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Unveiling the Truth: How We Almost Faced Global Tyranny and the Forces That Saved Us

We are on our way back from California to Colorado, with the most mind-blowing, awe-striking revelations on our memory cards that anyone has ever heard. What we have recorded from the mouth of one of the most incredible people you will ever meet, is simply breathtaking.

In our soon to be released documentary, you will see how America and the world has been saved from something so diabolical, so hellish, so demonic, that not a single soul would ever believe such satanic insanity, were it not that we all lived through 2020.

The actual plan of the plandemic wasn’t what any one of us has seen, however. It was so much worse, so much more horrible, so much more deadly… we only saw tiny glimpses of the indescribable tyranny that was prepared to be unleashed.

The plan was to use the police and the military to forcibly vaccinate every person on Earth, on an ongoing basis, with multiple injections.  The plandemic was intended to last for many years, with endless variants dragging it on forever.

The economy of every nation was to be so utterly destroyed that every single small business would be eradicated and literally the entire human race would be left with no other choice but to buy everything in the mega stores of the elites, mostly online. There would be no more options. All the money in the world would have been transferred from the millions of individual businesses to the accounts of a small number of global superstores.

The final situation would have been simple: all of mankind would be plunged into extreme poverty, nobody would own anything, every private possession would have to be surrendered, and the World Economic Forum's prediction at the beginning of the 2020 plandemic (!!!) would have become a devastating reality:


We laugh at it now. This ridiculous statement has become a joke around the world. But it is what was about to happen for sure.

The actual plan, starting in 2020, was to have many years of lockdowns due to ongoing virus variants, in order to install ever-increasing tyranny and oppression “to keep you safe”.

800 concentration camps have been built across the USA alone, for the purpose of eliminating millions of dissenting citizens.

All freedom- and truth-loving people would have been rounded up. That was Hillary Clinton's task. After decades of preparation by the satanic cartel presidents of the elites - Bush, Clinton and Obama - Hillary was to finish the job.

If they had been successful, everyone reading this would now be either dead or imprisoned, force-injected multiple times, as the plan was to impose never- ending vaccine mandates for the entire world population. Australia proclaimed it openly:

“We have to get used to living with ongoing vaccinations for the foreseeable future”.

The Georgia Guidestones openly projected their purpose: eliminate the vast majority of mankind to “a reasonable number of 500 million people, in balance with nature”. An easily controllable number. Enough slaves for the elites. All others were redundant.

This is not some insane plot for a wacky movie. It is the official global plan that was started in 2020. The World Health Organization was installed to silence every opposing voice, and they did: tens of thousands of doctors were censored online, fired from hospitals, arrested and locked up in psychic wards, and even brutally murdered. Every single effective treatment for co-vid was outlawed and physicians saving lives of thousands of patients were fined, threatened, and banned. Today, I am still not able to use the word co-vid in an email, because spam regulations forbid the sending of emails containing the actual word.

Millions of people lost their social media accounts because they posted “dangerous misinformation”, or in other words “truthful facts that exposed what was going on”.

Suffocating masks were imposed onto the entire world population, and in several nations, more people died from police violence than from the pandemic disease. The Philippine president ordered anyone standing up for their human rights to be shot to death. African nations locked up people in cages, while in India police went about beating up everyone with long sticks. In the Netherlands, mounted police sent innocent people to the hospitals as their horses violently trampled them, while the elderly fled from their aggression with bleeding heads and faces. In Germany, children were dragged over the street by law enforcement and thrown in jail, while in Spain happy campers enjoying peace and quiet in the solitude of secluded mountains were arrested by helicopters descending on them like hell from heaven.

All this was just the beginning.

As horrifying as it was to observe these terrors, it was mere baby steps towards what was to come. It would get worse and worse and worse… as the plandemic would increase in severity, more and more deadly variants would arise, lockdowns continued for year after year, while the cases kept going up as radiation from the cell towers was ramped up. Millions would die from the vaccines, and the deaths would consistently be blamed on new variants, creating the excuse for ever-increasing forced vaccination mandates.

We all saw the first phases of the plan. We all witnessed the beginning of it.

great reset lockdown

Funeral directors like John O’Looney from England revealed how they were instructed by the government to label every death as co-vid. These directors observed how tens of thousands of elderly were mercilessly slaughtered in the care homes by poisoning, which was then used to tell the nation that they all died from co-vid, and now everyone had to be locked down and injected.

The plan was to increase this a thousand-fold, exterminate the vast majority of mankind and totally enslave all survivors in a brand-new totalitarian global police state, controlled by unelected elites, in a one-world government.

