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Our documentaires are playing a key role in the Great Awakening, the greatest movement in the history of our world. Humanity is finally waking up, and a shift from darkness to light is happening. Watch our films with friends and share them anywhere you want.

The End Of Humanity

World leaders are pushing for the replacement of the human race with cyborgs and humanoid robots, which will be controlled by AI. They are also implementing a high tech surveillance system that will record everything you think, feel and dream. 

MONOPOLY - Who owns the world? 

Virtually everything on earth is owned by one and the same corporation. This monopoly gives them the power to control governments, impose vaccine mandates and enslave humanity. 

warpspeed stopped the fema camps

warpspeed stopped the FEMA camps

Have you ever struggled with Operation Warpspeed? President Trump is for freedom and for humanity, so why did he release those vaccines? This film answers your questions, and will seriously blow your mind... 

The Mystery of israel

The founders of Israel have a plan to make the Holy Land the headquarters of a future Jewish One World State. Watch this film to see how their plan is developing. This is what the whole world needs to know...

secrets united nations

Secrets of the united nations

The United Nations claims to save the world, but Calin Georgescu, a top official who worked at a high level in the UN for 18 years, reveals how this organization is controlled by criminal elites, who use it to establish their control over the entire world. 

forbidden cure - Andreas Kalcker CDS

Forbidden cure

Chlorine dioxide or CDS is called "The Universal Antidote" by NASA, because it destroys all pathogens. It cured 100% of covid patients during the pandemic, in Bolivia. It's the ultimate substance to keep you healthy. Why is this hidden from you?

Dr Carrie Madej - Transhumanism and vaccines

the battle for humanity

World renowned medical expert Dr Carrie Madej reveals how Big Tech collaborates with Big Pharma to introduce technologies in new vaccines that alter our DNA and turn us into hybrids. The goal is to end humanity as we know it, and start the process of transhumanism: HUMAN 2.0

BUSTED! Media Crimes exposed

BUSTED contains leaked footage and whistleblower confessions that reveal how the criminal media, corrupt scientists and wicked governments strategically plan to deceive the public. 

the plan film


A WHO virologist revealed on national television that they had a plan for a long time, to have a decade of pandemics from 2020 to 2030. Covid was only the first one, she says. What is the next pandemic? 

money murder hospitals

money & murder in hospitals

Physicians and nurses receive astronomical financial incentives when they use certain protocols that are known to kill patients. This heart wrenching documentary reveals one of the worst crimes in our world, and it happens on a massive scale, worldwide.

We have the evidence

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and a worldwide network of lawyers has interviewed hundreds of experts from every field of science. They have undeniable evidence that pandemics are planned operations.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko


The world-renowned Physician of Presidents, and nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko takes a BIG RISK by speaking out fearlessly about the devastating destruction the current vaccinations are causing worldwide.

We have the evidence

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and a worldwide network of lawyers has interviewed hundreds of experts from every field of science. They have undeniable evidence that pandemics are planned operations.

Funeral Director Witnesses Mass Murder By Government


Funeral director John O’Looney observed how thousands of vulnerable people were murdered in care homes in order to start the covid pandemic in the United Kingdom. He was contacted by a government official who instructed him to label every natural death as covid. 

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Our Mission

Stop World Control is on a mission to end the rule of evil over humanity and open the way to a BETTER WORLD, WHERE ALL PEOPLE LIVE IN ABUNDANCE, PEACE AND HAPPINESS. For this purpose we expose hidden criminal operations by corrupt governments and financial elites. We also reveal the agenda for world domination by the United Nations and World Economic Forum, who pose as saviors of the world, but in reality enslave mankind. Please support our mission and share this website. Follow us on X, by clicking the icon.