World famous trial lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich says he, and dozens of lawyers worldwide, have all the evidence that the pandemic is a crime against humanity.

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Scientific evidence that covid is a crime – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

Election fraud destroys your voice, and is used to steal all rights and freedoms from the people. Here’s how you can defend yourself…

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How nations around the world conspired to steal the 2020 US elections

Big Tech collaborates with Big Pharma to create vaccines that inject nanotechnology into humans, starting the process of transhumanism, says Dr. Madej

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Vaccines insert nanobots in our bodies, turning us into HUMAN 2.0, says Dr. Madej

Full report of the plan to seize control over all of humanity, under the guise of covid-measures. This comprehensive overview will open your eyes for what is really going on.

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How the pandemic is being used to implement worldwide tyranny