God is the source of all life. The Creator of all the magnificent wonders in nature. The giver of all that is good. The judge of all people. The directive for our lives.
It is he who calls us to live in truth and love and to turn away from selfishness and wickedness. He teaches people to love and forgive one another. He fights injustice and calls us to bring justice to the earth.

He made the earth to be a place of purity, joy, health, happiness and goodness.
In God there is no place for injustice or evil. He consumes evil with a fire that nothing can extinguish. He is the great fear of the powers of darkness. And he is the intense joy of all who do good.
He extends his hands with forgiveness to all who sincerely come to him. He gives a new beginning. He removes our past and gives us a new heart. A heart that he himself places inside of us. A heart of love and goodness.
God is not a religion, but a reality.
He is the most hated being there is, because he sees all the hidden dishonesty and selfishness in people's hearts. That makes people furious. They don't want their evil inner self to be exposed.
Everyone wants to pretend that they are good. But in the light of God, it shows how evil our hearts are at the deepest level. Deep down we live only for ourselves and do not really care about others in need.

God gives us the invitation to come into his light where we recognize what our hearts are really like. When we acknowledge that, we receive forgiveness and he gives us a new heart.
Then we are no longer afraid of God or angry with Him. Then we are grateful and joyful. Because we know that acknowledging our own faults frees us from them. Then we become new.
God has not hidden himself from humanity. Throughout the ages, he sent his spokesmen again and again. We call them prophets. Their message was always the same:
turn away from your wrong ways and return to the Creator. Live in his love and goodness.
Through all times, God's spokesmen were invariably rejected. People do not want to hear that they need to change. They only want to hear that they are just fine. That is why most of God's prophets were killed and the others rejected. Man does not want to be called to repentance.

Finally, God showed himself in the most perfect way by sending Jesus Christ. Jesus who was hated and feared by the religious leaders. He exposed the spiritual leaders as egoists full of pride who live only for their own honor. They will do anything to impress people. They want to be considered “exalted” by everyone. But they have no love for ordinary people. Only love for themselves. Jesus exposed their egotistic hearts and as a rest was fiercely hated by them.
But he healed all the sick people and cast out demons from them. He showed that God is a loving Father who wants us back in his arms of love. Those who are prideful cannot receive it. But those with humble hearts experience the tremendous love Jesus has for us.
Jesus did the unthinkable that no one ever thought possible. He gave his own life as a ransom for humanity. Even for the people who seek evil and run after their own honor. The people who pride themselves and claim to be goodness itself. The people who think they don't need God. Jesus died for all of us. He took the punishment we deserved. That was unthinkable. Unbelievable. But he did it.
In this way, he took away all the obstacles that stand between God and man. Our guilt has been removed. We can go to the Heavenly Father without fear or shame, who wants to embrace us as his precious children.
God is not a religion. He is pure love. Pure truth. True freedom. Abundant life. Deep peace. Intense happiness. Complete healing. Hope for the future. Courage to persevere. Faith to overcome. He is all we need.
Don't fight against him. Don't fight against your Savior. Don't oppose him who gave himself for you.
Jesus did not come to establish a religion. He came to bring people back to the Father who is pure love and goodness. He came to take away the darkness from us and open a new future for us.

For God has a dream for this world. A dream of restoration of all creation and liberation of humanity.
A new world full of goodness, truth, love and peace. A future without evil and injustice. No more deception that blinds everyone, but truth that opens all people's eyes. No more dark clouds full of sorrow, but a radiant light of happiness and joy.
That is God's dream for our world. That is what he calls us to.
Not later, but he begins in our own hearts.
Here and now.