They Want To Kill You!

The United Nations has an official agenda to reduce the world population to half a billion people. Survivors will be ruled by the elites. Learn how to protect yourself. Sign up to receive critical information.

Help Us Ignite a Global Mission of Hope and Healing

Dear people who love, truth, goodness and humanity,

I am ready to start a mission to America and the world, to bring bright light, healing hope, and powerful deliverance.

My family is ready to go with me.

Will you help us go?

We need to raise 100k to start this nationwide mission. We are at 10% of that amount now. 

Will you support us?

With your help we can turn America and the world back to Light, Hope, Truth, Justice, and the Giver of it all.

Make a miracle donation now, so we can see many more miracles in our nations, worldwide.

Be radical, so there will be a radical shift.

Your help makes the difference.

Support us here

Thank you!
David Sorensen

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