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A painfully truthful message about the fires in California



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Painfully truthful message about the fires in California

It is not easy to hear these words, but if we open our hearts for them, they can change us and make this world a better place.

I was feeling these same feelings..Palisades is 77% TDS patients... probably same in Topanga and Santa Monica. The rich live there. Elites and Hollywood types. God has spoken.

Thank you for putting this video up! I’ve been “awake” since Covid. People wake up!! He is 100% spot on!

If the home has a mortgage, and I’m sure most of them do, and the Insurance Company (ies) cancelled the existing policy, the Mortgage Company/Lender will find and place Insurance at the Homeowners expense. The lender won’t leave their collateral exposed to loss.

Fema also doesn't seem to help anyone with insurance.... so, we're high value homes selectively canceled knowing rh govt would pay out. It's also really odd timing to have California regulate away purchasing new motor homes. Sure, California bans everything, so it's not overly surprising. Still... seems like it isn't going to be helpful.

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