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Are You Ready For The Greatest Awakening Of All Time?

The election of Donald Trump as the 47th President of the USA signals the greatest and most important shift in all of time, for humanity and the Earth as a whole. It marks the end of an era of indescribable evil imposed on all of creation by global satanism. 

Since the early 19th century Satanism has been on the rise, around the world. Their mission was simple: submit all of mankind to the rule of evil, enslave all humans and reign over them as tyrants. But make sure that nobody knows you, nobody sees you, nobody hears you. Everything had to be done from the shadows, so the people would be clueless to this operation.

Satanists have been increasingly poisoning and perverting every aspect of life on Earth. 

Food, healthcare, agriculture, education, religion, science, arts, entertainment, technology, business, and finance… all these areas of human existence have been completely infiltrated, hijacked, and perverted by the forces of evil. 

The result has been indescribable suffering in our world, both for humans and animals alike.

Defeating The Great Dragon
Once And For All

A deeply devoted Christian military intelligence operation, that chose Donald Trump to be their public messenger, is peparing the end of that evil era and the birth of an entirely new world. After preparing this operation for decades, this is what they will do, once Trump is back in office:

✔️ Eliminate the Deep State

✔️ End government corruption 

✔️ Stop the poisoning of our food

✔️ Makre agriculture natural and regenerative

✔️ Outlaw censorship and allow truth to spread

✔️ Abolish income tax and end the IRS

✔️ Secure future elections

✔️ Remove the US from the World Health Organization

✔️ End toxic chemtrails

✔️ Investigate and prosecute Big Pharma

✔️ Decimate the US federal government

✔️ Stop the Central Bank Digital Currency

✔️ End global operations of child trafficking

✔️ End Mossad operations to sexually blackmail politicians

✔️ Stop the agenda to normalize pedophilia

✔️ Stop the insane transgender cruelty

✔️ Stop destructive brainwashing through education

And this is just THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG. Much more will happen in the coming years. We have no idea!


All their poisoning, perverting, corrupting, infiltrating, and destroying of every element of life on Earth will systematically be removed, and full restoration will come.

This will cause a transformation of our world like nobody can even imagine. 

It's Time For The Deliverance
Of Our World

It signifies the end of the era of worldwide satanism that has terrorized all of creation. A new era is beginning where goodness will begin to reign on Earth.

After the liberation of America, Asia will be delivered and then Europe. The entire world will be unchained and released into a future of hope, healing and restoration.

We don’t grasp the epic proportions of this monumental shift in the course of human existence.

That is why there has been an incredible, international mind control operation to incite intense hatred against Trump, as he is the public figure of this plan to save humanity from total satanic tyranny.

Even in the truth movement immense distrust has been spread, to attempt to push everyone away from him. 

But we don't understand that he is just a servant of a much greater divine plan, where the true Hero is Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate Chief Commander of this operation to save the human race from total destruction.

We have always been told to wait for a Christ on the clouds to save us, but the reality is Christ dwells in us and works through us to save the world. We are His dwelling place.

We shouldn’t wait for Him to come. He waits for us to move with Him.

And we don’t have to be perfect. Just as Trump is not perfect. Neither was David, Noah, Jonah, Jeremiah and anyone else.

We are the instruments of deliverance for the world. We are the tools in the hands of the Eternal One to heal humanity. If we have the willingness to serve, be courageous and bring sacrifices.

The cabal is, however, not done yet. They will try some last desperate attempts to overthrow the world and submit us to satanic tyranny, after all. But everything they do will increasingly expose them, wake up more of mankind, and cause them to fall deeper. So don’t despair when they launch other assaults. It will all serve to open the eyes of the people and further increase the awakening.

We will go from the Great Awakening to the GREATER AWAKENING… and ultimately it will become the...


The light that will shine on Earth is something we cannot comprehend at this time. The coming decades will be revolutionary.

The future is bright and brilliant. Don’t doubt it. We will see the light break through as never before.

Please keep supporting us in our mission. Your support is what keeps us running, despite attempts to stop us.

We have overcome, thanks to your support and we will break through to higher levels of worldwide impact. Please make a powerful donation today, to keep us going:

Together, we make a better world.

Together, we do the impossible. Together, we cast out evil and establish goodness. Together, we shift the tide from darkness to light. Together, we see the Almighty work mighty wonders on Earth.

Thanks for your support and prayers.

David Sorensen

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