my heart.

As a young adult I used to think I knew everything. Now I am 48 and I know: ’In myself I am not able to know anything. I may think I know, but then I miss a billion other things.’

So I have adapted an attitude of being a perpetual student, who is on an everlasting journey, where I know that every step of the way I will learn new things.

I may have to unlearn a lot of things in order to learn the right things.

The problem is when we find our strength, our security, our confidence and peace in what we think we know.

Then we will defend our personal beliefs at all cost, because it is our foundation.

I stepped away from that.

Again: please believe me when I say I am NOT religious. Not at all. I ride horses, climb mountains, drink beer, have fun with my wife and kids, we laugh hard, and we are on one great adventure. We sing loud, dance wild and enjoy life. 

I absolute hate religion, because it steals so much from people.

But I do know there is One who loves us more than we can ever love ourselves, who knows our worst weaknesses and who see precious gold in us, and who nows we can rise up to become so much more than we ever dared to dream.

I used to have a severe stammer and COULD NOT SPEAK. I went to psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists and nobody could help me.

Then I was asked to SPEAK IN PUBLIC, while I was a severe stutterer. I was handicapped. But I knew I had to do it, and I can only say: He who called me to do this, flooded my entire being with a power I had never felt before. I felt tingling and buzzing all through my body and I started speaking for the first time in decades, without a stammer and people were changed forever.

I saw hundreds of people be healed at the spot, because this One who love us all, came into the room and changed everything.

I try not to use the word ‘God’ because it is loaded with so many lies and negative ideas, but he is the One who knows, sees, loves and who is with us to bring restoration.

He changed me from a stammering, insecure, traumatized boy into a person who is speaking to the world.

He can do anything, if we humble ourselves.

If we are open and childlike.

Let me be very open with you: for a period in my life I dealt drugs, and was a violent rebel, because this weird wicked ad hostile world gave me no hope. I was the leader of a group of rebels and we stole from shops, got drunk and messed up ourselves with drugs.

Then something happened and I had an encounter. Yes, call me crazy if you want. But for me this is what changed everything and this is why I am now fighting for YOUR FREEDOM, instead of liven for my own pleasure.

I saw how the ceiling of my room vanished and I saw something I can only describe as ‘endless glory, indescribable power, boundless majesty’.

Words are not able to describe it. I saw eternal greatness, and a power that is beyond anything we can comprehend. Out of this eternal majesty two hands came down and picked me up, as a loving Father picks up his baby.

I wept so hard because of this incredible ‘home coming’. Friends at the Academy told me later: ‘David, you changed from a devil into an angel.

For me this Father, this One who knows, sees and loves so deeply, has become so much more REAL than anything else.

I didn’t turn into a religious nutcase, but I became passionate with a longing to show the world: there is MORE than what the lying media and the corrupt education told us.

There is love, purpose, power, healing… so much more than what the Rockefeller’s, Rothschilds and others - who have hijacked our society - told us.

There is a REASON why you are here.

And that’s why I do, because I know, not from words, but from personal encounters and ongoing experience there is a WAR being fought for you and me.

There is the power of LOVE and TRUTH, the power of GOODNESS and FREEDOM who is ON OUR SIDE.

And this is not an abstract, vague thing. It is a realm of friends and family, those who love us. And I am not talking about our earthly friends and family. I am talking about something greater than that.

Just like the ones who are seizing word control are deeply involved in satanic rituals, where they kill children to get power from this deeply dark and demonic world, there is a world of those who choose light.

I believe Jesus is the one who shows us this. He was hated, betrayed, falsely accused by… the RELIGIOUS LEADERS…

Get this please.

He was hated, rejected, betrayed and murdered by the RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENT.

That’s what we must learn.

Religion has always murdered God. Always.

They have always falsely accused the true children of love and light, because they crave power, they lust for the praise of men, they are hungry for money, they are obsessed with the desire to control, they abuse everything they get in their hands.

But the real world of light is not like that.

And that’s what we must understand.

Even the very word ‘religion’ is so satanic and corrupt.

It’s like saying ‘life, light, freedom, truth, goodness, peace… all that is part of ’religion’.

The very existence of the world ‘religion’ serves this single purpose: cast out the whole reality of the One who loves humanity to bits, into this weird corner where people shy away from.

What we need is an understanding that the realm of eternal love is not the realm of religion.


It are the ones who serve evil who have told us that living in the dimension of goodness, is ‘religion’. It is those who kill babies and murder the innocent, who have told us that us ‘heaven is for the religious freaks.’

I can say so much more, but please know this:

None of us was born to live without guidance and help from the One who loves us so deeply. We are not ‘orphans’ without a father and mother, who must wander around like lost souls, looking for a glimpse of light.

No, we are royal sons and daughters, with a much higher purpose than we can imagine.

We are destined for so much more greatness, beauty, goodness, happiness, love and wholeness than we can even imagine.

Let me say this, real honest:

I have seen angels several times. Yes, I have, for real. I have seen them weep for the suffering of man and it crushed my soul. I have heard them, felt them and danced with them.

Heaven is very, very, very real.

As a child I saw a man standing next to my bed, he was very tall, very muscular, very strong. He had golden hair, and a head that was a little square. Just a very strong appearance. But his eyes were so kind, I had never seen a human with such eyes. He took me in his arms and I went into different realm.

I can’t explain all I saw there, but for more than ten years I was afraid to tell anybody. Until I read books were people share their own experiences and I knew: ‘That’s what I have experienced.

What I want to say, is: we all know the movies with evil spirts, demons, magic and witchcraft, sorcery and the occult, horror, and terror, fear and pain, destruction and violence.

That’s what the dark side wants us to know.

But there is also a realm of goodness, that is calling us. 

There is a realm of love and freedom, that is waging war on our behalf.

They see our pride, pur ignorance, our stupidity, our falling down and our desires.

But they love us beyond our wildest dreams and they say:

YOU BELONG HERE, in the kingdom of light.

We are not monkeys that evolved into humans.

We are the offspring of this great, beautiful and powerful realm of goodness, that is far more real than anything you know now.

That’s what me may know.

You are not alone in the war for freedom.

There is more than the corrupt madmen in the governments and media. There is more than Bill Gates who murders millions for his own gain.

There is so much more.

Let’s be real and open, let's stop fooling ourselves that the world we know is all there is.

We are more than just bodies who die. We are immortal souls with a purpose, a mission and a destiny.

We are here to heal the world, restore humanity and drive out darkness.
We are here to help the weak, bind up the broken and tear down the wicked.
We are here to reclaim the earth and make it a place of safety for all beings that roam on it.
We are here to show the lost and desperate world: HOPE! HEALING!

Please hear my heart.

I believe and I see a future world where people will have stepped away from the lies of the wicked.

I see a world where ‘religion’ will no longer be needed, because the One who loves us so much, is the very heart of our lives and communities.

He will no longer be locked up in buildings and institutions, but be the very heart and soul of our entire lives, just as the blood that flows through our bodies and the air that fills all our cells.

It is normal to know there is a source of love, life and goodness, just like it is normal to know there is a source of evil, cruelty and perversion.

We have to choose what realm we want to live in.

That’s the very essence of the war for freedom and truth.

Much love,
David Sorensen

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