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Something Strange Is Happening… Could This Be The End Of An Era?

There are two kinds of people…

The first kind believes anything they see on the TV or internet.

You can fool them with literally anything.

They don’t think, don’t question, don’t research, don’t fact check, and they will cheer and applaud any ridiculous BS they see on a screen.

You can tell them man went to the moon, the government can be trusted, food in the supermarkt is healthy, evil doesn’t exist, and vaccines are good for us.

They believe Trump is bad and Biden is good.

Why? Because that’s what the TV tells them.

They can be programmed any way you want.

They dance to every tune.

They defend the lies like demons.

They build their own prison walls.

They put chains on each others feet.

They are the happy slaves.

Then there is a second kind of people…

They understand how the news is 100% owned by a small group of billionaires, who use it to control humanity.

They understand how Google hides all information they don’t want the world to know, and shows mostly propaganda as search results.

They know governments are usually puppets owned by concealed elites.

They understand that true science doesn’t exist in our world, because it’s always hidden, and what’s presented to us as ‘science’ is often anti-science.

They have learned the need to do research, think for themselves, talk with friends, listen carefully, learn to discern, and don’t live based on what they see on TV or the Internet.

They value true friendships, quality relationships, honest dialogue, fierce discussions, humbly admitting when they are wrong, and the importance of hungering for truth.

The first group of people doesn’t understand the second group.

They mock them, laugh hard, humiliate them, call them names, and they will fight like wild dogs to defend the world of total deception they live in.

But something is happening…

The second group of people is growing every second of every day.

Because the truth is breaking through in the world.

More and more of the deceived ones are beginning to wake up.

That’s why in recent years you see an increasing number of people calling out the lies that are spread online, like the computer generated images of a new ‘moon landing’.

They are no longer the fools who believe anything they see online.

They know how computers, green screens and word plays are used to lie to mankind.

More and more people are waking up to how they are being played, manipulated, lied to, steered and abused by hidden rulers.

An exodus has started from the first group, into the freedom of the second group.

At first it is terrifying, as the safety of the control grid falls away, and unknown horizons appear frightful.

But as soon as the chains begin to fall off, and the eyes get used to the brilliance of the light, a new world of hope, healing and true happiness begins to shine forth.

Some hate it, as they are too addicted to the fake joy, the selfish lust, the evil perversions, and the lies of darkness that comfort their desperately lonely souls.

So they spit at the glimpses of beauty, the rays of life giving light, the sounds of authentic laughter, and they hide in their dark rooms, where they turn on their TV’s and devices, to be absorbed again by the illusions that have entertained them always.

But others embrace the warm glow of true love, authentic life, deep relationships, and connection with the Giver of all that is good.

They begin to grow and flourish, mature and bear fruit, in this garden of delight, where their roots go deep, and their fruit is healing even to others.

A change is happening all around us, and the sky high, unshakable pillars of deception are beginning to crumble.

The strongholds of perversion are starting to sway.

The foundations of darkness are sinking into the abyss.

A new day is dawning…

It’s time to lay down our pride and our fear, our prejudices and misconceptions.

It’s time to open our eyes and behold the gleaming skies, that herald a different reality, dawning on the horizon.

The roosters are crowing at an unbearable volume, to penetrate our dulled down minds.

The Earth is shaking with vibrations of deliverance.

The sounds of children playing loud and wild, is already heard in the distance.

A new world is breaking though.

Leave the Matrix behind.

Stop serving the satanists who rule this realm.

Drop what you are doing.

And lift up your head to hear the sound of rushing waves, and see the countless birds flying over your head, shouting into the winds of change.

It’s time to wake up.

Stop fighting. Stop doubting. Stop arguing.

Surrender to the new light.

It is shining and will become so bright, that it will transform every atom of our existence.

Please support our ongoing mission to wake up humanity with truth and hope. We are making impact worldwide! Go here to support us. Thank you. 🦅

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