The nations of the world are essentially controlled by powerful financial elites, with the City of London as one of their headquarters.

Alex Thompson is a former officer of the British Intelligence Services, partner agency to the US National Security Agency. He testified before 11 lawyers and a judge during the historic Grand Jury proceedings, with the internationally renowned lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.
This former British intelligence officer explains how the British elite have always worked towards world domination.
We all know about the British Empire from the past, but this empire in fact still exists today, and includes the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, 19 African countries and the Caribbean. Their influential hand extends into virtually every other nation of the world.
The headquarters of the British elite are in the City of London, an area of one square mile in the heart of London. See map:

Map of London, with in the center the sovereign state "City of London", the financial center of the world and headquarters of British elites

Skyscrapers in the City of London, from where financial elites execute their agenda for world domination
The City of London isn’t governed by the British government, but on the contrary, reigns supreme over it. The City of London has its own courts and police and isn't challenged in its sovereignty and self-government. It rules over the Crown and most of the Earth. More about these sovereign states can be found in the World Domination Report.
The City of London is not submitted to any law, and is a perfectly safe haven from where the financial elites execute their agenda.
The British elites collaborate with other financial elites from Germany, Italy, America, the Middle East, etc. to execute the nefarious agenda of submitting all of humanity to their full totalitarian control.
According to the British elite insider Alex Thompson, who was raised in their boarding schools and universities, these elitists believe they have the right to enslave the rest of humanity, which they consider to be their "livestock". In their views, they own the population - body, mind and soul.
They "help" the world
with tyranny

These financial elites created democracy as an illusion to keep the people at peace, while in reality the City of London (and similar financial entities) calls the shots, and pulls the strings of governments around the world.
They use pandemics - and other orchestrated disasters like climate change - to further their goal of world domination. Psychological techniques are applied to get the world population to blindly obey their every command, under the guise of "keeping everybody safe".
The essence of their strategy is: create a worldwide crisis, and then bring the answer. The answer always means an increase of their tyranny. Less rights and freedoms for the people, and more power in their hands. Basically they bind humanity with thick chains, and claim it is for our safety.
Creating a new race of

Mind control has for a long time been at the heart of their strategy. After three industrial revolutions, a fourth industrial revolution is emerging that focuses on owning the minds of the people.
The deeper purpose of the vaccination programs is to edit the genome of humanity, and thus create a new trans-human race that will behave according to the desires of the oligarchs. Although this has always been the ultimate desire of tyrants in the past, it is in our time that technology allows the genetic modification of humanity to become the perfect slaves.
Essentially our world is facing a rebirth of the age-old system of slavery, which has been technologically upgraded to install a whole new level of all-encompassing enslavement of the entire world population.
We can prevent their criminal agenda, by waking up humanity. Once people understand what is actually going on, they shift from unquestioning, blind compliance, to intelligent resistance. This is the greatest fear of the tyrants, as they depend entirely on the mind control they have over the population.
The blind obedience of an ignorant population is the secret to their power.
Our job is therefore to inform the public. Exposing the criminal agenda, is what will prevent it. If you are able to support our efforts to wake up humanity, that would be a big help. Use this link to support us. Thank you so much.
The above statements are being exposed by the top experts from the World Health Organization and United Nations in the GRAND JURY EVIDENCE 1. Their information is confirmed by experts from the British Navy, the US Marine Corps, the UK government, the CDC, British Intelligence Services, etc.