Earth would be total hell. With no escape.

Church gatherings would have remained forbidden forever. Social gatherings would no longer exist. Sports and musical events would only be online or virtual. Everyone would be confined to their small homes, from where they would shop, meet, educate, talk, and even travel with VR (virtual reality) headsets. All “for your safety”.

As horrific as all of this sounds, it does not even remotely convey what the actual agenda was. Words are inadequate to describe what was prepared to be unleashed on Earth.

One pandemic would be followed by another and another and another. This was publicly revealed by WHO virologist Marjon Koopmans, who said on Dutch national television in 2020:

“The WHO has had a plan for a long time to have a decade of pandemics from 2020 to 2030. This is year one…”

So why did the pandemic end so soon? Why haven’t there been other pandemics? What sabotaged their plan? How come we are not in the FEMA camps? Why are only 25% of all Americans injected? Who blocked the vaccine mandates? Why haven’t all economies worldwide totally collapsed? What happened that saved the world?


Silly fools say with an arrogance that displays their ignorance: “Trump is not going to save you!”  Fools! You have no clue what you have been saved from already! By the man you so foolishly mock...

Trump completely destroyed their plan, and saved the entire world from something we cannot even imagine.

He cut the pandemic short at 8 months, while the plan was to have more than a decade of pandemics, followed by an eternity of perpetual pandemics, masks, injections, tyranny, surveillance, camps, censorship, global genocide, and so on.

You are right. Trump is not GOING TO save us. He ALREADY HAS. In a thousand more ways than we understand.

trump vaccines warp speed

This is how you recognize the countless traitors within the truth movement. The big platforms and popular names who claim to fight for us. Instead of explaining how Trump saved the world, they all attack Trump for releasing the vaccines many years sooner than the elites had planned, which totally ended their agenda.

Thanks to WARPSPEED, the plandemic was ended in year one, instead of having it last for many years. Thanks to this operation, nobody went to the FEMA camps.

And Trump fiercely forbid vaccine mandates. The elites tried to mandate them anyway, in hospitals, the military, workforce… but they were quickly ended. 99,99% of mankind wasn’t mandated. Trump prevented it. By stopping it at the early stages.

Could Trump have stopped the plan for many years of lockdowns in a different way? Could he have avoided the vaccines? No. The people demanded a vaccine. The doctors and nurses demanded a vaccine. The news media demanded a vaccine. The medical organizations demanded a vaccine. There was no other way.

Trump used their vaccines against them, and exposed the intense evil of Big Pharma.

He prevented the installment of a totalitarian regime with never-ending pandemics and vaccine mandates. He prevented the FEMA camps. He prevented the eradication of free speech. He prevented the destruction of the millions of small businesses. He prevented the one-world government. And he did so much more…

Trump exposed all the criminal government agencies and is now calling for a complete reform. He exposed the nefarious news agencies and their crimes against humanity. He exposed the corrupt Department of Justice and the wickedness of the entire judicial system.

We have no idea what the world has been saved from. We have no idea… and this is just the beginning. It’s all just getting started.

All this and so much more will be revealed in the upcoming documentary I am about to make.

I can’t ask you enough to pray for me and my family as we make this documentary. The attacks when I started this trip were severe. All hell broke loose to prevent me from talking to the man who explained all the above to me. But your prayers and support pulled me through.

Keep praying, please. Pray fervently. And please support us powerfully. I have to visit this genius again, to ask him about the brilliant and bizarre strategy behind Trump promoting Israel so much - while he knows that Israel is behind all his enemies. Israel is the center of the worldwide cabal that is trying to kill him. Israel is behind the impeachments, the indictments, the media smear campaigns, the assassination attempts, the election fraud… Israel is behind all of it. By Israel, I mean the Rothschilds who are the heads of the worldwide elites. They built today's Israel and use it for their world domination plans.

Israel is the center of the global deep state and cabal that has been trying to destroy Trump in every way. So why is Trump supporting Israel? Because Trump's entire voter base has been brainwashed by the Rothschilds to support Israel. Because the entire Senate, Congress and US government have been brainwashed by the Rothschilds to support Israel. That’s why!

In a second program, my friend will expose the genius strategy of “supporting Israel publicly while secretly eliminating it”.

Please support us so we can continue. A church in Texas pulled us right out of the pit, with an expression of truly Divine generosity from Heaven. We can now continue our mission. But we need ongoing support. Please do something radically generous so we can keep breaking through and revealing what hell is desperately trying to hide.

Your support is saving the world. Do you even realize that?

Go here to help us continue this mission. Thank you so much.


Together for victory and deliverance,
David Sorensen

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