A message to all the Christians of the world
This is a critical message for all people of faith, in particular the Christian church. It's not a smooth message, but it comes from the very heart of Christ. Please take it to heart...
One of Christ's most important messages to us is that we are not here to sit and wait for a rapture or an escape, wherein we would betray humanity and especially the children who are being trafficked by the millions worldwide.
Our mission is to be the royal and divine children of the Most High, who bring healing and deliverance to all of creation.
We are not here to be cowards and selfish traitors who only care about ourselves, by thinking we get to leave Earth behind to rot, while we soar safely in Heaven.
Christ gave us the perfect example:
instead of remaining in Heaven's glory, He abandoned it and came down to bring healing to humanity. He gave up the comfort of Heaven to descend into the depths of hell to save humanity.
He is our shining example.
Our calling is to be the ones who rise up in this world with the blessing, anointing, authority and mandate of the King of Kings and put an end to the reign of evil.
God has not called us to just hang out and wait until we can run away from evil and be safe in Heaven. He called us to take a righteous stand and be those who destroy the powers, structures, networks, plans and strongholds of evil.
The children of God are saved and redeemed, set apart and restored, empowered and equipped for this purpose - to be those who expel darkness and establish the Light. In government, media, healthcare, education, technology, finance, business, entertainment, the arts - in every facet of life on this earth.

Our mission is not to abandon ship and save ourselves. Our mission is to save the ship and bring all aboard safely to shore. We are rescuers, not traitors.
Don’t think that our calling is to leave the world behind while we soar safely in the sky. Our calling is to bring Heaven down, while we stomp out hell. To reveal truth, love, goodness, justice, and hope to every corner of our world.
That’s why Christ calls those who reign with Him kings. That’s why Paul calls us kings. That’s why Peter calls us a royal people. That’s why John says we are kings and priests. That’s why Daniel says we are kings. That’s why the Father calls us His royal children.
Kings don’t flee. Kings don’t run. Kings don’t betray. They stand. They overcome. They reign. They end evil and establish good.
We need to stop being religious nuts who run from Satan. We need to be royal heroes who run towards the devil.

David didn’t run from Goliath. He ran towards him and killed him.
✔︎ We are the ones who must run for governor and senator so we can occupy the seats of power and bring healing to the land.
✔︎ We are the ones who must build media platforms so we can shine truth into the minds of the people.
✔︎ We are the ones who must make the world’s best movies, so we can plant seeds of goodness in the hearts of men.
✔︎ We are the ones who must manage the banks and the financial world, so we can bring wealth and abundance to the nations.
✔︎ We are the ones who must reform education, so we can equip children to become heroes.
✔︎ We are the ones who must become judges, so we can weed out wickedness and restore justice.
✔︎ We are the light of the world. In every aspect of what that means! Light in schools, light in finance, light in healthcare, light in technology, light in the military, light in the government, light in agriculture, light in the food industry, light in environmental protection, light in science, light in every aspect of this world.

You are the light of the world! Together we must end this reign of darkness and begin the rule of pure light.
If there is one place we should run away from, it’s the churches that blind us, bind us and bog us down with false beliefs that rob us of our royal and divine calling.
Know who you are.
Stand up in your true identity as a divine and powerful child of God. Shake off the shackles of religion and deception.
Know that Satan has been enthroned in the church as the ruler over God's people - to keep them from rising up as the kings of the Most High.
He has occupied the minds of the believers and shut them down, to prevent them from becoming the rulers who reign with Christ.
The devil is king in the church, where he twists and manipulates the Scriptures to make Christians into the most irrelevant, unfruitful and silly people on Earth, who have zero impact on society.
It’s way past time for this to stop. Christ is not irrelevant. He is no coward. He doesn’t betray the children. He doesn’t tell us to run for our lives.

Christ casts out demons. He heals the sick. He confronts the wicked, hypocritical religious leaders. He restores our divine identity. He empowers us with His Spirit. He sends us as the ambassadors of Heaven to earth.
So stand up. Speak out. The world needs you now. Badly!
When good people arise, there is nothing the wicked can do.
Because Light always overcomes darkness.
David Sorensen