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Who Truly Rules the World? The Fight Against Global Tyranny

Countries are not actually ruled by governments, but by financial groups who control behind the scenes. They position politicians through media manipulation, thus controlling the people to vote for whomever they want. If that is insufficient, they use methods of electoral fraud. 

So the culprits are not just corrupt politicians, but the hidden financial groups pulling the strings. 

Every country is officially set up as a for-profit commercial enterprise, which is owned by these financial interest groups. Most tax money disappears into the pockets of these financial entities. Only a minuscule portion is used for the country itself. There is no form of control over what happens to the tax money. No one asks about it; no one is accountable. The ignorant masses just continually ‘donate’ a large portion of their resources to these financial groups by paying taxes.

In short: countries officially function as corporations that generate astronomical profits for the financial groups that manage them. 

For centuries, this has been a sophisticated system of slavery and exploitation of the world's population.

Yet, for these financial groups, there is still too much freedom for the masses. The population is growing too fast, and technological progress is enabling too many people to develop powerfully. Example: anyone today can make movies, start a business, network globally, and so on.

Humanity is increasingly threatening this small but powerful financial cabal. 

That is why they have set out a plan to radically transform the world between 2020 and 2030, taking back - more so than ever - all ownership and control. They want to take away the power of humanity and bring everyone into total dependence on them. 

A simple example: much of food production is still in the private hands of farmers. This is a major obstacle to their plan to own everything themselves. Therefore, farmers are being eliminated en masse and an alternative is making its appearance: instead of natural beef, they are building giant factories where insects are bred and synthetic meat is produced. The plan is to make the world's population dependent on this new food source, while eliminating the old food products. This is just one of countless examples. They want an absolute monopoly on everything. Just as they have a monopoly through Google, Facebook, Amazon, the banks and so on. Everything must be centralized in their hands. 

All of humanity's rights, freedoms, privacy, resources and possessions must be placed, step by step, little by little, more and more in the hands of a handful of entities.

Their method of accomplishing this is to orchestrate global disasters such as pandemics, energy crises, economic collapse, famine, natural disasters, climate change, etc.  These events cause extreme stress and panic, making people then willing to accept almost anything, if only they are delivered from these "terrible threats." 

Then the tyrants come up with their "solution" to "save" everyone: taking away everyone's property and freedom, restricting everyone's freedom of movement, taking away all private property, tracking everyone's life, controlling everyone's finances, etc. Total dictatorship. 

The golden excuse for doing all of this is that they are "saving the world",  keeping everyone "sane" and "improving" humanity. ALL of their plans are wrapped in brilliant, shiny paper with a golden ribbon, and presented as the ultimate solution to eliminate all problems from the world. This is why so many people fall for it. They do not think or do any research; they just blindly believe the beautifully packaged lies presented to them. 

The end goal of these various agendas is a world of all-encompassing slavery, where life for the great masses will still provide some degree of comfort - just enough to prevent large-scale revolt. 

This is how it has been for decades in China: everyone is a prisoner of a suffocating totalitarian system, with the brainless masses living as "happy slaves" in a giant web of control and tyranny. Anyone who criticizes "disappears." 

This tyrannical slavery society of China is hailed by the financial groups as the perfect system. Having installed it in China, they now want to install it all over the earth.

The struggle being waged by hundreds of millions of people worldwide is to prevent this from happening. 

Their plan must be exposed for what it is. This is not a wonderful agenda to save the earth, but a criminal plan to turn the earth into a giant open-air prison. The greatest crime in living memory. 

A global military operation is underway to stop this plan. Trump and Putin are each playing leading roles. I won't go into that now. 

The important thing for us is this: the people who see what is going on are tasked with opening the blinded eyes of the misguided masses. Our task is to spread truth and empower people to stand up against this plan.

This is the greatest war of all time, the moment of universal upheaval. Do we remain silent? Do we do nothing? Do we stand on the sidelines, allowing the whole world to be taken over by this small group that will subjugate everything and everyone? 

Or do we all stand up together? Do we all do what we can? Do we expose these criminals so that they lose their power, enabling humanity to make a fresh start without their tyranny?

The choice lies with us.

We have been standing on the frontlines of this unprecedented battle for the past years. Please support our ongoing mission to expose the nefarious plan of the satanic elites. With your support you empower us to continue our fight and break through worldwide with truth that liberates humanity.

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