Are you concerned about the quality and safety of products you buy in the supermarket?

Would you like to
find a store that is:

🌼 Less toxic
🍂 More natural
🌟 Better quality
💰 Cheaper

If your answer is 'YES!'
then read on...

Did you know that
your life is dominated
by the monopoly of
one mega corporation?

Almost everything you buy, comes from one and the same corporation. This corporation owns all the major supermarkets: Walmart, Walgreens, Target, Costco, Kroger - and all other major stores in every nation of the world: Australia, England, Canada, etc. 

To make things worse, virtually all products you buy in these stores are also owned by that same corporation. Wether you need cleaning, cosmetics, food, supplements, household products, all of these products are owned by one and the same corporation. 

The name of this corporation is Vanguard. This investment corporation owns the majority of the shares of all major industries, brands, products, stores around the world.

It gives them an effective global monopoly...

melaleuca supermarket

Although you are given the ILLUSION OF CHOICE, through different brands, in reality you are forced to buy all your products from one and the same corporation who owns everything.  

This corporation has an agenda for world domination. They want to own everything, so they can control everyone. We revealed this in the groundbreaking documentary MONOPOLY

The main owner of Vanguard are the Rothschilds, who also own most banks of the world. Through their global monopoly this family is able to control most of what happens in our world.

They control what you eat, drink, wear, what household products you use, what cosmetcis you put on your skin, and so on.  

We see their domination everywhere: in every gas station, supermarket, pharmacy, we see all the same products. Everything you buy is owned by the same global mega corporation, which is mostly owned by one single family. That also goes for most brands in so called 'health' or 'organic' stores. Vanguard has been buying the majority of share of every company that is on the stock market, also the 'green' and 'natural' brands.

melaleuca alternative

As a result, most products you buy everywhere have one thing in common:  

These elites don't care about your well being or your health, but they go for maximum profit with the lowest possible quality. As a result all of their products are produced using the same harmful methods, adding the same dangerous chemicals, resulting in the same type of products.

Evil Monopoly

✔︎ Rich in toxic chemicals

✔︎ Genetically modified

✔︎ Void of natural nutrition

✔︎ Dangerous to our health

✔︎ Poisonous to the environment

✔︎ Low overall quality

✔︎ Owned by evil elites

This evil monopoly over everything we consume, is the #1 reason why most people struggle with health problems, fatigue, bad sleep, mood swings, anxiety, mental disorders, hormonal imbalances, and so many more issues. It is also the main cause for the explosion of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and so on. Our bodies are poisoned from the countless toxins we are absorbing in the low quality products we buy every day from the megastores, who are all owned by one and the same corporation.

A healthier alternative
for your daily shopping

melaleuca family

Is there really no way out of this? Yes! The good news is there is a better way than remaining a victim of this criminal monopoly. To be honest, I never knew about this, but recently a friend introduced me to a store I had never heard of, until now. Years ago a family decided they wanted to step away from the carcinogenic, neurotoxic chemical products from the elites who rule the world. 

This family created healthier, higher quality household products, based on what nature offers us. Products that work better and are less toxic. And... at a lower price!

Because their first products were more natural, more effective and cheaper than the chemical ones from the supermarkets, they became raving popular worldwide. This success inspired them to make more products. Today this store offers over 450 products, which they sell in 18 nations! Their mission is simple yet profound:

The Mission

To empower humanity with access to affordable, natural, healthier, and higher-quality alternatives to the toxic, low-quality products dominating megastores who monopolize the world and try to poison us.

Switch to a better store for yourself and your family

melaleuca family shopping

What this store actually invites you to, is to make a life changing and life saving switch from the toxic monopoly of the elites, to a whole new shopping experience with more natural, safer, healthier and better quality products - all at a cheaper price!

You no longer buy everything from evil elites who want to dominate the world, but you switch to a family owned business with a mission to improve the world, and enhance people's lives. 

When my friend told me about this store, I was - first of all - quite amazed that I hadn't heard from them before. The second question I immediately had, is: how can they be both better and cheaper than Walmart, Target, Costco, etc? The answer is simple: Because they don't use huge store buildings with hundreds of staff members, that have to be paid all the time. Did you know that the bulk of what you pay for products in supermarkets goes to the building, distribution, staff, maintenance, electricity, cleaning, etc? That means that you don't pay for the quality of a product, but for the massive buildings with huge electricity bills and insane managing costs. 

This store eliminates all those expenses, so the focus can be entirely on the quality of the products. 

And because it is online, you never have to waste your valuable time and energy inside the unpleasant megastores again. You can do your shopping from the comfort of your home, and conveniently receive the products at your home. That gives you more time to be with your beloved ones, and do things you actually enjoy.

is this store truly
so much better?

So, what are all the benefits of this better store? It's quite a number, actually. I have organized the most notable advantages for you in a nice overview. You will see that it's quite a no brainer. No wonder they have exploded worldwide... 

Why This Store Is
So Much Better

Instead of being forced to buy in the monopoly of one mega corporation, that literally owns all the supermarkets in the world, you can choose to shop from a family owned business, with a mission to improve the world.

Instead of buying super toxic products, full of dangerous chemicals, you can choose for more natural, safer and healthier alternatives.

The products work better, because there is a brilliant team of engineers and scientists behind this store, who want to outperform the competition.

The products are not produced by the industries of the elites, but are made in house by people who are passionate about their mission.

They are cheaper than what you get in the mega corporations. So you get more for less!

You don’t have to get extra stuff, but simply switch stores. Away from the bad guys, to the good guys. Simple as that.

Virtually everyone who switched to this better store, is so happy that they become lifelong customers. The store has a whopping 96% return rate! 

Where Can You Find
This Better Store?

Are you curious to learn more about this better store? Then come with us on a fun virtual tour, where we can show you everything about this store. You will explore the different products, learn about the natural high quality, discover how much you can save every month, and so on. All from the comfort of your own home. 

This is a true life changer!

Switch from toxic superstores from evil elites, to a family-owned store with higher quality and lower prices!

Don't miss out
on this information...