Who is Jesus Christ, the person whose birth serves as the foundation for our calendar, and whose nativity we honor every year with the celebration of Christmas?
We have all heard about the most famous person in all of human history, who is also today by far the most popular personality all around the world: Jesus Christ. Most of us have heard a bunch of misconceptions about this man, and fail to understand who he really is. That is understandable. In this post I will attempt to explain who Christ is, and why he is important for us.
Jesus Christ is the worst nightmare of religion

Jesus Christ is, first of all, the worst enemy of religion. The prophets of old, who predicted his birth, were viciously persecuted by the religious leaders of their time. And once Christ began his mission on Earth, he was brutally murdered by the religious leaders of Israel. They hated him, because he exposed how wicked the religious leaders were. He called the religious leaders serpents, children from hell, and liars.
'You offspring of vipers, how can you, being evil, express any good things?' (Matt. 12:34)
'You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires.' (John 8:44)
Jesus Christ made it clear that God is not interested in the hypocrisy of religion, but is all about how we really are, in the depths of our hearts.
Jesus Christ was predicted for thousands of years

Jesus Christ had been announced for many centuries by the true prophets in ancient times. They kept saying things like:
'A man will come, who will restore the presence of the Creator amongst all of mankind.'
'He will be a humble king, who serves the people.'
'He will not use brute force or shout loud, but reach the hearts of the people with kindness.'
'He will take the sins of mankind upon himself, so we can all receive a clean slate and be restored back into relationship with the Creator.'
None of the prophets said Christ would be a religious nutcase, a cultish freak, or a dominant ruler. Instead, he would take the suffering of humanity upon himself, and die a horrible death, as he would take our place in the death row.
Jesus Christ was further described as a lamb with the heart of a lion, an eagle who devours the serpent, a warrior who breaks the chains of the imprisoned, and one who would open the doors of the dungeons of darkness, so humanity would be released from their bondages.
Interestingly many details of his life were predicted as well, like where he would be born, how he would be called, what he would do, what he would say, how he would die, and so on.
Hundreds of predictions about his life were made, and they all came to pass.
The Birth of Jesus Christ Is Celebrated Worldwide

Christ was born in the most humble of conditions, while being supernaturally announced to two types of people: the poorest and the wisest of all men. The poor shepherds, sleeping out in the fields, were told by angelic hosts about the birth of one who would restore goodness on Earth. And the wise men, who spent their days seeking understanding, observed a star that wasn’t there before.
They followed it, and knelt down before a baby they knew would become the Greatest King of all.
At the same time the ruler of the most powerful empire of that time, emperor Herod, a devil in human form (call him a precursor of Bill Gates) sent out his soldiers to kill this baby, as he knew his birth signaled the end of his own reign of terror.
Jesus Christ announced the kingdom of God

Jesus Christ declared that he came to abolish the wicked rule of evil, and establish a new rule on Earth, which he called ‘the kingdom of God’.
The Jews of his time misinterpreted this ‘kingdom of God’ and believed Christ was going to build a powerful military Israel, that would wipe out the Romans, and establish a world domination of Jews over the gentiles. The kingdom of God in their understanding was a military Israel that rules the world. Christ rebuked that idea and explained that the kingdom of God has nothing to do with tyranny and violence. He said:
'The kingdom of God is the rule of the Almighty in your heart. You accept his love, which changes you from deep within. This makes you a true child of God, a member of the heavenly kingdom, here on Earth.'
Christ also said the kingdom was not preserved for only a special Jewish elite, but it was for all people, no matter where they came from. That was another reason for the religious leaders to viciously hate him, because they considered themselves to be the supreme race, exalted far above all other humans, whom they called ‘animals’ and ‘dogs’.
Christ smashed the concept of Jewish superiority, by stating that anyone is welcome in the kingdom of God. The only criteria is if they listen to the words spoken by God, and obeyed them.
Being a child of the heavenly Father, has nothing to do with race, but is all about heart, Christ explained. The Jews were infuriated, as they saw how Jesus blessed the ‘worthless, filthy gentiles’, and even praised the extraordinary faith of a Roman officer.

