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Who is the Antichrist, according to the Bible?

With every new powerful political leader hundreds of millions of Christians are on their hind legs, shouting he is 'The Antichrist'. Hitler, Putin, Obama, Trump, every new pope, and hundreds of others have been called 'The Antichrist'. But what is the meaning of the term 'Antichrist', according to the Bible?

The only two places in the entire Bible where the word antichrist appears is, in the letters of John. John was the apostle of the church in Jerusalem. So he was writing to the Jewish Christians.

To those Jewish Christians he said that many antichrists had come forth from among them. He explained that antichrist is anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ (= the Messiah) come in the flesh.

'Children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that an antichrist is coming, now also many antichrists have come up, and by this we know that it is the last hour. They went forth from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us: but to them it must be made manifest, that not all are of us.' (1 John 2:18)
'ho is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, who denies the Father and the Son.' (1 John 2:22)

Antichrist, then, was any Jew who rejected Jesus as the Christ, or Messiah. They were against Christ, hence the name antichrist.

Nowhere in the entire Bible does it say that antichrist is a single world leader. John clearly said it is a spirit, an attitude of the Jews who rejected Jesus.

Jews who were first part of the Christian church in Jerusalem, and who had left from their midst because they denied who Jesus Christ is. There is no other place in the entire Bible where the word antichrist is mentioned.

We all know that it is that kind of antichrist Jews who have been terrorizing mankind for the past two centuries. These are the real antichrists: the Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Soros, Gates, Schwab, etc. They are the kind of Jews who reject Jesus Christ. They fit the definition of what John said antichrist is.

Is The Beast From Revelation The Antichrist?

nero beast 666

Many confused Bible teachers have claimed that the beast of Revelation is the Antichrist. That is total nonsense.

The beast from Revelation was Emperor Nero. His name is literally 666 in Greek and he was effectively called the beast because he was so cruel. He allowed himself to be worshiped as a god. 

Nero introduced the mark of the beast into the Roman Empire. If someone wanted to buy or sell in the marketplaces, they first had to make an offering to a statue of Nero, which stood at the entrance to the marketplaces. Then they took some ash from the altar and applied it to their hand or forehead. That was the mark of the beast.

All the nonsense that is spread in our time about the mark of the beast, the antichrist and so on, is all based on misusing Bible texts, not knowing history, taking verses out of context, and so on.

Is President Trump The Antichrist?

president trump portrait antichrist

There are a number of severely confused Christians thinking that Trump is the antichrist, just as they have called every single world leader the antichrist. Once we understand that the word 'antichrist' is not even used in the Bible to denote a world leader, and is referring to all Jews that came out of the church of Jerusalem, who rejected that Jesus is the Christ, we also know how absurd it is to think that in our day Trump is the so called 'antichrist'.

The exact opposite is true: Trump is the one who is being used by God to finally eliminate the whole system of antichrist, that comes from those false Jews and finally set humanity free.

During his recent Christmas message president Trump and Melania stated that Jesus Christ is the savior of the world and the Messiah! They are followers of Christ and not antichrist.

On his personal commentary account 'Il Donaldo Trumpo', President Trump has repeatedly posted an image of himself kneeling before Jesus Christ, with the remark: '... and now we go to work'. He makes it clear that, before starting his mission as President of the United States, he first goes to Jesus Christ in prayer, to receive instructions and help from the King of all kings.

jesus christ donald trump

That makes President Trump the exact opposite of the antichrist. Trump is a devoted follower of Christ. 

Don't worry. There is not going to be an antichrist who will rule humanity. Rather there is a liberation of the spirit and influence of antichrist that has been ruling the world for the past century. Now the time of this antichrist spirit is coming to an end, at last.

A new day of renewal and restoration of our world is dawning. 

Thanks to President Trump and the massive team behind him, who all passionately follow Jesus Christ, the savior of the world.

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