Humanity has never been helped by people who have a negative mindset. So why are so many of us so dark in our mind? Why do we focus on the bad all the time, while we mock those that see from a higher perspective?

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Look beyond the storm, to the dawn of a bright new day

Millions have died from these vaccines, hundreds of millions are permanently disabled, there is no safety testing, there is data fraud, etc.

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40+ Critical Facts To Consider Before Getting A Covid Vaccine

A historically unprecedented mind control operation was unleashed on all of humanity, to manipulate every person on earth to hate Donald Trump.

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The worldwide mind control operation to incite hatred against Donald Trump

Scientific evidence that millions have died from the covid injections and billions may lose their lives. Full evidence based report.

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Vaccine Death Report: Scientific data reveals devastation caused by covid vaccines

Cities around the world are being turned into Smart Cities, where all personal data from the people is recorded, even what everyone thinks and feels.

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How Smart Cities will lock up humanity inside open air concentration camps

Julian Assange singlehandedly kickstarted the greatest awakening of the human race since the beginning of time, by revealing to the entire world how the US government is so evil, it is hard to comprehend.

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What Nobody Told You About Julian Assange

Former President Donald Trump announces severe legal action against censorship, and full restoration of free speech in America.

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Trump vows to take down the Deep State and return the power to the people

Pedophiles don’t produce offspring, and minors engaging with adults don’t become heads of large families, which will save the earth, claims the WEF.

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The push to normalize pedophilia

What if a president of a nation would stand up radically against the evil elites, and rebuild his nation so that the people will prosper?

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This president says “NO!” to the globalists and saves his country