Christ went about healing, delivering, comforting and restoring broken people, everywhere he went. When demons were cast out of the people, and the sick were healed, Christ said: ‘Today the kingdom of God has come upon you’.
Delivering people from demonic oppression and healing their illnesses, was the hallmark of this new rule of God, said Christ. He also referred to it as ‘the kingdom of heaven’ making it obvious that, as he was casting out hell, he was releasing heaven on Earth.
He never said this kingdom was for a distant future, but stressed that it was coming on Earth right there and then. Proclaiming the kingdom of God, was the message of Christ and his disciples. They called it 'the good news'.
Jesus Christ, the King over all of mankind

The most misunderstood aspect of the mission of Jesus Christ, has to do with ending the ancient state of Israel, and opening up the kingdom of God for all the people of the world.
The Scriptures are divided in two eras: the old and the new. In the old era, also referred to as 'the old covenant', Israel was considered the only place where mankind could encounter God. This had to with the fact that all other nations were worshipping demons, which included the practice of human sacrifice.
God wanted to end this rule of intense evil worldwide, and decided to use one man in particular to start his plan to save the world. This man had not bowed to this worldwide culture of demon worship, and stayed true to the Creator of all life. His name was Abraham.
God said to Abraham that a special people would come forth from him: a family of God's children who would bring healing to mankind.
From Abraham the nation of Israel emerged. The name 'Israel' means 'Royal Child of God'. It was God's plan to have a family of his own children, who would be filled with his love, so they could be a light to all of humanity.
But soon they became just as wicked and diabolical as all the other nations, as they also started sacrificing their children to demons. Through several prophets God warned them to return to him, so they could be his nation that would heal the world. But they killed these prophets, and continued their practices of extreme sexual perversion, demon worship and human sacrifice.
God announced the end of Israel and promised the coming of a new family of God, who would truly love him.
This new family of God would come forth thanks to a man who was called 'the Messiah'. It would no longer be a political, military nation, but a family around the world consisting of all people, from all race and color and tongue, who would truly love the Creator with all their heart. They would finally be the true children of God, through whom he could heal the world.
Ending the first Israel, which had chosen the side of Satan, and creating a new people of God was the very core of the mission of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ established
a whole new era

When Christ began his ministry, he announced the judgment that would come upon Israel. He repeatedly talked about the end of Israel, and the beginning of a whole new era. The city of Jerusalem and the temple were the centre of Israel, and Christ announced that both would be utterly destroyed. Even the last stone of the temple would be thrown into the sea, he said. You can read this in Matthew 23-25.
Christ's announcements of the end of Israel, has been misinterpreted by many, who claimed Christ was announcing the end of the entire world. But that is a ridiculous idea, since Christ was talking to the Jews about how they had killed the prophets, how they had strayed from God and how they would now be judged. It had nothing to do with the world.
Christ announced the end of ancient Israel, and declared a new era in which there is no Jewish supremacy, but all people are equal, and everyone can become a beloved child of the heavenly Father.
In this new era God would no longer be worshipped in a stone temple, but the people themselves would become the dwelling place of God. That’s why Christ was called ‘Emmanuel’ which means ‘God with us’. God was now present amongst all men, everywhere in the world. Every person, be it in Africa, Asia, Europe, America or the Middle East, could now encounter God, be set free from demonic oppression and enter the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus Christ made it possible for all people to move away from the rule of Hell on Earth, to the rule of Heaven in our heart and life.
Jesus Christ brought healing to all of humanity

