CRY FOR FREEDOM reveals the agenda to submit humanity to the rule of a new species of “humanoids” or “cyborgs”: humans that will be genetically engineered and technologically enhanced, to greatly increase their physical and mental abilities.

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CRY FOR FREEDOM – Why cyborgs won’t save the world

Important scientific studies have been conducted into the consequences of wearing a face mask and the risks it entails for your health.

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8 ways in which your health is damaged by wearing a face mask

John O’Looney saw how thousands of people were murdered in care homes, to start the covid pandemic. He speaks out to warn the world.

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MASS MURDER by government, witnessed by funeral director John O’Looney

Tucker Carlson interviewing Vladimir Putin could prevent the greatest war in all of human history. This is why…

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Globalists want to destroy Russia, because Putin opposes their agenda for world domination

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano warns humanity for the New World Order and calls for international resistance against this world tyranny.

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano calls for alliance against world tyranny

A Central Bank digital currency means that all your transactions will be monitored, your spending will be limited, and your money can be seized at all times.

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A Central Bank Digital Currency creates unprecedented possibilities for tyranny