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The Elite’s Role in Global Child Exploitation

There is growing evidence indicating that senior officials in our nations are implicated in organized child abuse.

In recent years, substantial evidence has emerged, corroborated by numerous eyewitnesses, survivors, and former officials from intelligence and law enforcement agencies, indicating that extensive child trafficking operations are occurring at the highest echelons of politics, finance, business, media, law enforcement, and the military, among other sectors of society.

Children are being exploited as commodities to secure influential positions, even within the highest judicial bodies.

The systematic exploitation of children has been uncovered as a core issue among those currently holding the most powerful roles in government and the judiciary.

Globally, millions of children mysteriously vanish, never to be seen again. In every European country, tens of thousands of immigrant children disappear annually without a trace, entering new nations only to subsequently vanish.

A retired youth care nurse shared her observations of how governments abduct children from countless families under the pretense of providing them with better futures. The parents often never hear from their children again, and she has noted that these children frequently end up in criminal networks or become victims of child trafficking and organ trade.

The multitude of testimonies consistently points to a global criminal network involved in the abduction of children, aimed at facilitating sexual exploitation by the affluent and powerful, as well as for purposes of satanic ritual abuse and organ trafficking.

This practice seems to be central to the interests of certain elites. Consequently, there is a concerted effort to normalize pedophilia within society.

The World Health Organization and the United Nations have provided guidance to numerous educators globally, instructing them to teach young children about masturbation and sexual interactions with peers.

This initiative appears to promote the normalization of child sexual abuse while undermining the safeguarding of minors. 

The WHO asserts that engaging in sexual experiences is a fundamental right of every infant, suggesting that any attempts to prevent such experiences constitute a violation of human rights. As a result, the WHO and UN seem to be positioning the protection of children as a criminal act, while advocating for the acceptance of abuse, even against newborns.

Given that this issue lies at the heart of the elites who govern our societies, it is crucial that this practice is brought to light across all platforms and organizations, ensuring that the public is fully informed about these developments.

Several pressing questions must be addressed:

What happens to the millions of children who go missing each year across the Earth?
Why do governments utilize child welfare systems to remove thousands of children from their families annually?
What led to the prolonged protection of a manual on pedophilia in the Netherlands by Justice Minister Ferd Grapperhaus?
Why did he decline to ban a guide that instructs pedophiles on how to manipulate and exploit young children?
Why do investigations into these practices always face obstruction from police leadership and government officials?
Why is there a conspicuous silence from mainstream news media regarding what is arguably one of the most egregious crimes?
What prompts the World Health Organization to advise educators to facilitate early sexual experiences for young children?
Why is there a lack of protection for children, even as many individuals seem to support the normalization of sexual abuse against these vulnerable populations?

For years, Facebook has been a primary platform for videos depicting the horrific sexual assault of children. Why has the platform failed to censor such content while actively suppressing voices that advocate against child exploitation?

Similarly, YouTube has banned numerous accounts of individuals defending children's rights, yet allows countless accounts that promote sexual violence to remain active.

Why are organizations like the European Union and the World Economic Forum, along with other globalist entities, advocating for the censorship of reputable scientists and journalists who present critical perspectives, while simultaneously promoting ideologies such as pedophilia, LGBTQ rights, and transgenderism, which have been shown to have detrimental effects on individuals and society at large?

Numerous insiders are revealing a disturbing reality: many organizations are complicit in the systematic and widespread abuse of children.

It is imperative that the public is made aware of these issues, and the media must be held responsible for concealing this information. Additionally, governments must face accountability for their actions against vulnerable children.

We urge all individuals with integrity—lawyers, judges, journalists, politicians, religious leaders, educators, law enforcement personnel, and others committed to justice—to unite in exposing these atrocities and ensuring that the truth reaches every citizen in our nations.

This unimaginable horror must come to an end, and those responsible must be held accountable and face the fullest extent of the law.

Everything we do is possible thanks to the incredible support of our readers, who continue to stand with us, so we can have a big impact worldwide. Please make a donation so we can see tremendous change come all around the world. Thank you.

David Sorensen

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