After he delivered his good news that the kingdom of God had come, Christ sent out his chosen servants to spread it to the world. He didn’t commission them to start a new religion or some belief system. No, he instructed them to end the rule of evil on Earth, and deliver mankind from the oppression of darkness. He sent them as heavenly warriors, who would destroy the dominion of darkness, and establish the kingdom of light in the hearts and lives of people. It was an invasion of heaven on Earth, a breakthrough of deliverance, a mission to liberate the children of God from the grip of Satan. He commanded his servants:
‘Heal those that are sick, cast out all evil spirits, and tell the people the wonderful news that the kingdom of God has come to them’.
Everywhere these warriors came, they abolished the tyrannical rule of evil: they ended public sacrifice of humans to demons, dark forms of witchcraft and sorcery, slavery and oppression.Instead of these horrors, they taught humanity to love one another, care for the poor and the weak, and live in kindness and compassion.
These men were called ‘Christians’ as they represented Christ. Christ simply means ‘being filled with the Spirit of the Most High God’. The name Jesus means ‘he who brings deliverance’.
So the name ‘Jesus Christ’ means: ‘He who delivers, heals, and saves through the Spirit of the Almighty God’.
These 'CHRIST-ians' started the first schools, hospitals, orphanages, and they established a rule of love and peace that the world didn’t know beforehand. At the time, all cultures were embedded in demon worship, slavery, bloodthirstiness, torture, cruelty, bestiality and all kinds of magic and sorcery. They were ruled by demons, dark spirits who oppressed all life.
Christians cast out these spirits and revealed to the human race a whole new realm of love for one another, wellbeing for all, and justice for the oppressed.
Before Jesus christ, the world was pure hell

Before the servants of Jesus Christ came to the nations of the world, there was constant war everywhere, bloody tyranny all over the place. Human sacrifice was the norm, and a level of bestiality we cannot even begin to comprehend, as they stripped the skin off living people, ripped out their limbs, crushed them under millstones, burned them alive, ripped out their tongue, tortured them in the most insane ways imaginable, have them eaten alive by insects, put out their eyes, and so much more. These were practices that every single culture on Earth committed. It was dead normal to them.

In the highest cultures of the Aztecs in South America, people were sacrificed to demons, by cutting their chest open, and rip out their beating heart, while they were alive.
Even the most civilized culture of that time, the Roman Empire, who claimed to bring the ‘wild beasts’ of barbarian humanity some ‘civilization’, had incredibly violent habits. They enjoyed seeing people being eaten alive by wild animals in the circus, or gladiators chop each others head off, or burn people alive on stakes on the marketplaces. They executed people by hammering nails through their hands and feet on a piece of wood, and let them suffocate in the most excruciating pains.
Those were the ‘civilized’ ones! Imagine how the ‘wild beasts’ were, like the European Celts, the South American Indians, and Scandinavian Vikings. Brutality and bloodthirstiness, demon worship and human sacrifice, torture and every form of cruelty was part of everyday life.

The druids in Europe built giant structures, resembling a person, filled it with people, and burned them alive.
All those insanely evil practices were completely eradicated by the ‘warriors of Christ’ or the ‘Christians’. They expelled this dimension of intense darkness, and turned violent, demonized, wicked cultures into peaceful Christian nations, where people could live free, safe, and in happiness. Something absolutely unthinkable, before that time.
Jesus Christ started a whole new dimension of healing and hope on Earth, through his servants. Restoration of creation. Deliverance of the people. Hell was being driven out and heaven made its way in.
This is the Kingdom of God: people who are transformed on the inside, by receiving the love of a God of pure compassion and goodness, the origin of all life, and the giver of all that is good.
This period of powerful Christian influence lasted a long time, which the Scriptures symbolically refer to as 'a thousand years'.
Satan was released again, to deceive the world

This invasion of light and life continued for many centuries, and the state of humanity was transformed in an indescribable way. In the early 19th century, however, the reign of Christians came to a sudden halt: the ruling power of evil, also called Satan, was suddenly released again, all around the world. This is described in the last book of the Scriptures, Revelation chapter 20.
The dragon was unleashed in order to deceive the human race one last time. Why? Because humanity has to be shifted. After centuries of tasting what a better world can look like, thanks to the influence of Jesus Christ, humanity now has to choose. Who will we serve?
Who wants to return to the ancient demons of darkness and death, and who remains steadfast in the ways of the Creator of love and life?
Satan is called 'The Great Dragon who deceives all the nations of the earth', and that’s what he did. He unleashed unprecedented deception around the world, and seized control over every aspect of human existence. He did this through the wicked and evil hearts of men, who submitted their soul to his ways, and agreed to become servants of total darkness. They are called the Cabal, and Deep State, also referred to as the Illuminati or the Elites. People who received astronomical wealth in return for their dedication to this force of death. They would become the rulers on Earth, when they bowed down to this beast.
Current World Rulers worship the dragon

