Do you know this inner turmoil, where you swing from excited hope for a beautiful future, to a terrible sense of dread as you see what is happening in our world?

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Do you know this feeling of swinging between hope and fear?

The United Nations are being unmasked as a compromised organization, run by criminal oligarchs, who use it to enrich themselves and enslave humanity.

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Dark Secrets of the United Nations Revealed By Top Official

The World Health Organization has issued a document to authorities instructing them to teach little children “early childhood masturbation”.

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“Children should have sex partners” – The UN agenda to normalize pedophilia

Vanguard is the one entity in the world that virtually owns all the big industries in the world, be it pharmaceutical, news media, insurance, hospitals, technology, travel, food, mining, gas, oil, banking, and so on.

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Virtually everything in our world is owned by a single corporation