These entities are willing to do anything to kill all of us. Why? Because they believe they are better than us, and have a right to squash other people.

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They want to kill you – seriously!

Do you know this inner turmoil, where you swing from excited hope for a beautiful future, to a terrible sense of dread as you see what is happening in our world?

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Do you know this feeling of swinging between hope and fear?

Here comes the titleThis is the subtitle of the film World leaders are promoting the replacement of the human race with robots and AI. They are also implementing a stifling surveillance system worldwide that will record every little detail of your life, even what you think and feel. Download this film for free, and upload

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Movie Template

The richest entities in the world are collaborating to end he human race and replace us with technological alternatives. This film will prevent it.

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⭐️ MUST SEE FILM ⭐️ Will this stop transhumanism and wake up humanity?

Why are billions of religious people doing nothing to build a better world, while evil is spreading all around us? This explains it and shows the solution.

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How demonic deceptions have rendered the worldwide Church powerless

America, Your Government HATES YOU, They’re Attempting To Grant IMMUNITY To Pesticide Companies  “I just came out of this subcommittee hearing on HSB 737, which would give pesticide companies immunity for citizens trying to file lawsuits against them for damages.” “This bill just passed the subcommittee, and it will take away farmers’ rights to pursue legal action

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Pesticide companies to receive immunity from persecution