Right now, the world is experiencing this final unleashing of the Great Dragon, to deceive all the nations. We see his venom all around the world:
evil has totally corrupted every aspect of human existence, from governments to news media, healthcare, education, entertainment, sexuality, finance, and so on.
Everything has been perverted in the most evil ways imaginable. Exactly as described in Revelation 20. After a long period, during which Christians were the most transformational force on Earth, Satan was released again to deceive the nations of the world one last time.
We see this rule of Satan especially when we look at who the current rulers of the world are. Their headquarters are in the City of London, an area of one square mile, in the heart of London.

This City of London is the financial center of the world. It is a sovereign state, not submitted to the laws of the British parliament or the Royal family. Instead, the City of London reigns supreme over both, and is called The Crown. They are the true rulers of the entire world. From within the City of London they control almost every government. You can learn more about this here.

The sovereign area of the City of London is surrounded by fourteen statues of a dragon. This signifies that the Great Dragon or Satan is protecting them, and gives them power. It is a well known fact that the so called elites are Satanists.

The coat of arms of the City of London shows TWO DRAGONS with the creed: 'LORD GUIDE US'. They openly state their submission to the Great Dragon, who guides them.
There is however great hope, as it is written that their attempt for world domination will fail, and the Dragon will be removed from Earth once and for all. All who served him, will suffer a terrible punishment. This is described in the book of Revelation 20:
'And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.' (Revelation 20: 7-10)
Satan has indeed been released one last time, to deceive the nations of the world and gather them in an all out battle against God and the good people. That's exactly what we are witnessing: an unprecedented worldwide agenda to submit all of humanity to the satanic tyranny of the elites. But it will end with their permanent removal and a new day dawning over all of Creation.
After the final era of evil, healing comes to the nations

The new day that is dawning in our time, is described as a 'new heaven and new earth'. This means a renewing of all that God has created. The age of darkness, death and destruction will be gone and everything will be renewed.
'Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is among the people, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:1-4)
After God's final judgment over evil, deliverance and healing will emerge to the human race. All things will be made new. Not like in a fairytale, where a golden light shines and all is restored in the twinkle of an eye. What is really happening, is the children of God are beginning to rise up and execute judgment on the wicked. They are starting to take their place as the true heirs of Creation. Like Jesus Christ has said:
'You will reign with me, on the throne, as I reign with the Father.'
Religion has tried to hide this royal calling of God’s children. But the very purpose of Christ giving his life as a ransom for mankind, was to buy us from the grip of Satan and restore all of us to be beloved, royal and divine children of the Almighty, so we can be his servants who bring healing on Earth.
Religion puts people in a dark corner, and says: 'Wait for Christ to come and save us all.' The kingdom of God says: 'Rise up and expel evil from this world, because you are servant of the Most High.' That’s why religion and the kingdom of God have nothing in common.
Religion will try to imitate Gods kingdom, but it enslaves and sabotages the children of heaven. It binds you with lies in your mind, to keep you from truly walking in your divine and royal mandate and authority. It shuts you down and says 'wait for the salvation to come.' Christ said the opposite:
'Cast out demons from this world, heal the broken, bring hope and restoration, proclaim justice, and establish my kingdom.'
Religion and Christ have nothing in common. That’s why religion hates this message and religion has always killed the true messengers of Christ. Religion makes people the most irrelevant people on Earth, while the kingdom of God makes us the most powerful influence on Earth.

An essential part of the renewing of heaven and earth, is that the wicked rulers are being replaced with righteous servants. The children of Satan fall down and the children of God rise up. The servants of darkness have destroyed humanity and creation, but the sons of the light will restore it, with the presence of God in their midst.
who is jesus christ? The one who saves this world!

Who is Jesus Christ? He is the one who came to Earth to save humanity from destruction and death. Not by establishing a religion, but by abolishing the wicked rule of false religious leaders and revealing the rule of God on our hearts. Religion changes people superficially and puts all attention on the outward appearance.
Christ changes us from us the inside out, and we become authentic, and truly transformed.
When I came from darkness, drugs, and violence to Christ, in my young years, my friends were stunned, and said: 'David you have changed from a devil into an angel.' That’s is what Christ does, and what religion hates. Religion is about wearing the right clothes, resting on a certain day, burning candles, singing particular words, talking a certain way…. But Christ is the exact opposite of all that.
Religion pushed the world away from Christ, but when we encounter him as he is, we leave all else behind to follow this expression of such intense love, truth, goodness, and mercy. This roaring lion who devours the serpents of this world, the burning flame that destroys the works of the wicked. This mighty ruler who reigns over all, through love and truth. And this humble man whom nobody recognizes as he cares for the poor and the broken.
Jesus christ is not a religion, but pure life & love

We are not called to a religion, which is fake, superficial, and which incites hatred. Religious people are the most selfish, hypocritical, spiteful, judgmental, and harsh people there are. Throughout the ages religions have murdered one another in the most brutal ways possible. But Christ welcomes all people, all breeds, all races, all cultures, all descendants, all beliefs into his arms, and cleanses us from our own hidden darkness, with his blood that he gave as a ransom for mankind.
He forgives all our mistakes and flaws, and gives us a brand new heart and identity, so we become living expressions of Heaven on Earth.
He doesn’t say: become a weird religious nut. He says: welcome My love into your heart. Receive my truth in our mind. Be filled with my Spirit that revives and renews you from deep within. And walk every day on my hand, so we can restore the world, one person at a time, by being merciful, truthful, courageous and true.
He is the one walking in our midst, to bring truth to humanity.
He is the voice speaking to our hearts to wake up and understand what is going on. He is the light illuminating us, and calling us to a future of hope and healing.
He is not a religion, but he is a reality.
How to encounter Jesus christ in your own life

How can we experience the presence and love of Jesus Christ in a real way in our own daily lives? It is very simple. Just understand the concept of a relationship: pay attention to him, talk to him, listen to him, enjoy his presence, set time apart to be with him. It starts with welcoming him into your life, just as you would invite a friend. You can, for example, simply pray the following:
'Jesus Christ, I ask you to fill my heart and mind, cleanse me from within and fill me with the Spirit of God.'
I welcome him every day, and I thank him for being with me, around me, inside of me, and guiding me. I ask him to fill me with his Spirit, give me wisdom, clean me from all evil, and make me more like him: a person full of love and goodness.
As we walk with him in a very real, heartfelt, daily way, he will begin to change us from within and people will notice it.
Once I shared this message with a medical doctor. I said: 'Just ask Jesus to fill you with his Spirit every day, and will heal your patients trough you.' Several weeks later, I talked again to this naturopathic doctor, and he said: 'David, I am praying every day now and welcome the Holy Spirit to help me. Sometimes I feel a sensation of power all over me. When I have consultations now with patients, I suddenly understand them much better and receive wisdom I never had before, to help them.' That made me jump for joy.
Jesus is not a golden cathedral, a shiny statue, or a nice hymn. Christ is here, in our raw, unpolished lives, and when we ask him to help us, he does. Just be real as a child, and allow him to fill your hear with his love. That’s the most glorious awakening humanity can ever have.
Come home in the warm embrace of the Giver of all life, who gave his own life, to heal us deep in our hearts. Then we become his expression of healing to others.
May his love change all of us from selfish liars, into heroes who give it all for a hurting world. Let’s join Christ in his mission to heal humanity, and build a better world, where all things will be made new.
what about the
return of Jesus christ?

Where does the return of Jesus Christ fit into all of this? You will find the highly revealing answer in this report, which is the result of studying this topic for over fifteen years. Just as with so many things in this world, the truth is often not what we have been told. If you are hungry and have an honest heart to see what Jesus Christ himself truly said about his so called 'second coming', then this historic report will make you jump for joy.
Take some time to read it attentively, so you can understand what the Bible truly says about the return of Christ.